Što smo danas tržili na stranim tržištima kapitala?

Naslovnica Forum Gospodarstvo i financije IT i ICT industrija Što smo danas tržili na stranim tržištima kapitala?

any bets they will try to prop the dollar up tomorrow. Did anyone notice that Barrick ABX issued enough of stock to get out of all future gold hedges. I think they know something the central bankers don’t want us to know especially the crimex boys.

Jucer sam kupio CAH $25.83, za danas sam postavio kupovne CAH $26.39, FPL $53.87, KFT $26.30 i MHP $25.67.

Omnia relinquit servare republicam. AKAM,CAH, CIT, DNB, DF,FPL, ERTS,LEAP,MIL, PCS, PPL, S, SLE

Evo GE skoro na 15$ nakon onog upgradea…
Da li se iskrcati ili ne pitanje je sad. Strah me je da se ne zatvori gap od jučer [undecid]

Goldman Sachs raises GE price target to $18 from $15
BRIEF-RESEARCH ALERT-Goldman upgrades U.S. multi-industry sector to attractive
Sept 9 (Reuters) – * Goldman Sachs raises U.S. multi-industry sector to attractive from neutral * Goldman Sachs raises ITW to conviction buy from neutral * Goldman Sachs cuts WW Grainger to neutral from buy * Goldman Sachs raises ITW price target to $55 from $44 * Goldman Sachs raises Danaher price target to $85 from $76 * Goldman Sachs raises Dover price target to $44 from $39 * Goldman Sachs raises GE price target to $18 from $15 * Goldman Sachs raises 3M price target to $95 from $85 * Goldman Sachs raises Roper Industries price target to $62 from $55 * Goldman Sachs raises United Technologies price target to $77 from $60 * Goldman Sachs raises Kennametal price target to $23 from $18 * Goldman Sachs raises Parker Hannifin price target to $52 from $41 (Bangalore Equities Newsroom; +91 80 4135 5800; within U.S. +1 646 223 8780) COPYRIGHT Copyright Thomson Reuters 2009.

Sumnjivo mi je malo to za GE… oni su dosta zadiženi, imaju prilično velik leverage i mislim da su ovakva dizanja targeta samo nerealno napuhivanje dok se ne vidi još par izvješća i situacija sa GE Capitalom.

No ne bunim se, danas lijepo zaradio na GE i DRYS. Jedino C stoji u mjestu ali ne može čovjek sve imati.

Btw, OPET sam u napasti shortati AIG… Must… resist… temptation… [lol]

Odlično, GE je čak na kratko bio preko 15$, ako ga sutra u premarketu natjeraju i zadrže preko 15$ onda nije nimalo nemoguće da naguraju i preko 18$, osim ako cijelo tržište ode u minus pa sa njim i GE.

Za DRYS ne znam hoće li nastaviti rasti ili će ga opet spustiti do 6$…
Vjerojatno će sutra malo pasti, rijetko kada je tako rastao 2 dana za redom.

C još ne mrda sa razina 4.60-4.70. Možda se tu kuha neki ozbiljniji pad ispod 4$.

Isplati se pročitati ovo, realno i racionalno napisan članak vezan uz C i neke druge financijske dionice:

WSJ.com’s inside look at the markets
Full Text of Schapiro’s Statement on SEC’s Madoff Probe Data Points: Energy & Metals
September 2, 2009, 2:41 PM ET Citigroup, the Perfect Hedge
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By Geoffrey Rogow
Up, down or sideways, shares of Citigroup are the flavor of the month on Wall Street.

Trading in Citigroup shares has skyrocketed since the beginning of August as market participants look for intraday hedging opportunities among a small group of beaten-down financial services stocks. Volume in its shares has been particularly strong in the past two weeks when Citi has regularly accounted for nearly one-fifth of NYSE Composite volume.

Part of the increased volume has to do with bets that Citigroup can come out of the credit crisis without further damage. A bigger driver, though, is that Citi’s recent higher share price – the stock gained 54% in August, and has quadrupled since March – has made it easier to short.

In the wake of a 40% pick-up in U.S. stocks since early March, traders are playing for what they expect is an inevitable pullback, according to the heads of several Wall Street trading desks. In that scenario, especially when buying shares in a shaky financial company, it’s important to mitigate risk by finding something else to short.

If, for instance, a trader is going to hold an intraday position in Fannie Mae and Freddie Mac in a bet they are worth more than current market value, he limits his downside by shorting Citi.

“This is a mechanical trade, not a fundamental one,” says Kevin Kruszenski, director of equity trading for KeyBanc Capital Markets.

Hedge funds, some day traders and several other market participants are using this barbell approach to stay neutral on the banking sector with a little bias intraday toward a specific stock.

Bank of America is seeing a similar, albeit much smaller, volume increase. The bank may be easy to short, but since it’s at about $16 a share, speculative buyers see more upside with Citi, which is around $4.50.

Other banks, such as J.P. Morgan Chase, just don’t work as a hedge, as they won’t necessarily trade in tandem with a beaten down bank. Citigroup, on the other hand, has the volume, share price, and weakened stature to be the perfect hedge.

In the past, some traders may have shied away from the highly volatile shares of companies as distressed as Fannie, Freddie and American International Group. But by hedging with positions in Citigroup, market participants have leapt into all three as they’ve been able to mitigate some of the downside risk inherent in the highly speculative companies.

The strategy also works because each of these stocks are so liquid that traders can work under the assumption they won’t have to hold any part of the trade overnight, taking a page from the playbook of high frequency funds.

Last year, Citigroup usually accounted for around 3% of NYSE Composite volume. On Monday and Tuesday this week, it accounted for 20%. Short volume, or the number of shares sold short over the course of a day, made up about 50% of overall volume in Citigroup shares Tuesday, compared with less than 35% in early August.

High frequency funds, which often account for more than half of stock market trading, are helping facilitate the new trading strategies, and profiting in the process thanks to rebates.

Rebates involve fees that exchanges pay certain market participants for taking one side of a trade. High frequency funds have grasped onto the rebates system as a certain money maker, sometimes even willing to take a loss on a trade in hopes the rebate will keep them in the green.

Pozdrav drugari,
jucer sam kupio CAH po $26.29, postavio sam kupovne naloge na CAH $25.89 i FPL $53.88, trenutno sam 90% u dionicama.

Omnia relinquit servare republicam. AKAM,CAH, CIT, DNB, DF,FPL, ERTS,LEAP,MIL, PCS, PPL, S, SLE

Pozdrav drugari,
jucer sam kupio CAH po $26.29, postavio sam kupovne naloge na CAH $25.89 i FPL $53.88, trenutno sam 90% u dionicama.

Nadam se da si svjestan CAH i CFN veze?

CAH je downgraded… Makar ne mora da će to bitno utjecati na cijenu.
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Plin, dno? Vrlo vjerojatno bilo na 2,5. [thumbsup]

Don't be convinced of your super knowledge of the market, the market does what it wants, and you are just along for the ride!

Plin je jedna vrlo zahebana stvar. Em je ograničen na USA, em oni nemaju istu ovisnost o plinu kao i Europa, em su tu za investitora na raspolaganju samo OČAJNO LOŠI etf-ovi.

Ovdje možeš pratiti kako se kreću futuresi za NG:
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Ja sam zaključio da UNG jednostavno nije prihvatljiv za mene zbog više razloga:
1. contango
2. manipulacije cijenama plina da baš UNG i slični ostanu bez love, to se radi taman prije nego što trebaju prodati futurese za tekući mjesec i kupiti one za idući
3. trenutno je premija na NAV preko 15% što je vrlo opasno i mislim da trenutno ne postoji ETF sa većom premijom
4. zabranili su im izdavanje novih dionica što je vjerojatno donekle i uzrok ovakvoj premiji
5. u USA izgleda vlada mišljenje da zbog ETF-ova poput UNG, USO i sličnih dolazi do poremećaja u prirodnom stanju na tržištu commoditiesa i da se zbog toga razmatra uvođenje drastičnih ograničenja za takve fondove

Zbog svega toga nije nemoguće da NG bude na kraju zime +100% a UNG recimo +50%.

Šteta, NG djeluje kao fina stvar za trejdanje ali nema adekvatnog načina za to. Osim da se baš ide trgovati direktno sa NG futuresima.

No za kratkoročne trejdove mislim da UNG nije loš ako se pogodi smjer.

New Report
