Osnovna pravila drukanja na forumu i kako prepoznati laži i drukanje

Naslovnica Forum Razno Ostalo Osnovna pravila drukanja na forumu i kako prepoznati laži i drukanje

Malo ste zakasnili sa drukerskom početnicom. Vaš novac je već kod drugih.

Armagedon je blizu!

pad na velikom prometu znači rast (dionice prelaze u čvrste ruke)
pad na malom prometu znači rast (drhtave ručice prodaju)
rast na malom prometu znači još veći rast (dionica je u čvrstim rukama)
rast na velikom prometu znači daljnji rast (netko tko kupuje te količine zna zašto kupuje)

eto [kiss]

pa ti ulaži sad [lol]


Jina lako ni nani?
Luga moja haitoshi, Jina langu ni Mbemti ,Nafurahi kukuona KODT, Nimefurahi kukutana nawe. Baadaye

upravo stiglo, pa ako neko može prevest!?

Where are you going to ?
One language is never enough, my name is Mbemti, pleased to meet you in KODT.
See You later


Trust no-one but yourself!… that’s it [tongue]

Artificial Intelligence stands no chance against Natural Stupidity.

Svaka čast! Napokon i neki POST NA ENGLESKOM!
Po osobnom mišljenju niti ne treba takav post – o DRUKANJU – pošto sudionici vrhunski vladaju engleskim jezikom, pa po mom osobnom sudu su dobro INFORMIRANI te su učesnici svjetskih financijskih "tokovo" tj. ulažu na stranim tržištima?
Prema tome nepotrebna diskusija, a sitni ulagaći neka se drukčije snalaze!
Ukoliko gospodin Ernest neće prevesti citirani tekst ili je to autorsko djelo objavljeno vani?

Premješteno iz teme: KODT (Končar-Distributivni i specijalni transformatori d.d.)

Stock Basher

An individual, either acting alone or on behalf of someone else, who attempts to devalue a stock by spreading false or exaggerated claims against a public company. After the stock’s price has dropped, the basher, or the basher’s employer, will then purchase the stock at a lower price than what he or she believes it is intrinsically worth.

This is an illegal activity that can carry significant legal repercussions. The basher is generally paid on the basis of how many lies and negative rumors are spread, which can dramatically affect a stock’s value. If an investor believes some of the lies, he or she may sell off the stock at the higher price before it falls. The basher will then purchase the stock and ride out the gains.

Premješteno iz teme: KODT (Končar-Distributivni i specijalni transformatori d.d.)

Ocjenjivat ćemo drukere


Advanced Basher:
Will join the message board early and actually "pump" the stock with positives; this basher is very intelligent, has the facts of the company, actually helps longs with Due Diligence and generally gets the confidence of the stockholders. Then, when the stock hits their price, the tone will change and they will start asking longs to check into this and check into that. The seeds of doubt are being planted. This basher will then start using all the tactics listed on this page to create seeds of doubt. ALWAYS LOOK AT THE PROFILE OF A PERSON YOU SUSPECT. ASK WHAT STOCKS THEY’VE "SUPPORTED" IN THE PAST AND CHECK OUT THE MESSAGE BOARD. An honest person will have a positive track record that can be followed. I strongly believe that a contrary view is needed but this person is out to steal your money and does it by deception and creates fear after gaining confidence! BEWARE, this is the most clever basher and the hardest to spot.

Grade A Basher:
Posts lots of old news, responds to all positive posts with a negative side. Never responds to being called a basher, never posts on another board. Can spend up to 80 hours a week bashing a stock.

Grade B Basher:
Very good way with words, always claims to be your "friend" taking the positive poster into confidence, never posts on another board, spends about 60 hours a week.

Grade C Basher:
Spends less time than the others but is somewhat effective and gets a C grade due to getting excited when bashers rules say not to get excited, spends about 40 hours a week.

Grade D Basher:
Needs to learn the basics about being convincing when making a negative statement. Spends a good amount of time working the stock, maybe 20 hours a week. Grade F Basher: A complete idiot, most readers are not convinced he knows anything about stocks in general. The type that says a stock "sucks", but gives no rationale, shows up every so often but no regular schedule.

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