Real bull

Forum namijenjen svim temama vezanim za dionice, obveznice i druge vrijednosne papire te trgovanje istima u Hrvatskoj.

evo je!
počinjemo pravim štivom[thumbsup]

Smanjenje kamata vraća Britancima optimizam
Autor/izvor: Romana Dugandžija
Prema mišljenju stručnjaka jedino se smanjenjem kamata mogu postići pozitivni rezultati s obzirom na pritisak na kupovnu moć Britanaca.
U četvrtak je Bank od England smanjila kamatne stope s 5,5 na 5,25 posto što je nakon smanjena u prosincu prošle godine prvi put vratilo optimizam kupcima nekretnina. Pokazalo je to istraživanje tržišta nekretninske tvrtle Spicehaart. Broj kupaca prve nekretnine u siječnju je porastao 2 posto.
Trenutno se jedna trećina kupaca odnosi upravo na one koji kupuju prvu nekretninu. Broj hipotekarnih kredita od ožujka prošle godine se smanjuje, no, kupci se opet okreću hipotekarnim kreditima što govori u prilog oporavku britanskog tržišta nekretnina, smatraju analitičari. Oko 22 posto novih kupaca nekretnina u siječnu je podiglo hipotekarni kredit dok je u prosincu taj udjel bio 22 posto.
U svakom slučaju, tržište je pozdravilo mjere središnje banke o smanjenju kamatnih stopa. Stručnjaci ističu kako smanjenje kamata za 0,25 posto smanjuje ratu kredita od 150 000 funti na 25 godina za 23,20 funti. Na godišnjoj razini promet na tržištu nekretnina u Velikoj Britaniji je smanjen za 30 posto, pokazuju podaci tvrtke Knight Frank iz koje ističu kako su ovakve mjere Bank of England dobrodošle upravo u ovom trenutku jer je tržište pod velikim pritiskom.
Prema posljednjim rezultatima House Price Indexa, cijene u Velikoj Britaniji su ostvarile rast od 0,1 posto tijekom siječnja. To je ujedno i najmanji rast cijena na kvartalnoj razini od 2005. Na godišnjoj razini cijene su u porastu 6,5 posto.

hate red

bit će para, posla i dobrih FI za mnoge burzovne djeveruše[cool]

Ulaganja u željezničku infrastrukturu ove godine 1,7 mlrd kuna
U planu je nabava 15 višesustavnih lokomotiva, 24 nova putnička vagona te 18 motornih vlakova za gradski i prigradski prijevoz
Ulaganja u željezničku infrastrukturu u ovoj godini predviđena su u iznosu od 1,7 milijardi kuna, doznaje se iz Hrvatskih željeznica (HŽ). Neki od predviđenih radova su izmjena sustava električne vuče na dionici Moravice – Rijeka – Šapjane, završetak remonta dionice Gračac – Kosovo na Ličkoj pruzi te rekonstrukcija dionice Osijek – Đakovo i Vinkovci – Tovarnik.
Usporedo s ulaganjima u infrastrukturu za ovu godinu predviđena je modernizacija prijevoznih kapaciteta.
Među ostalim, u planu je nabava 15 višesustavnih lokomotiva, 24 nova putnička vagona za brzine do 230 kilometara na sat te 18 motornih vlakova za gradski i prigradski prijevoz. U planu je i obnova teretnih vagona i kupnja novih.
Također je predviđen i nastavak privatizacije poduzeća u HŽ-ovom vlasništvu pa se uskoro očekuje objavljivanje natječaja za prodaju Željezničkog ugostiteljstva te drugog natječaja za privatizaciju PRO-REG-a i Pružne građevine.
Prema Nacionalnom programu željezničke infrastrukture koji je Vlada uputila u saborsku proceduru, ulaganja u željezničku infrastrukturu od 2008. do 2012. godine trebala bi iznositi 18,1 milijardu kuna, što bi Hrvatske željeznice trebalo pripremiti na liberalizaciju tržišta i sudjelovanje u tržišnoj utakmici s operaterima iz drugih zemalja.

hate red

Idemo đuro![thumbsup]

Đuro ti je na
a ne ovdje

 I m a g i n a t i o n * a t * w o r k 

ma bit će tu para, ne samo za đuru…[thumbsup]
na željeznici će profitirat i građevinci, ne bojte se.
bit će to hrvatski new deal, štonoreče dr. Ivo…[cool]

hate red

NEW YORK (MarketWatch) — Since the Dow Jones Industrial Average was created in 1896, there have been 33 bear markets — defined as declines of 20% or more from a previous high point, which may or may not be a “high-water” mark.
This decline could turn out to be another correction, and before long the bull market will stagger to its feet for another sprint.
However, other history argues against that scenario. The five-year bull market that was either interrupted or ran out of steam on Oct. 9 lasted eight months longer than the post-war average. The bull appears at first glance to be significantly below average in strength, gaining 94.4% versus an average post-war bull run of 136%.
But if we remove the three giant bull markets of 1949-61 (up 354.8%), 1982-87 (a 250.4% gain) and 1990-2000 (395.7% higher) from the average, we get 61.8%. That would make the most recent bull more than 32 percentage points larger.
If you ask me, the bear is about due.
Investors, it would appear from the turbulent stock market, aren’t sure if the bear is threatening or hibernating. Some days they persuade themselves that economic growth will accelerate again, the subprime mess will go away, and the housing slump will straighten up before long. And they buy stocks.
Other days the bear rears its growling countenance. Profits are squeezed, layoffs are back in the news and recession looms. Investors worry that the market will go to hell in a hand basket and try to beat everybody to the exit. On such days program traders and hedge funds hop on and propel the decline deeper.
Fear that the bear is coming can be strong enough to summon it. And that fear is, as psychotherapists might say, reality-based.
The average bear market over the past 111 years sent the Dow down by 34.63%. The declines ranged from 53.57% on the deep side (1932) to the shallowest drop of 21.16% (1990). They lasted, on average, nearly 11.5 months, ranging from 36.55 months (1946-49) to 1.81 months (1987).
Bears are smaller and appear less often since World War II, though they last a bit longer. In those 63 years there have been 11 bear markets, 10 fewer than in the preceding 49 years. They lost 29.71% on average, ranging from 45.08% (1973-74) to that same 21.16% (1990). Their average length was 14.17 months, with a high of 36.55 months (1946-49) and a low of 1.81 months (in 1987).
In many cases, bears are routed by bulls. That is, a bear market ends and a bull market begins. That segue cheers most investors because the average bull market in the post-World War II era has charged ahead nearly 136% and lasted four years and four months.

hate red

….. (nastavak)
Sometimes, however, there are two or more bears in a row, with only a bit of bullishness in between to separate them. For instance, the Great Depression was marked by 12 bear markets, starting with the Great Crash-initiated retreat of 47.9% in 1929. That one wasn’t the deepest, either. The honor goes to the previously cited 53.57% rout over four miserable months in 1932.
Overall, the Depression’s bears averaged Dow declines of 37.7%, with an average span of five years and three months. Separating them was the same number of bull markets that rallied an average 53.5% and lasted an average of five and a half years. But an average bear followed by an average bull still left the Dow lower.
One Depression-era bull market was worthy of the name — a 127.3% rally in 1934-37 — but the others amounted to inconsequential hills in a deep, wide valley. The Dow didn’t climb back to 1929 levels for 25 years, in 1954.
A more recent multiple-bear sighting was in the 1970s, in which there were two. People remember the 45.1% drop in 1973-74. But after a 75.7% bull run came another bear, as the Dow fell 26.9% in 1976-78. Though a bull market reappeared, the Dow ended that decade on Dec. 31, 1980, just 15% higher than it began — barely more than the scary rate of inflation at that time.
More frequent are the market dips called “corrections,” by which we mean declines of at least 10% but less than 20%. Over the Dow’s history there have been 74 of them, 32 of which occurred after World War II. The average drop was almost 14% — right where we’re at now — and since 1945 they’ve lasted a little more than 3.5 months on average.
Many bull markets are interrupted by one or more corrections — averaging a little over two for 10 post-war bulls. The longest bull run without a correction was a 249.2% climb from 1990 to 1997, but the remaining three years of the tech bubble sustained three corrections.
Bear markets have upward corrections, but only one per bear on average since World War II, though seven out of 11 didn’t have any. These rallies raised the Dow by an average 15% and lasted around three months. The deepest post-war bear, the 45.1% decline in 1973-74, was broken up by three upside corrections.
All these numbers make one conclusion irrefutable: Bear phobia isn’t paranoia. Bear markets really do maul portfolios. Investors are wise to avoid them if possible, just like hikers do with the real animals.
John Prestbo is editor and executive director of Dow Jones Indexes, a unit of Dow Jones & Co., Inc., publisher of MarketWatch. Dipa Shah-Modi and Radhika Uppalapati contributed research to this report.

hate red

a kaj ćemo s američkom recesijom? da se razumijemo, nitko sretniji od mene kada bi ovoj medvjedariji konačno došao kraj, ali budimo realni, čim se spomene Amerika i recesija u istoj rečenici, ljudima se tresu gaće. a to sad više nije neki mogući scenarij, to je realnost! možete me sad pljuvati koliko hoćete, ali ja samo pokušavam biti objektivna

free tibet

Što nas čeka sljedeći vikend?

Looking forward to next week, it seems reasonable that we’ll find our way to lower levels yet. Blame China. That country’s wild stock markets were closed all of last week, and they have some catching up to do, which should happen by midweek. It’s hard to imagine how that selling doesn’t find its way into North American equities, whatever damage has already been done. Further, there’s a plethora of stories in the popular press this weekend saying consumers are cutting spending and generally feel like a recession is already here.
Turning to economic indicators, there are a few worth watching. We will see data on January retail sales Wednesday, January industrial production Friday, weekly jobless claims Thursday, plus preliminary February consumer sentiment Friday. Also, on Thursday Federal Reserve Chairman Ben Bernanke plans to testify on the economy before the Senate Banking Committee.

hate red

a kaj ćemo s američkom recesijom?

malo ćemo sjesti i pričekati bolje dane.

Zabrinutost na svjetskim burzama

ZAGREB, 10. veljače 2008. (Hina) – Loše vijesti koje pristižu iz američkog gospodarstva uzrok su zabrinutosti na najvažnijim svjetskim tržištima dionica, koja je prošloga tjedna spustila burzovne indekse.

Na Wall Streetu je Dow Jones indeks u proteklih tjedan dana pao 4,4 posto, na 12.182 boda. S&P 500 indeks pao je 4,6 posto, na 1.331 bod, dok je tehnološki Nasdaq indeks oslabio 4,5 posto, na 2.304 boda.

Strah od recesije

Sve je više pokazatelja da američkom gospodarstvu prijeti recesija. Broj novih zahtjeva za pomoć nezaposlenima u prethodnom tjednu bio je veći od očekivanja, vrijednost novih narudžbi američkih tvornica u siječnju porasla je 2,3 posto, manje nego što su analitičari očekivali, uslužni indeks ISM-a potonuo je u siječnju na 41,9 indeksnih bodova…

“Američko gospodarstvo više nije proizvodno, nego uslužno, pa ovi podaci imaju veću težinu nego prethodni o rastu ISM proizvodnog indeksa”, objašnjava Paul Nolte, direktor investicija u tvrtki Hinsdale Associates.

Dužnosnici američke središnje banke Fed govore kako inflacijski pritisci jačaju i da središnja banka mora to imati u vidu unatoč usporavanju rasta gospodarstva. To je smanjilo nade ulagača u novo rezanje kamatnih stopa.

Strah od recesije srušio je na Wall Streetu cijene dionica u svim sektorima, od telekomunikacijskog do energetskog.

Švicarska banka UBS smanjila je prošloga tjedna preporuku za dionice izdavača kreditnih kartica American Expressa na ‘prodaj’, što je spustilo cijenu AmEx-ovih dionica za više od četiri posto. Brokerske kuće smanjile su, pak, preporuke za dionica nekih od najvećih američkih banaka, kao što su Wells Fargo i Wachowia, kojima su cijene pale za 6,7, odnosno 8,3 posto.

Oštro su pale i cijene ostalih dionica u financijskom sektoru nakon što je Standard & Poor’s agencija upozorila da bi mogla smanjiti rejtinge bankama i ostalim financijskim institucijama zbog golemih gubitaka izazvanih kreditnom krizom. Agencija Fitch objavila je, pak, da bi mogla smanjiti AAA- rejting MBIA-u, najvećem svjetskom osiguravatelju obveznica.

Wile E. Coyote: Carnivorous Vulgaris; Apetitius Giganticus; Eatius Birdius

@ profa

pogriješio si temu.
hrvatska nije pred recesijom, a ni kreditnom krizom.
usa tržište ima uglavnom posredan utjecaj na naše (osim psihološkog).


New Report
