Što smo danas tržili na stranim tržištima kapitala?

Naslovnica Forum Gospodarstvo i financije IT i ICT industrija Što smo danas tržili na stranim tržištima kapitala?

Dakle Steve shorta S&P 🙂

jes ,zamisli da mu nestane net dok šorta ,danas je sve moguće ne izazivajmo devila.
vidi ovo je isto moguće
Sanader postao savjetnik kanadske milijunašice

Please see my Blog james edward below and elsewhere during this week on marketwatch.com, and you will see that the uptrend beginning in DXY this week will continue into early December 2009 when Gold will be testing $812 per ounce, and the DJIA will be testing 8,000.
Btw from the FF calender Monday, Federal Reserve Chairman Ben Bernanke is due to speak about Asia and the global financial crisis at the Federal Reserve Bank of San Francisco Asia Economic Policy Conference, in Santa Barbara. Audience questions expected.

VIX Update: Implied Volatility On Volatility (10/17)
According to Bloomberg (VIX Posts Worst Losing Streak in Four Years as Dow Tops 10,000 ), the $VIX (Volatility Index) is down 74% from the November 2008 high. It closed at 21.43 on Friday. The $VIX is the forward 30 day implied volatility on S&P 500 index options (Go to: Ten Things Everyone Should Know About the VIX at Vixandmore.com). So if you’re worried about market volatility going forward, buying puts on the S&P are CHEAPER than they were 6 months ago. The only problem is they could get cheaper (if appreciation is your main goal). Here is the CBOE VIX Index streaming via freestockcharts.com.


Wall Street braces for onslaught of earnings

Monday: Federal Reserve Chairman Ben Bernanke is speaking at the Federal Reserve Bank of San Francisco on Asia and the financial crisis, starting at around 11:00 a.m. ET.
Tuesday: The Producer Price index (PPI) a measure of wholesale inflation, is due before the start of trading. The government report is expected to show no change in September after rising 1.7% in August. So-called core PPI, which strips out volatile food and energy prices, is expected to have risen 0.1% after rising 0.2% in August.
September housing starts and building permits are due shortly after the start of trading. Housing starts are expected to have risen to a 610,000 annual unit rate from a 598,000 unit annual rate in August. Building starts, which measure builder confidence, are expected to have risen to a 590,000 unit annual rate from a 579,000 unit annual rate in August.
Wednesday: The weekly crude inventories report from the government is due in the morning.
Shortly after the start of trading, the state-by-state unemployment rates are due for release.
Fed Governor Daniel Tarullo speaks about the economy in Washington D.C., starting around 1 p.m.
The Federal Reserve releases its periodic "beige book" survey on the economy in the afternoon.
Thursday: The weekly jobless claims report from the Labor Department is due before the start of trading. Around 517,000 Americans are expected to have filed new claims for unemployment last week versus 514,000 in the previous week.
Continuing claims, a measure of those who have been receiving benefits for a week or more, are expected to have fallen to a 5.990 million from 5.992 million in the previous week.
The Conference Board’s index of leading economic indicators (LEI) is due after the start of trading. LEI is expected to have risen 0.9% after rising 0.6% last week.
Friday: Chairman Bernanke is speaking at the Federal Reserve Bank of Boston conference on financial regulation and supervision after the crisis. He is due to start speaking at around 8:30 a.m.
The September existing home sales index is due out shortly after the start of trading. Sales are expected to have risen to a 5.35 million unit annual rate from a 5.10 million unit.

Monday: Apple
Tuesday: Caterpillac, Coca-Cola, DuPont, Pfizer, United Tech, Yahoo
Wednesday: WellsFargo. eBay
Thursday: 3M, AT&T, Merck, Travelers Cos., Amazon.com, American Express
Friday: Microsoft


Koliko sam vidio marcipan i Rocky5 su najavili kupnju C na ovim i nižim razinama pa eto možda pomogne pri odluci kupit ili čekat:



Po svoj prilici čeka nas nafta na 100 dollara uskoro i onda drop na 60 $ .Big boysi nekaj kemijaju treba bit u toku i oprezan .JEDNA ZANIMLJIVOST VEZANA UZ- TD Ameritrade and Scottrade to manipulate at least 21 stocks.
notice the date

"Crime Ring Used TD Ameritrade, Schwab in Online Fraud
March 07, 2007 12:02PM Admin
Registered: 2 years ago
Posts: 4,338

Crime Ring Used TD Ameritrade, Schwab in Online Fraud


By Bradley Keoun and David Scheer

March 7 (Bloomberg) — An Eastern European crime ring netted at least $733,000 in illegal profit using trading accounts at TD Ameritrade Holding Corp. and six other firms, in the biggest fraud yet uncovered by a U.S. probe of online stock manipulation.

The ring was traced to 20 residents of Russia, Latvia, Lithuania and the British Virgin Islands, the Securities and Exchange Commission said in a lawsuit filed yesterday in U.S. District Court in Washington. The group maintained trading accounts in the U.S. through Riga, Latvia-based JSC Parex Bank, the SEC said.

The case, which resulted in at least $2 million of losses for the brokerage firms, emerges from an investigation begun in late 2005 of Internet-savvy criminals

who use other people’s brokerage accounts to pump up stocks and dump them later at inflated prices.

Since December, the SEC has brought similar cases against a 41-year-old Russian man who allegedly stole $354,000 and a 21-year-old Florida man who got $83,000.

“This action stems from a modern-day, technological version of the traditional pump-and-dump market-manipulation scheme,” the SEC said in the complaint.

The fraud ring also targeted customers of Charles Schwab Corp., E*Trade Financial Corp., Merrill Lynch & Co. and closely held Scottrade Inc., Vanguard Brokerage Services and Fidelity Investments, according to the suit.

In a separate statement today, the SEC said it obtained an order freezing $3 million of assets held in the Latvian bank’s U.S. trading account.

$22 Million in Losses

The SEC, FBI, U.S. Secret Service and NASD, the largest private regulator of brokerages, began the probe in late 2005, according to court filings. So far, firms have reported at least $22 million in losses because of the illegal trading schemes.

The manipulation announced today occurred from December 2005 through December 2006 and involved at least 15 stocks traded on the Nasdaq Stock Market, the SEC said.

According to the suit, the criminals bought thinly traded stocks then used stolen passwords to enter the online trading accounts of unwitting brokerage customers. The criminals liquidated the stocks in the compromised accounts and used the proceeds to buy shares of the targeted stocks. The rapid buying drove up the price, enabling the criminals to sell the targeted stocks held in their own accounts for a profit.

Brunt of Losses

Brokerage firms have absorbed the brunt of the losses because they offer online-security guarantees under which they reimburse fraud victims.

TD Ameritrade, based in Omaha, Nebraska, said last October it had costs of $4 million in the third quarter of last year to reimburse customers whose accounts were raided. E*Trade, based in New York, lost $18 million that quarter. E*Trade’s efforts to make customers whole forced it to take ownership of 1 million nearly worthless shares of San Francisco strip-club operator BoysToys.com.

The attacks abated in the fourth quarter after the company enhanced the security of its Web site, E*Trade has said.

U.S. authorities disclosed the investigation in October, saying online attacks against brokerage firms, known as “account intrusions,” were increasing in frequency.

In December, the SEC said the Russian using an Estonian brokerage firm tapped into accounts at E*Trade, TD Ameritrade and Scottrade to manipulate at least 21 stocks.

The agency brought its second case

20 Stocks with the Biggest Potential To Drop

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20 Stocks with the Potential to Pop

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20 Stocks with the Potential to Pop

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Neznam. bio sam na velikim mukama i imao jajca dokupiti i za sada sam s cit u plusu 22%…hebiga sada treba ga prodati prije izvješća…a uvijek je teško prodati kada dionica raste….

uglavnom…već sam zavolio USA burzu..nema više Dinka Noveselca i inih mulaca…

Moji postovi ne predstavljaju nagovor niti na kupnju niti na prodaju dionica!

Gdje to pratiš?
Imaš neki link?



Hvala ti

Moji postovi ne predstavljaju nagovor niti na kupnju niti na prodaju dionica!

p.s. još jedna prednost tržeja na USA.
Ovdje se svi lijepo razgovaramo i pomažemo jedan drugom jer se zna da nemamo nikakvog utjecaja na market…e kada bi tako bilo na drugom djelu foruma bilo i divno…


Moji postovi ne predstavljaju nagovor niti na kupnju niti na prodaju dionica!

Evo ja uzeo danas još CELG po 56.24 60 komada…
I sad imam…
T po 26.55
MOS po 47.60
C po 4.70
CELG 56.24

I jedno vrijeme neću ništa kupovati…a ni prodavati…
Zadovoljan s MOS…hvala rockiju…
od T-a nisam ni očekivao drugo nego da nakon dividende rokne…al se malo vraća, danas nakon zatvaranja kad izađe izvješće od AAPL, moglo bi se nazirati kakvo bi im moglo biti izvješće koje izalzi u četvrtak…analitičari očekuju EPS 0.5 $…nadam se da će biti bolje od toga….
U C sam ušao čisto špekulativno…ne mislim ga imati dugo, ak će se dat nešto na brzinu zaradit, pa ću ga prodat…dok ostale 3 mislim držati dulje…
CELG mi se čini da bi moga baciti dobre rezultate i da imaju budućnost…

Da li bi itko od vas kupio FRE po 1,45 ili AIG po 38?

Naravno ako padne do tamo

Moji postovi ne predstavljaju nagovor niti na kupnju niti na prodaju dionica!

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