PTKM (Petrokemija d.d.)

Naslovnica Forum Tržište kapitala Hrvatska PTKM (Petrokemija d.d.)

Forum namijenjen svim temama vezanim za dionice, obveznice i druge vrijednosne papire te trgovanje istima u Hrvatskoj.

Nešto se počelo kuhati ovdje… [cool]
Danas je ojačala kupnja, očito nema više prodavača na ovim razinama.

Ovdje se kuhaju još samo žabe koje su unutra, i to na laganoj vatri,
netko digao cijenu sa 20 000 kuna i odmah privatizacija
ne znam tko bi normalan kupio ovu katastrofalnu firmu i što bi onda sa njom,
veća je vrijednost da Petrokemiju prodaš na otpadu pod staro željezo nego što vrijedi firma

Izuzetno mi je drago da se ponovno negativno počinje pisati o tvornici i dionici jer to znači da mnogima nije jasno zašto dionica raste.
Super ponovno smo na početku 2006 godine.

Onome tko zna čekati, vrijeme otvara vrata.

Projekcija bilanci nutrienata za 2011 i 2012 na svjetskoj razini:

World nutrient balance per region, 2007/8-2011/12
(‘000 tonnes)
Region N,P,K 2007/08 2008/09 2009/10 20010/11 2011/12
World N ………3 286….5 843…7 673…..11 550…..15 059
P2O5……………387….907….1 216…….1 584……2 873
K2O…………..5 754…3 993…5 094……5 970…….6 760

Detalji po regijama s ostalim tabelama i obrazloženjem na:

Current world fertilizer
trends and outlook
to 2011/12


Petrokemijska industrija na naslovnici FT-a
Fertiliser groups to mark rebound

By Javier Blas

Published: March 4 2010 00:08 | Last updated: March 4 2010 00:08

This year’s spate of merger and acquisition activity in the fertiliser industry is set to continue as companies seek size to compete with the arrival in the sector of miners such as Vale of Brazil and BHP Billiton.

The consolidation comes as demand and prices for fertiliser commodities rebound from the industry’s worst year in 2009.

“The industry is in recovery mood after last year’s dramatic plunge,” says Oleg Petrov, head of sales at the Belarusian Potash Company, one of the largest exporters of fertilisers.

“Demand is coming back.”

During the 2007-08 food price crisis, the cost of fertiliser commodities such as urea and potash rose tenfold to above $1,000 a tonne.

But last year’s financial woes sent prices back to $300 and dealmaking subsided.

As demand recovered and prices climbed above $400-$450 a tonne, easing the difficulty of financing deals, the sector had seen a flurry of deal activity in the first two months of this year totalling almost $10.5bn, according to data from Dealogic.

Industry executives believe those acquisitions are just the beginning.

The deals include a battle between Yara of Norway, the largest listed fertiliser producer, and US-based CF Industries for control of Terra, a US nitrogen fertiliser producer.

They have offered $4.1bn and $4.7bn respectively.

Vale has spent $5bn buying fertiliser assets in Brazil, and earlier this year BHP Billiton bought Canada-based Athabasca Potash for $323m.

Executives say consolidation is more likely between nitrogen fertiliser suppliers, where fragmentation is greater.

“There is a great chance that we see further M&A activity,” says a senior executive from a fertiliser producer.

“In the nitrogen sector, for sure.”

Another executive from a European based-company adds: “I will be not surprised at all if we see further consolidation this year.”

The first candidate is Canada-based Agrium, which is engaged in a hostile bid for CF Industries valued at around $5.5bn.

Elena Nadtotchi, at Moody’s, the credit rating agency, in London, says that after deals topping $25bn since May 2008 she expects consolidation to continue in the short to medium term, spreading beyond the nitrogen sector.

“This consolidation activity has at first materialised among those industry players with a focus on the relatively fragmented nitrogen fertiliser market,” she says.

“However, the entry of large mining groups … could have profound consequences for potash and phosphates industry dynamics.”

Executives agree that the biggest catalyst for consolidation is the arrival of the miners.

Fortis Bank says fertiliser producers “have never really been put to the test by the kind of cost-cutting competition that BHP Billiton will try to implement”.

The miners will face an uphill battle to develop organically because of high costs.

A project can cost more than $3bn in potash and about $1bn-$1.5bn in phosphate and nitrogen.

Lead times are up to seven years.

With those high entry barriers, many expect the miners to buy existing operations, such as medium-sized active producers or small companies with mining rights, to gain size quicker.

Beyond the miners, executives say producers such as Yara, Canada’s Potash Corp, UralKali of Russia, K+S of Germany, ICL of Israel, Mosaic and Belaruskali of Belarus will continue to participate in the consolidation.

Some executives say that mergers between them are a “real” possibility.

But consolidation, even in the nitrogen sector, faces hurdles.

In Europe, for example, some of the most attractive assets are part of larger chemical groups, which are unlikely sellers.

In the Middle East, governments are likely to oppose region

Opet ste počeli s drukanjem, kakve veze ti članci na engleskome imaju veze s Petrokemijom.
Tko će to sve pročitati po ovoj vrućini, imate google translateor pa vas molim da prevedete u kratkim crtama.

Čim se brokeri počmu okupljati ovdje tu odmah nešto smrdi!!!

Opet ste počeli s drukanjem, kakve veze ti članci na engleskome imaju veze s Petrokemijom.
Tko će to sve pročitati po ovoj vrućini, imate google translateor pa vas molim da prevedete u kratkim crtama.

Čim se brokeri počmu okupljati ovdje tu odmah nešto smrdi!!!

baš si me nasmijao moram priznati…znaš, imaš i ti google translator, pa se posluši malo…
nije slučajno da je ovo na naslovnici FT-a završilo…
i današnja reakcija K+S na frankfurtskoj burzi pokazuje o čemu je riječ…eto, pošto vjerojatno ne govoriš ni njemački, mislim da ti će ti sam graf pokazati zapravo o čemu je riječ u članku u FT-u.

Opet ste počeli s drukanjem, kakve veze ti članci na engleskome imaju veze s Petrokemijom.
Tko će to sve pročitati po ovoj vrućini, imate google translateor pa vas molim da prevedete u kratkim crtama.

Čim se brokeri počmu okupljati ovdje tu odmah nešto smrdi!!!

super samo nastavite pisati negativno, što negativnije to bolje, i što više takvih postova to bolje,
crno – crnje – najcrnje pisanje je uvijek bilo dobro prihvaćeno na dionici ptkm-r-a

Onome tko zna čekati, vrijeme otvara vrata.

Nemrem vjerovati da su ovi ponudili 39mlrd $ za firmu koja ima prihod od 3 mlrd$ za 06/2010 i kapital i rezerve od 6,5mlrd$. Izgleda da ;e sljede’a godina biti godina djubriva, samo da i petrica nam draga i premila omasti brke. pozddrav svim petrokemi;arima

5700 kuna

Don't be convinced of your super knowledge of the market, the market does what it wants, and you are just along for the ride!

nije ni cudo sto nema trgovine

Nemrem vjerovati da su ovi ponudili 39mlrd $ za firmu koja ima prihod od 3 mlrd$ za 06/2010 i kapital i rezerve od 6,5mlrd$. Izgleda da ;e sljede’a godina biti godina djubriva, samo da i petrica nam draga i premila omasti brke. pozddrav svim petrokemi;arima

Svašta. Kakve veze imaju kapital i rezerve? Ne preuzimaju Koku Varaždin, čovječe. Osim toga ti podaci o kapitalu i rezervama su ti krivi. Ponudili su samo 15% iznad EV što je naravno smiješna ponuda za kompaniju koja je apsolutni svjetski broj jedan u prozvodnji potasha i ima profitne marže od 30% . To ispod 200 $ neće ići. Čak mislim da ću sutra ući u POT.
Petrica neće omastiti brka jer ne zna kako. Petrica je loša firma i teški gubitaš i ne može poslovati sa profitom niti da isporučuje prazne vreće a u državama u okruženju ima tvornica gnojiva koliko ti srce želi pa ne znam po čemu bi to Petrokemija bila zanimljiva a ne bi recimo neka slovačka tvornica ili madžarska koje rade sa profitom.

nije ni cudo sto nema trgovine

pa nema puno budala koje bi prodavale po ovakvoj cijeni…to je svima jasno…

New Report
