Economic calendar for today
TwelveMonths Ahead (month averages)
Probability of US Recession Predicted by Treasury Spread*
NY FED’s yield spread recession probability falls to zero
Možda bi se moglo isplatiti iskoristiti današnji pad ili ako se nastavi sljedeći tjedan, pa ubosti nešto brodara sada dok BDI raste a burza bude u minusu…
Možda bi se moglo isplatiti iskoristiti današnji pad ili ako se nastavi sljedeći tjedan, pa ubosti nešto brodara sada dok BDI raste a burza bude u minusu…
Stotka od mene, slično razmišljamo!
Očito nismo jedini koji tako razmišljaju, inače bi brodari više pali… [lol]
Uzeo sada kad je C bio oko 4.60 samo nekoliko callova za 3 mjesec 2010.
Sljedeća postaja za kupovinu 4.20-4.30. Pa na dolje 🙂
Zašto bi brodari više pali?
BDI raste 10-ak dana, nafta i rude takođe, a brodari najblaže rečeno nisu to popratili.
Iskreno nije mi baš jasno zašto jedan drys, egle ili dsx danas padaju kao c ili bac?
Took profits on $SPY reversal trade… playing tight today on opex… getting up .20 and moving stop .10 to lock in
BAC looks attractive on this pullback, but really only if you don’t have any. If you’ve been on since $12, wait for more to add.
Zanimljivo… hrpa dionica završava OPEX tjedan baš "slučajno" u max option pain zoni ili blizu… hehe [lol]
AIG, BAC, C, GE, JPM, GS, IBM, INTC, AXP, CAT, JNJ, XOM, DRYS… itd… pa nek mi netko kaže da je to slučajnost.
Zanimljivo… hrpa dionica završava OPEX tjedan baš "slučajno" u max option pain zoni ili blizu… hehe [lol]
AIG, BAC, C, GE, JPM, GS, IBM, INTC, AXP, CAT, JNJ, XOM, DRYS… itd… pa nek mi netko kaže da je to slučajnost.
Daj ti meni neukom objasni kaj bi to trebalo značiti..hmmm
p.s. mene brine ovaj žestoki promet dok sve pada
Već sam pisao o max option pain.
Ukratko, to je cijena dionice na kojoj će nastati najveći gubici na opcijama na dan isteka opcija. (najviše će ih isteći bezvrijedno)
Forex kaže
i think its going down for new week to 38 fibo
and fundamental its going down
i hope make that
i live from correction
AND USDFLX INDEX GET STRONG AND maybe its start to up and
Ovo mi golica maštu dobro i zanimljivo za pročitat
Many believe that the next 6 weeks (Mid Oct to End Nov) the US will see a fearful event either home or abroad that may change life on our planet forever.
This is a warning from Steve Quayle;
The 2-Week Warning was meant to give you advance notice to either shelter in place or move to whatever place in the country you have pre-selected to bug out to. Obviously a nuclear detonation in any US city, complete financial collapse, Mid East war, Korean nuclear launch or mega-quake on the New Madrid or in the Pacific Northwest or mega-tsunami on either coasts should be heads up enough for you to hunker in your bunker or refuge location. While it is my prayerful and decade long desire to give two weeks’ notice, it may become impossible should the U.S. sustain an electro-magnetic pulse attack that takes down all communications. The fact that the red screen alert is being explained is meant to help to clarify the lateness of the hour. Suggest all reading this RED SCREEN explanation needing a crash course in Emergency Preparedness read and print out everything you can on and acquire the Ultimate Prep Book Dare To Prepare by Holly Deyo. May the mercy, forgiveness, protection and provision of the Living God be poured out upon you – and through you – in miraculous ways in the coming months! —Steve Quayle