PTKM (Petrokemija d.d.)

Naslovnica Forum Tržište kapitala Hrvatska PTKM (Petrokemija d.d.)

Forum namijenjen svim temama vezanim za dionice, obveznice i druge vrijednosne papire te trgovanje istima u Hrvatskoj.


Vlasnik računa Stanje [%] Vrsta računa
2. HRVATSKI FOND ZA PRIVATIZACIJU 809.462 24,23 Osnovni račun
5. PBZ D.D./THE BANK OF NEW YORK AS CUSTODIAN 79.386 2,38 Skrb. račun
6. HPB D.D./KAPITALNI FOND D.D. 68.581 2,05 Skrb. račun
7. HPB D.D./KD INVESTMENTS – VICTORIA FOND 46.679 1,40 Skrb. račun
9. HPB D.D. 38.779 1,16 Skrb. račun
10. ZAGREBAČKA BANKA D.D. 33.000 0,99 Skrb. račun
Ukupno: 67,26

Erste kupio još dionica……

Napravi razliku

zivio big boos 100 godina
hvala za svakodnevene informacije u ime nas koji nemamo puno vremena i nismo u stanju sve pratiti iz dana u dan

Ulagat u dionice, a da nisi u stanju pratiti, odnosno učiti i istraživati je vrlo riskantan potez.

Al vratimo se mi Petrokemiji, danas tj. jučer su značajno pale "fertilizer stocks", kaže bloomberg maloprije na tv-u, a ima i članak na webu

Potash, Syngenta, Bunge Join Agrochemical Share Slide (Update2)

By Christopher Donville and Antonio Ligi

Oct. 2 (Bloomberg) — Potash Corp. of Saskatchewan Inc. fell the most ever in Toronto trading and Swiss seed maker Syngenta AG dropped as declining commodity prices and missed earnings at Mosaic Co. sparked a slump in agricultural chemicals makers in the U.S., Europe and Latin America.

Potash Corp., the world’s largest producer of its namesake crop nutrient, fell 26 percent on the Toronto Stock Exchange, the most since it sold shares to the public in November 1989. Syngenta, the biggest maker of agricultural chemicals, fell 9.5 percent, the most in almost 8 years, to close at 206.1 francs.

Falling prices of phosphate and nitrogen and a smaller-than- expected rise in potash, a potassium-based crop nutrient, are causing “considerable uncertainty” for earnings in the near term, Merrill Lynch analysts including Don Carson said in a research note. The credit crisis buffeting U.S. financial markets may limit next year’s corn, wheat and soybean planting if farmers face difficulty getting loans to buy seeds and fertilizer, U.S. Agriculture Secretary Ed Schafer said yesterday.

Mosaic fell 41 percent, the most in four years, in New York after the Plymouth, Minnesota-based producer of potash and phosphates said per-share profit excluding mark-to-market derivative losses was $2.83, below the estimate of $2.94 in a nine-analyst survey by Bloomberg.

Israel Chemicals Ltd., the world’s third-largest maker of potash, fell 14 percent to 44.25 shekels, the biggest drop since at least January 1995.

Commodity Prices

“The decline in fertilizer shares following lower commodity prices, Mosaic earnings and the Merrill Lynch downgrade have all pushed Israel Chemicals shares down,” said Yuval Zehira, an analyst at Israel Brokerage & Investments Ltd. in Tel Aviv.

A drop in corn prices has reduced the margin advantage over less fertilizer-intensive soybeans, the bank said and reduced its rating on Israel Chemicals to “underperform” from “buy.” Chicago corn futures dropped 19 percent in the past week, while soybean futures retreated 15 percent.

Mosaic fell $27.86 to $39.65 at 4:15 p.m. in New York. Israel-based Makhteshim-Agan Industries Ltd., the world’s biggest maker of generic agrochemicals, fell 9.5 percent to 20.40 shekels. The Tel Aviv Stock Exchange was closed Sept. 29 to Oct. 1 because of Rosh Hashanah, the Jewish new year holiday.

Europe Slumps

K+S AG, Europe’s largest producer of potash used in fertilizers, was down 12 percent and Yara International ASA, the world’s largest fertilizer producer, lost 16 percent in Oslo.

Potash Corp. of Saskatchewan Inc., the world’s largest fertilizer producer by market value, fell C$35.50, or 26 percent, to C$101 in Toronto Stock Exchange trading. The shares have fallen 30 percent this year.

Shares of Bunge Ltd., the biggest seller of fertilizer in South America, fell $12.84, or 20 percent, to $50.16 in New York. The decline was the biggest since trading in shares of White Plains, New York-based Bunge began in August 2001.

Declines were not confined to fertilizer stocks. Monsanto Co., the world’s biggest seed producer, fell the most in eight years in New York after Merrill’s Carson said profit gains from Roundup herbicide will slow.

Monsanto dropped $15.83, or 16 percent, to $82.01 in New York trading, the biggest drop since the St. Louis-based company’s initial share offering in October 2000.

Shares of Leverkusen, Germany-based Bayer AG dropped 3.01 euros, or 5.7 percent, to 49.39 euros. Crop science accounted for 19 percent

Ulagat u dionice, a da nisi u stanju pratiti, odnosno učiti i istraživati je vrlo riskantan potez.

Al vratimo se mi Petrokemiji, danas tj. jučer su značajno pale "fertilizer stocks", kaže bloomberg maloprije na tv-u, a ima i članak na webu

Potash, Syngenta, Bunge Join Agrochemical Share Slide (Update2)

By Christopher Donville and Antonio Ligi

Oct. 2 (Bloomberg) — Potash Corp. of Saskatchewan Inc. fell the most ever in Toronto trading and Swiss seed maker Syngenta AG dropped as declining commodity prices and missed earnings at Mosaic Co. sparked a slump in agricultural chemicals makers in the U.S., Europe and Latin America.

Potash Corp., the world’s largest producer of its namesake crop nutrient, fell 26 percent on the Toronto Stock Exchange, the most since it sold shares to the public in November 1989. Syngenta, the biggest maker of agricultural chemicals, fell 9.5 percent, the most in almost 8 years, to close at 206.1 francs.

Falling prices of phosphate and nitrogen and a smaller-than- expected rise in potash, a potassium-based crop nutrient, are causing “considerable uncertainty” for earnings in the near term, Merrill Lynch analysts including Don Carson said in a research note. The credit crisis buffeting U.S. financial markets may limit next year’s corn, wheat and soybean planting if farmers face difficulty getting loans to buy seeds and fertilizer, U.S. Agriculture Secretary Ed Schafer said yesterday.

Mosaic fell 41 percent, the most in four years, in New York after the Plymouth, Minnesota-based producer of potash and phosphates said per-share profit excluding mark-to-market derivative losses was $2.83, below the estimate of $2.94 in a nine-analyst survey by Bloomberg.

Israel Chemicals Ltd., the world’s third-largest maker of potash, fell 14 percent to 44.25 shekels, the biggest drop since at least January 1995.

Commodity Prices

“The decline in fertilizer shares following lower commodity prices, Mosaic earnings and the Merrill Lynch downgrade have all pushed Israel Chemicals shares down,” said Yuval Zehira, an analyst at Israel Brokerage & Investments Ltd. in Tel Aviv.

A drop in corn prices has reduced the margin advantage over less fertilizer-intensive soybeans, the bank said and reduced its rating on Israel Chemicals to “underperform” from “buy.” Chicago corn futures dropped 19 percent in the past week, while soybean futures retreated 15 percent.

Mosaic fell $27.86 to $39.65 at 4:15 p.m. in New York. Israel-based Makhteshim-Agan Industries Ltd., the world’s biggest maker of generic agrochemicals, fell 9.5 percent to 20.40 shekels. The Tel Aviv Stock Exchange was closed Sept. 29 to Oct. 1 because of Rosh Hashanah, the Jewish new year holiday.

Europe Slumps

K+S AG, Europe’s largest producer of potash used in fertilizers, was down 12 percent and Yara International ASA, the world’s largest fertilizer producer, lost 16 percent in Oslo.

Potash Corp. of Saskatchewan Inc., the world’s largest fertilizer producer by market value, fell C$35.50, or 26 percent, to C$101 in Toronto Stock Exchange trading. The shares have fallen 30 percent this year.

Shares of Bunge Ltd., the biggest seller of fertilizer in South America, fell $12.84, or 20 percent, to $50.16 in New York. The decline was the biggest since trading in shares of White Plains, New York-based Bunge began in August 2001.

Declines were not confined to fertilizer stocks. Monsanto Co., the world’s biggest seed producer, fell the most in eight years in New York after Merrill’s Carson said profit gains from Roundup herbicide will slow.

Monsanto dropped $15.83, or 16 percent, to $82.01 in New York trading, the biggest drop since the St. Louis-based company’s initial share offering in October 2000.

Konačno da i tebi nešto uljepša dan. [rolleyes]

Studenti bez diplome,Žene bez ljepote,Neženje bez stana,Putnici bez para.....

Ulagat u dionice, a da nisi u stanju pratiti, odnosno učiti i istraživati je vrlo riskantan potez.

Al vratimo se mi Petrokemiji, danas tj. jučer su značajno pale "fertilizer stocks", kaže bloomberg maloprije na tv-u, a ima i članak na webu
Mosaic fell 41 percent, the most in four years, in New York after the Plymouth, Minnesota-based producer of potash and phosphates said per-share profit excluding mark-to-market derivative losses was $2.83, below the estimate of $2.94 in a nine-analyst survey by Bloomberg.

Commodity Prices
Europe Slumps

K+S AG, Europe’s largest producer of potash used in fertilizers, was down 12 percent and Yara International ASA, the world’s largest fertilizer producer, lost 16 percent in Oslo.

Potash Corp. of Saskatchewan Inc., the world’s largest fertilizer producer by market value, fell C$35.50, or 26 percent, to C$101 in Toronto Stock Exchange trading. The shares have fallen 30 percent this year.

Konačno da i tebi nešto uljepša dan. [rolleyes]

Znaci u primjeru Mosaica, doslo je do veoma malog underperforminga EPS-a, i imamo tako veliki pad od 41% sto nije bas racionalno. Takodjer, moramo reci da je npr. kod Mosaica sadasnji P/S 1,79 a P/B 2,61…to znaci da su prije pada od 41% ti multipli bili daleko veci, a trenutno su opet daleko veci od PTKM koji su drasticno nizi. Znaci oni zbog etanola i recesije (ako ju mozemo uopce tako i nazvati jer je definicija dva uzastopna negativna rasta BDP-a pri cemu je 2 kvartal bio jako pozitivan oko 3.3 posto preliminarni podaci a ocekuje se da ce 3. kvartal biti naravno negativan)..

Da, doslo je do pada. Jedan razlog je smanjenje cijena kukuruza i sada proizvodnja biodiesela postaje manje atraktivna i svi imaju manje razloga sijati kukuruz, pa ce cijena gnojiva pasti.
U Hrvatskoj a i u Europi proizvodnja etanola nije bas tako razvijena kao u SAD-u, a mi do sada biljezimo pozitivne stope rasta i nema nikakve kontrakcije…tako da je ovdje prisutna negativna korelacija…AMEN!

Treba samo sacekati 3. i 4. kvartal i sve vam bude bilo jasno.

excluding detivative loss znaci da je gubitak jos veci (ako i njega uracunamo) pa je zapravo i to utjecalo na pad cijene. Vjerovatno su hdgirali kupovinom npr. plina na 13$, a sada je na oko 7$ pa su pretrpjeli veliki gubitak. Hedgiranje je za PTKM znanstvena fantastika i to je za sada dobro, oni su samo hedgirali dugocni ugovor sa INOM i to je sve sto im treba.×550&d=medium&b=CANDLE&st=


Mene zanima kada ističe locp up period za radnike?

Don't be convinced of your super knowledge of the market, the market does what it wants, and you are just along for the ride!


Temeljem Odluke Vlade RH o načinu prodaje, cijeni, posebnim pogodnostima, vremenu prodaje i uvjetima prodaje dionica Petrokemije d.d., radnicima, bivšim radnicima i umirovljenicima Petrokemije d.d. od 24. travnja 2008. godine, te svim daljnjim izmjenama i dopune iste, utvrđeni su rokovi zabrane raspolaganja dionicama Petrokemije d.d.

Središnja depozitarna agencija d.d. obavještava dioničare kojima je određena zabrana raspolaganja u trajanju od 1 mjesec da će skinuti navedenu zabranu raspolaganja, odnosno izvršiti preknjižbu dionica s pozicije zabrane raspolaganja na odgovarajuću poziciju (slobodnu ili založenu) tako da će dana 06.10.2008. biti moguće raspolaganje predmetnim dionicama.

u EU ne na kredit, već s GOTOVINOM !

Mene zanima kada ističe locp up period za radnike?

ma nemoj…ti kao to ne znas…

Key Statistics- Mosaic Co. (MOS)


Key Statistics- Mosaic Co. (MOS)

Tržišna vrijednost svih kompanija u kojem je sektoru PTKM, veća je od nominalne vrijednosti od 2,65 ove gore navedene pa do preko 10 puta u odnosu na cijenu na tržištu iako je kriza cijelokupnog financijskog tržišta

a od PTKM je tržišna cijena u odnosu na nominalnu 0,817

Nominalna je 270 Kn a tržišna je oko 220 Kn to daje vrijednost 0,817

ako ćemo uspoređivati strane s ovom gore kompanijom to znači da bi vrijednost PTKM trebala biti minimalno 715 Kn, a maksimala ovisno o vrednovanju booka .

Napravi razliku

Ajd pliz nauči što je hedge i nauči što je nominalna vrijednost, možeš bacit pogled i na commodity i futurese. Iako sve to zajedno nema nikakve veze s onim člankom, ali svejedno nauči jer ovako nema svrhe s tobom uopce komunicirati. Ne samo što sramotiš sebe već i mene koji komuniciram s tobom.

Dionice se mogu izdati i bez naznacene nominalne vrijednosti. Nominalna vrijednost je knjigovodstvena vrijednost dionice u trenutku izdavanja, a kao sto znamo knjigovodstvena vrijednost nije fiksna vec varira ovisno o poslovanju firme.

Hedge znaci zastita (ulaganja), npr. kladis se na tenis, na pobjedu jednog igraca stavis 10.000 kuna, na drugog 3000 kn jer je koef. na prvog 1.60, a na drugog 4. Ako pobjedi prvi dobit ces 16000kn (3000kn zarade), ako pobjedi drugi dobit ces 12.000kn, tj. izgubit ces samo 1000kn, umjesto 10.000 kuna. Naravno, u praksi su koef. drukčiji, ali to je bit hedgea.

Ajd pliz nauči što je hedge i nauči što je nominalna vrijednost, možeš bacit pogled i na commodity i futurese. Iako sve to zajedno nema nikakve veze s onim člankom, ali svejedno nauči jer ovako nema svrhe s tobom uopce komunicirati. Ne samo što sramotiš sebe već i mene koji komuniciram s tobom.

Dionice se mogu izdati i bez naznacene nominalne vrijednosti. Nominalna vrijednost je knjigovodstvena vrijednost dionice u trenutku izdavanja, a kao sto znamo knjigovodstvena vrijednost nije fiksna vec varira ovisno o poslovanju firme.

Hedge znaci zastita (ulaganja), npr. kladis se na tenis, na pobjedu jednog igraca stavis 10.000 kuna, na drugog 3000 kn jer je koef. na prvog 1.60, a na drugog 4. Ako pobjedi prvi dobit ces 16000kn (3000kn zarade), ako pobjedi drugi dobit ces 12.000kn, tj. izgubit ces samo 1000kn, umjesto 10.000 kuna. Naravno, u praksi su koef. drukčiji, ali to je bit hedgea.

Bravo kolega. Iz bilance se može vidjeti da je dionica PTKM podcjenjena, samo što netko se netko pravi englez pa ne zna rvatski !

Usput vidim da vas ovo interesira pa izvolite !

u EU ne na kredit, već s GOTOVINOM !

Cartmanne, jesi li ikada radio u financijama—> ocito ne. Hedgiranjem financijasi zovu svaku zastitu od nekog rizika, i prema tome je panda u pravu. kako bi se zastitili od rasta cijene pline, poduzece kupi plin na terminskom trzistu po cijeni koju smatra prihvatljivom. Naravno da je rizik da cijena padne,riskiras razliku… ali ako i po toj cijeni inputa poduzece ostvaruje zaradu… cemu onda riskirati kako bi zaradio jos vise, ako je alternativa tome ostvariti gubitke.

Veca zarada vs Sigurna zarada…

To rade sva normalna poduzeca u svijetu… a da su nasa brodogradilista to radila prije 10 godina, ne bi sad bila tu gdje jesu. Tako da, ti pricas iskljucivo o investiranju na tk, spekulaciji, jer jedino to vjerojatno i znas/neznas raditi. ako grijesim, sori.

Ali da si ikada radio u nekom proizvodnom poduzecu, pa cak ne nuzno niti u financijama, shvatio bi…

Poydrav Pandi!

New Report
