Što smo danas tržili na stranim tržištima kapitala?

Naslovnica Forum Gospodarstvo i financije IT i ICT industrija Što smo danas tržili na stranim tržištima kapitala?

Dobro zaradio na SPY putevima, par drugih stvaro palo, konačan zbroj današnjeg dana lagani minus.
Razmatram varijantu da likvidiram većinu portfelja i strpim se koji tjedan.

Što mislite, hoćemo li nasatavit niz crvenih dana ili možemo očekivati danas neki mali plus?

Mislim da će početi zeleno a završiti crveno.

Makar nikad se ne zna sa njima, da nisu normalni to je odavno jasno [lol]

Osobno mislim da će prije pravih i važnih izvješća nagurati S&P do 1080, možda čak i 1100 a onda ako ne budu na nivou slijedi raspad sistema.

Ova su mi zapela za oko:

29.9. Nike, Walgreen
7.10. Alcoa, Costco
13.10. Intel, J&J
14.10. Abbott, JPM
15.10. Citigroup, IBM
16.10. BAC, GE

Kako šibaju danas [shocked]

After volatile week, we see euro coming out on top
There are potential surprises.

1. 1. Trichet speaks on Monday before the EU Parliament. What a interesting scenario would take place if Trichet were to say something that gives the perception that a strong euro would be hurtful to the euro zone – like Governor King did last week. In that scenario, we would have the USD and the yen rallying in a big way. Our intuition tells us that Trichet does not have at this point enough worry in his mind to spook the market that way, but he might in coming months.
2. 2. US-Iran meeting on Thursday in Geneva. For the first time in more than 30 years, the US and Iran will hold direct talks. This Thursday the two parties meet in Geneva as a follow up to UN meetings last week where Iran came off on the wrong foot after revealing the existence of a new nuclear plant in a highly militarized zone. The US will demand an unrestricted UN visit of the facility “within weeks.” Under UN rules for non-proliferation signatories (Iran is one of them), such visit is authorized. The “surprise” for capital markets is what happens if Iran refuses the visits. Slowly, Iran and the West are moving toward military confrontation or to a pre-emptive attack of Israel on Iran. If Iran continues its hard stance this week, watch for risk aversion to increase and the US dollar to rise.
3. 3. Bad US economic indicators. US economic indicators, particularly labor figures, are expected to improve. If the numbers were to be very bad, some might expect the USD to suffer. We believe the contrary. Bad US numbers are likely to result in higher risk aversion and stronger interest in US assets. With the recent fall in the USD, Treasury instruments are more attractive than their current yield because they now offer a potential appreciation of the USD.

Kupio BAC po 16,69. Ajdmo još istisnuti malo vode iz kamena. 🙂

Prodao par GE opcija i kupio sada par SPY puteva, možda ponovo zaradim par desetaka %. U najgorem slučaju ću aktivirati stop loss i biti na nuli kad uračunam zaradu na prošloj rundi puteva.

Smrdi mi da bi puno firmi moglo proći kao RIMM a da bi to moglo srušiti indekse.
Nadam se da će nagurati taj S&P do 1100 da se pošteno nakrcam putevima.

Par zanimljivih leveraged ETF-ova ako netko poželi u to investirati:

UCD – commodity
UGL – gold
AGQ – silver
ULE – long eurusd
EUO – short eurusd
(ova 2 zadnja nisu baš alternativa forexu ali što je tu je)

Prodao Bac po 17,08

Ja se čudim zašto C tako raste u premarketu kad se sve crveni a kad tamo:

Bove raises price target on Citigroup

Vaš link

Rochdale Securities analyst Richard Bove on Tuesday raised his price target
on Citigroup Inc to $6.50 from $4, an increase of 62.5 percent.
In a note to clients, Bove said the bank ‘has an attractive long-term
future,’ and that its future ‘will be funded by one of the most liquid balance
sheets in banking.’

Jučer mi za 1 cent nije prošao prodajni nalog za jedan dio C opcija, mislim da sam imao hebenu sreću. Danas sam prodao mali dio (1/5) dok je bilo oko 4.75, čisto da oslobodim malo casha, moglo bi nas čekati veselih par tjedana.

Nike objavio izvješće koje nije loše s obzirom na situaciju, dobro da se nisam išao igrati sa opcijama.
Vaš link

Zanimljivo je vidjeti kako im buduće narudžbe kotiraju po regijama u svijetu, mislim da je to dobar pokazatelj gdje je prava potrošačka kriza. Hint – nije u USA.

The US data disappointed yesterday with the consumer confidence number coming in lower than expected causing losses in US equities and a rally in the USD. A breach of the support level in the $1.45 to $1.453 area will be difficult. The employment number will be important, but I expect that employers cut fewer jobs and think the dollar will continue to show weakness. Investors are waiting for positive data to continue to sell dollars and improving job figures would boost that risky appetite. Also, Fed Chairman Kohn is expected to reiterate the need for low interest rates in the US for an extended period of time. I’m monitoring these two data points today.

New Report
