PTKM (Petrokemija d.d.)

Naslovnica Forum Tržište kapitala Hrvatska PTKM (Petrokemija d.d.)

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Fertilizer Prices Likely To Skyrocket

Farmers facing high costs for diesel fuel and predictions of drier-than-normal weather can add a significant boost in fertilizer prices to their list of challenges for 2008. Officials estimate that prices might increase as much as 50 percent this year due to rising costs of natural gas, the main ingredient in nitrogen, and increased export demand.

Thomas County farmer Jim Rayburn said he will try to reduce fertilizer use as much as he can, possibly by planting a few more peanuts – which require less than cotton and corn. “You’re just going to have to follow your soil samples,” he said. “You really can’t cut too many corners, but you’ve got to try the best you can. I imagine as long as gas goes up, your fertilizer is going to go up.” Rayburn said he will not alter his planting strategy a great deal because if too many people bet heavily on peanuts the price farmers receive will decline. “Just, hopefully, we’ll see the commodity prices go up enough to offset it,” he said of the fertilizer prices. “That’s not usually what happens.” Rayburn also uses chicken litter on about a third of his cotton crop, but he said he is not sure whether there is any appreciable savings over commercial products.

Wendell Quick at Coolidge Fertilizer said that government regulations on ammonium nitrate and the price of natural gas are behind the jump in nitrogen prices. Those causes are not behind the increase for pot ash and phosphate, which has increased by $100 per ton since late November, Quick said. “The driving force behind that increase is export demand, world demand,” Quick said. “We’re in a world market situation, and I think we’re going to continue to be. World demand is going to set your price.”

Phospate is up even more, jumping from $230 a ton last year to $600 this year.

Quick predicted overall increases for fertilizer to be in the 40 percent range, but added that could be a conservative estimate and the actual increase could be more. Much of the world’s fertilizer is produced in Canada and the United States, he said. “You’ve got high costs in everything the grower touches,” Quick said. “Everything pertaining to agriculture is on the rise, your labor, your inputs, everything.”

The use of chicken litter will not affect the company’s business because, despite the concentration of chicken houses in south Georgia, there is a limited supply of the material, Quick said.

Poultry producers probably have takers for their litter, so there is little if any excess supply out there, Thomas County extension agent R. J. Byrne said. The cost is about the same as commercial fertilizers. The good news is that some commodity prices are up somewhat in recent months, Byrne said. Peanuts, which were selling for $420-$475 per ton in October, are now in the range of $500-$550.

The Associated Press reported Monday that soybean futures were down after reaching their highest levels since 1973 last week at more than $12.60 a bushel.

Soybeans are another crop that has lighter fertilizer needs than others like cotton, corn and wheat, Byrne said. Growers looking to cut expenses may look at those, especially considering the current prices being offered. “You’re probably looking at some more shifting to soybeans and peanuts primarily,” he said. “The prices have gone up quite a bit. Hopefully we’ll see prices on the farm gate increase as well and offset the fertilizer cost.”

American Peanut Council Peanuts in the Media 1-14-08
(WALB News, Albany, GA, January 19, 2008)

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Kupnja – PTKM-R-A
70 262,01
462 262,00
69 261,50
307 261,00
160 260,01

Prodaja – PTKM-R-A
12 268,49
10 268,50
17 269,64
85 269,70
132 269,75

Napravi razliku

Kupnja Prodaja
263,03 70
262,02 133
262,01 70
262,00 462
261,50 69
268,47 12
268,49 12
268,50 10
269,64 17
269,70 85

Ajmo više barem na 280… ovo je smiješna cijena

Svi kupuju ti prodaj - Svi prodaju ti kupuj

Kupnja – PTKM-R-A
70 263,03
133 262,02
70 262,01
462 262,00
69 261,50

Prodaja – PTKM-R-A
17 269,80
19 270,00
200 271,00
73 272,98
54 273,00

Napravi razliku

Kupnja Prodaja
263,03 70
262,02 133
262,01 70
262,00 462
261,50 69
269,80 17
270,00 19
271,00 200
272,98 73
273,00 54

Cijena Količina Vrijeme
269,80 132 10:36:08
269,75 132 10:36:08
269,70 85 10:36:08
269,64 17 10:36:08
268,50 10 10:36:08
268,49 12 10:36:08
268,47 12 10:36:08

Netko me sluša :))

Svi kupuju ti prodaj - Svi prodaju ti kupuj

Pogledajte ovo

Shareholders as of 31.01.2008

Yara’s 20 largest shareholders

Shareholders Details Shares
(Main Share holder)

Ministry of Trade and Industry 36.2 %

National Insurance Scheme Fund 5.2 %

State Street Bank Nominee 3.0 %

Morgan Stanley Nominee 2.6 %

Fidelity Low-Price Fund 2.4 %

Clearstream Banking (Lux) Nominee 1.8 %

Investors Bank Nominee 1.8 %

Societe Generale Global 1.6 %

Bank of New York (USA) 1.4 %

The Northern Trust (GBR) Nominee 1.3 %

The Northern Trust Non-Treaty account (GBR) Nominee 1.1 %

Mellon Bank Nominee 1.1 %

Morgan Guarantee Trust ADR-division 1.0 %

Morgan Stanley (GBR) 1.0 %

Vital Forsikring ASA 0.9 %

JP Morgan Chase Bank (GBR) Nominee 0.8 %

JP Morgan Chase Bank (USA) Nominee 0.7 %

Investors Bank Nominee 0.7 %

Morgan Stanley 0.6 %

Euroclear Bank Nominee 0.6 %


Vlasnik računa Stanje [%] Vrsta računa
1. HRVATSKI FOND ZA PRIVATIZACIJU 1.210.822 36,24 Osnovni račun
3. PBZ D.D./THE BANK OF NEW YORK AS CUSTODIAN 215.663 6,45 Skrb. račun
4. HPB D.D./KD INVESTMENTS – VICTORIA FOND 91.729 2,75 Skrb. račun
5. HPB D.D./KAPITALNI FOND D.D. 68.581 2,05 Skrb. račun
6. ZAGREBAČKA BANKA D.D. 55.412 1,66 Skrb. račun
7. HPB D.D. 42.814 1,28 Skrb. račun
Ukupno: 79,72

Slučajno ne bih rekao…………………….[thumbsup]

Napravi razliku

samo neka se suska o tim stvarima jos neko vrijeme na ovim razinama, jer mislim kad ova dionica krene odradjivat sve ove dobre stvari i vijesti koje se vezu za nju mislim da ce bit jako malo vremena za uskocit po nekoj troznamenkastoj cifri

EVO PLINA EVO PLINA[color=blue][/color]

Potpisan sporazum o gasovodu
08:32 -> 14:15 | Izvor: B92, Beta
Beograd — Gasprom i Srbijagas potpisali su Sporazum o saradnji i realizaciji projekta o izgradnji gasovoda za tranzit prirodnog gasa.

Novoformirana kompanija imaće zadatak da u narednih 18 meseci utanači sve detalje gasovoda
Sporazum o gradnii gasovosda i tranzitu gasa preko teritorije Srbije su potpisali predsednik Upravnog odbora Gasproma Aleksej Miler i Saša Ilić, direktor Srbijagasa, nakon što su Rusija i Srbija 25. januara u Moskvi zaključile strateški sporazum o saradnji u oblasti nafte i gasa u prisustvu predsednika Srbije i Rusije Borisa Tadića i Vladimira Putina.

Prvi zamenik predsednika ruske vlade i predsednik borda direktora Gasproma Dmitrij Medvedev boravi danas u poseti Srbiji, a potpisivanje Sporazuma o formiranju zajedničke kompanije za izgradnju gasovoda “Južni tok” je prvi konkretan korak i početak sprovođenja projekta izgradnje tog gasovoda, nakon potpisivanja Međudržavnog sporazuma pre mesec dana, kojim je predviđeno da će biti trasiran preko Srbije.

Novoformirana kompanija imaće zadatak da u narednih 18 meseci utanači sve detalje gasovoda, ali i prava i obaveze firmi koji će sačinjavati zajedničku rusko-srpsku gasnu firmu.

Glavna tema današnjih razgovora visoke ruske delegacije u Beogradu, koju predvodi potpredsednik ruske vlade Dmitrij Medvedev, biće ekonomski odnosi, pre svega konkretizacija okvirnog međuvladinog sporazuma potpisanog u Moskvi 25. januara, javio je Itar-Tas.

[color=blue]Izvori bliski ruskoj delegaciji su naveli da će ruska strana predložiti potpisivanje memoranduma kojim se utvrdjuju sve etape i rokovi realizacije sporazuma, prema kome će Gasprom izgraditi 400 kilometara kraka gasovoda “Južni tok” preko teritorije Srbije, a čiji kapacitet ne bi smeo da bude manji od 10 milijardi kubnih metara gasa godišnje. [/color]
Memorandumom se utvrđuje i da će Gasprom dograditi i opremiti podzemno skladište gasa Banatski dvor i kupiti kontrolni paket akcija NIS-a, navodi agencija.

Medvedev obilazi rafineriju u Pančevu?

Medvedev bi, tokom posete Srbiji, mogao da obiđe i Rafineriju za preradu nafte u Pančevu i to posle najavljenih susreta i razgovora o situaciji na Kosovu sa najvišim zvaničnicima Srbije predsednikom i premijerom Borisom Tadićem i Vojislavom Koštunicom.

Prvi zamenik predsednika ruske vlade tokom današnjeg dana trebalo bi da poseti i Budimpeštu, gde takođe treba da razgovara sa mađarskim zvaničnicima o izgradnji “Južnog toka”.

Ministar trgovine i usluga Predrag Bubalo rekao je da će glavne teme razgovora predstavnika Srbije i Ruske federacije biti Kosovo i realizacija gasnog aranžmana “Južni tok”.

Delegacija Rusije koju predvodi potpredsednik vlade, a u kojoj će biti i šef diplomatije Sergej Lavrov doputovaće danas u Beograd, potvrđeno je u ruskoj ambasadi u Beogradu.

Diplomatski izvori u Moskvi najavili su da će u posetu Beogradu doputovati i kopredsednik međuvladine Komisije za ekonomsku saradnju, ministar za vanredne situacije Sergej Šojgu.

Susret Tadića i Medvedeva potvrđen je u kabinetu predsednika Srbije.

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Kad rusi vide sta se sve prodaje i za koju cijenu,tek ce onda ratgovarat o KOSOVU!!!!!!
p.s. bolči njih briga za kosmet![thumbsup]

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