Što smo danas tržili na stranim tržištima kapitala?

Naslovnica Forum Gospodarstvo i financije IT i ICT industrija Što smo danas tržili na stranim tržištima kapitala?

Jel možda došlo vrijeme za shortati AAPL? Tko se to usudi? 🙂

So Why Did Apple Buy a Mapping Company?
There are many reasons. For starters, it is becoming obvious that maps and geo-location are becoming crucial components of any modern operating system. Nokia was the first one to realize this and snapped up companies such as gate5 and Navteq.
Apple and Google are competing on more and more fronts, and Apple may be looking to cut as many ties with Google as possible, in a seemingly belated attempt at keeping the fox out of the henhouse. The highest profile tie at the moment? The Google search-box currently in the top of every Safari user’s browser window — a search-box that likely sends a decently substantial amount of referral funds from Google to Apple. Given Microsoft’s need to expand its search share, it wouldn’t be inconceivable that Apple replaces Google with Bing. As long there is enough “cashback” for Apple!
smart purchase by apple looks like they want to become a US powerhouse when it comes to mobile services by slowly muscling out google and their offerings but finding a replacement for youtube will be tough I guess

Koji run Petrobras Energía Participaciones S.A. ludnica ,182 %
Petrobras Energia Reorganizes
After the exchange, the Petrobras Energia stock closed at $17.91 on the New York Stock Exchange — an apparent increase of 180%. The change in price, however, was largely a reflection of the exchange.

Mogao bi danas biti jedan pravi crveno-zeleni dan u njihovom stilu.

Looks like someone bigger is selling euro
EU now below Daily Gann and Weekly waiting to Kabooom like GJ
Something interesting I’ve noticed is that Gold’s monthly pivot is at $994 which price is currently above.

EurUSD is below it’s monthly pivot and moves with gold. If gold is to hit its monthly pivot, eurusd is going to break through support.

Euro coming more down ?

Marljivo skupljanje SPXU od razina 1.050-1.080 S&P-a se isplatilo…


Zanimljiv dan. Brutalno zaradio na SPY putevima, brutalno popušio na nekim drugim stvarima, većina kupovnih naloga nije prošla :(, nafta ostala tu gdje jest. Sve u svemu danas je rezultat minus ali ni približno toliki koliki je mogao biti.
Prodao puteve sad na kraju dana, nadam se da neću sutra zažaliti.
Ali trebam imati spremnog casha, moglo bi biti ovih dana dobrih kupnji.

zanimljiv link http://konverta.hr/mjenjacnica/content/view/28/1/

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kako funkcionira kad kupim dionice firme koja dijeli dividendu?
npr, oni to raspodjele na 4 puta godišnje i na koji način ostvarim pravo na tu dividendu?jel moram imati dionice u posjedu određeni broj dana prije ili?

Trebaš imati namirene dionice na jedan ključni dan kad se određuje popis za dijeljenje dividende. Ali kad je to točno, moraš proučiti za svaku zasebnu dionicu. Ili ETF, neki od njih također dijele dividendu.

prodao PUTeve YRCW s plusom od 67%, dokupio jos SPY Callova, zasad uz smanjenje prosjeka ulaza odrzavam minus na oko 50%, i treba mi jedan pozitivan dan da odem u plus, s tim da ne smijem vise kupovati slijedecih 5 dana :)), zasad nemam u planu nista drugo trgovati cekam razvoj dogadjaja.

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