Što smo danas tržili na stranim tržištima kapitala?

Naslovnica Forum Gospodarstvo i financije IT i ICT industrija Što smo danas tržili na stranim tržištima kapitala?

Ja priželjkujem da malo po malo spuste Citigroup na recimo 3.50$, sjelo bi mi ko budali šamar [lol]

Mnogi vjeruju da će past kod reverse stock splita, kao što je bio slučaj s AIG, ali nisam baš siguran u to. Razlog "pa uvijek padne" mi se ne čini dovoljno pouzdan. Ako sentiment bude pozitivan mogao bi još i porast jer mnogi fondovi i kupci opcenito izbjegavaju "penny stock" dionice, a C je tako rec penny stock. Ipak ne vjerujem da ce r/s dogodit tako brzo, vjerojatno u prvom ili drugom tromjesecju sljedece godine.

Da, a znamo kako završi priča kad svi očekuju da se nešto desi… Uglavnom dijametralno suprotno.

Mislim da bi recimo 1:5 ili 1:10 reverse split bio najbolje što se može dogoditi za C dioničare, makar cijena i privremeno pala.

Ulazimo li u hiperinflaciju ,zemlje na rubu biraju rađe inflaciju nego bankrot ,a s druge strane u EU plač i škrgut zuba .

Euro at $1.50 “a disaster”: France
Top advisor to Sarkozy says weak U.S. dollar will lead to printing of euros


Last year he described the weakness of the dollar as a “Sword of Damocles” hanging over Europe’s largest aerospace group, particularly its civil airline subsidiary Airbus.

Mr. Guaino said the United States was “flooding the world with liquidity” and worried this would provoke an inflationary cycle.

“When the Americans create dollars and the dollar falls, there is a point at which you cannot take it any more,” he said.

“What do you do? Either you create liquidity to bring the euro down, or you let the euro rise, rise, rise and then you are completely suffocated.”

French politicians have traditionally led complaints in Europe about the euro’s strength but some countries face more difficulties than others.

The German exporters’ association, BGA, said earlier on Tuesday that trade prospects would brighten in the coming months despite the likelihood of a further rise in the euro.

European Central Bank President Jean-Claude Trichet on Monday said excessive volatility in currency markets was bad for the economy and repeated his attachment to comments from U.S. officials supporting a strong dollar.

Mr. Guaino said he feared a round of inflation.

“Historically, we have only ever got out of such situations with inflation. We can also get out with deflation, but it’s much more painful politically, socially,” Mr. Guaino said.

But “if we lose control of inflation and there is hyperinflation, it’s a catastrophe for everyone,” he added.


Pa kakve su to dionice sa takvim fundamentima? Zašto tako niska cijena? Nije mi jasno

Aaaaaa, tako dakle… 🙂

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Jan 26 (Reuters) – Embattled drugmaker KV Pharmaceutical (KVa.N) (KVb.N) said it stopped making and selling all its products, and may not be in compliance with one or more covenants in a credit agreement with its lenders, wiping out more than three-fourths of its market value.

he recall as well as the suspension of manufacture and sales of its products, except a few that it distributes but does not make, follows an inspection that began in December by the U.S. Food and Drug Administration of the company’s operations and inventory.

The company, which has been plagued with several manufacturing issues that resulted in oversized tablets, is facing a series of class-action lawsuits that allege its officers made false statements to inflate the company’s stock price.

KV Pharmaceutical on Jan. 16 fired its senior vice president and general counsel, Gregory Bentley, a regulatory filing on Monday showed.

The company, which is also facing an informal enquiry from the U.S. Securities and Exchange Commission, had in December ousted its chief executive after it recalled several products.

The company also said Gestiva, a drug to prevent preterm birth in women with a history of preterm delivery will not be approved by the FDA until additional data was provided and part of the patients in a post-approval study are enrolled before the drug gets a regulatory nod.

In January last year, KV Pharmaceutical had agreed to buy U.S. and worldwide rights to Gestiva from Hologic Inc (HOLX.O) for $82 million in cash upon the drug’s approval. The drug had been given an orphan drug status by the FDA and was expected to receive final approval by late 2008.

On Monday, KV Pharmaceutical said it does not expect revenue from sales of Gestiva during the financial year ending March 31, 2009.

KV Pharma’s Class A shares fell to a lifetime low of 49 cents, before paring some losses to trade down $1.70 at 54 cents Monday afternoon on the New York Stock Exchange. (Reporting by Vidya L Nathan and Aradhana Aravindan in Bangalore; Editing by Pratish Narayanan)

The company, which said the outstanding balance under the line of credit was about $30 million, will also voluntarily recall most of its products.

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The DoJ also said the company agreed to the injunction in a consent decree. Earlier in the day, KV Pharmaceuticals said it would not market its products until it satisfied certain measures mentioned by the regulators in the decree.

Under the decree, the company cannot resume manufacturing until an independent expert inspects and certifies that it is in compliance with the FDA guidelines. The company would also need a written notification from the FDA that it can resume operations.

The maker of women’s healthcare products and pharmaceutical ingredients also said that the decree allowed it to request manufacturing and marketing of certain products before the FDA clears the company to resume full operations.

"Predicting the timing for the return and the ultimate product assortment that we will market are presently very difficult due to the range of variables that must be managed," said the company in a statement.

The company had stopped making and marketing of all its products in January on recurring manufacturing issues of oversized tablets and in February, it said it would cut 700 jobs.

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Uočih i ovo:

CSKI – fundamenti vrlo dobri, poslovanje sa stabilnim rastom, nije mi jasno čemu ovako niska cijena? Morati ću malo proučiti članke o toj firmi,

Uh CSKI… na prvi pogled izgleda kao super prilika sa rastom od 40% godišnje i odličnim fundamentima ali Shorteri je izmrcvariše,ima jedan lik (Asensio.com) koji se specijalizirao za otkrivavanje raznoraznih muljaža kod naizgled dobrostojećih kompanija te zatim shorta iste,navodno je bio u pravu u oko 2/3 slučajeva…ima brdo optužbi za CSKI i ne odustaje nikako.
Ja sam svoje dionice prodao sa oko 20% plusa(mada sam isprva imao long poziciju) i bilo mi je dovoljno,prerizično za moj ukus.

"Only dead fish swim with the stream"

Da, pročitao sam onu navodnu muljažu sa različitim izvješćima u Kini, kao i to da im u USA nije dozvoljena prodaja one ljepljive trake za mršavljenje koja im je izgleda glavni proizvod.

Opasna je ta Amerika, ono što izgleda dobro na papiru može ispasti totalno smeće ako čovjek ne pazi.

Kad već spominjete muljaže:


E sad nam još samo fali da dolar počne jačati i odoše indeksi kao kula od karata…

Big $$ will look on Monday and move it how they see fit.

i hope your sl moved to be plus. yellow line could be the half way point of move. if usd gets any strength it could be much further. levels are on chart… but you got others on pink candles to watch out for..(wick ends and body ends, include where body starts as wick extends)


Špekulativno uzeo malo DRYS na 7.07, stop loss je blizu i još jedan kupovni nalog na 6.66 ako nastane raspašoj 🙂

Dokupio malo ETFC po 1.63, kockam se prije izvješća i dobro sam svjestan opasnosti. Nije velik iznos pa nek bude…

Prodao nesretni FEED po 5.21, sad ga čekam malo ispod 5.

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