Oporavak burze

Naslovnica Forum Tržište kapitala Hrvatska Oporavak burze

Forum namijenjen svim temama vezanim za dionice, obveznice i druge vrijednosne papire te trgovanje istima u Hrvatskoj.

zanimljiv rasplet događaja… a i tajming nije loš [lol] [lol] [proud] http://business.hr/Default2.aspx?ArticleID=62b8b8aa-dbd1-4bc3-817b-5661bb00af3a&open=sec [color=blue]“Amerika će izbjeći recesiju”[/color]

Sad kada se ta man oporavimo do petka a onda u petak rokne agrokor info da je kupljen migros, joj šta će biti vesaelja

Koji melem za oci,svi važniji europski indexi preko 3%. 🙂
Ovo zelenilo na bloombergu tako paše nakon ovih teških dana crvenila

I love this game

bitno da na txt 200 hrt nema nista o rastu crobexa,kada pada,al ga blate..


S&P 5001356.9217.79+1.33
FTSE5910.0202.30 +3.54
DAX6967.84224.30 +3.33
CAC 404840.71158.01 +3.37

Sve mi se čini da je oporavak ovaj cijeli tjedan neminovan.
Crobex će se malo zaustaviti na 4500, jer je tu bila linija otpora. I onda polako gore.
Vijesti su super. Uživajmo.[thumbsup]


Svi optimisti …svaka vam čast….možda sam ja onaj koji još uvijek puše na hladno….[yawn]

na 4300 sve prodajem...

bitno da na txt 200 hrt nema nista o rastu crobexa,kada pada,al ga blate..

To je žabokrečina u kojoj živimo.
Na žalost.


dow jones od amera je 1,52% u plusu, samo da nam srbija i kosovo republjik sad ne zaj.. stvar


zanimljiv rasplet događaja… a i tajming nije loš [lol] [lol] [proud] http://business.hr/Default2.aspx?ArticleID=62b8b8aa-dbd1-4bc3-817b-5661bb00af3a&open=sec [color=blue]“Amerika će izbjeći recesiju”[/color]

Sad kada se ta man oporavimo do petka a onda u petak rokne agrokor info da je kupljen migros, joj šta će biti vesaelja

To bi bio idealan scenarij a u životu ništa nije idealno… ja se nadam—to mi nitko ne može uzeti a ni zamjeriti[thumbsup]

Strpljenje je moć. S vremenom i strpljenjem i dudov list postaje svila

dow jones od amera je 1,52% u plusu, samo da nam srbija i kosovo republjik sad ne zaj.. stvar

Kolega oslobodite se kalupa i sagledajte stvar realno…

Na pomolu je nova energetsko-industrijska revolucija....

Iz pesimizma u – ekstremni optimizam
Autor/izvor: Mario Gatara
Toliko priželjkivani prekid masovne rasprodaje konačno je obradovao domaće ulagače sklone – pretjerivanju. A sukladno tom scenariju, nešto što je jučer vrijedilo 1.100 kuna danas je pak vrijedilo 1.300 kuna, a da se ni jučer ni danas praktički ništa nije promijenilo.
Odnosno, da budemo precizniji, ništa se fundamentalno nije promijenilo, a dramatične oscilacije cijena dionica uvjetovane su isključivo promjenama raspoloženja ulagača, koji su samo dan ranije izražavali ekstremni pesimizam, da bi danas otišli u sasvim drugu krajnost, generirajući odjednom posve idiličnu sliku tržišta. Kojom je broj dobitnika po prvi puta u posljednjih mjesec dana katapultiran daleko iznad 50%, a dobitnici danas odnijeli čak 88% ukupnog prometa dionicama.

može li gore? pa naravno da može...................uvijek može gore

a evo i vijesti koja je bila okidač za oporavak svjetskih burzi

Buffett Offers to Back Municipal Bonds
Tuesday February 12, 11:19 am ET
By Josh Funk, AP Business Writer
Buffett Offers to Reinsure $800 Billion in Municipal Bonds

OMAHA, Neb. (AP) — Billionaire investor Warren Buffett said Tuesday that he has offered to help out troubled bond insurers by offering a second level of insurance on up to $800 billion in municipal bonds.

In an interview on CNBC, Buffett said his Berkshire Hathaway holding company made the offer of reinsurance to bond insurers Ambac Financial Group Inc., MBIA Inc. and Financial Guaranty Insurance Co. Buffett said one firm rejected his offer, and he was still waiting to hear from the other two. He did not say which was which.

Many have speculated Buffett could step in and help out the troubled industry, though he made clear his offer was not altruistic.

“When I go to St. Peter I will not present this as some act that will entitle me to get in,” Buffett said on CNBC. “We’re doing this to make money.”

Berkshire spokeswoman Jackie Wilson said Buffett was traveling Tuesday, and no one was immediately available to comment.

Earlier this month, Buffett said Berkshire would not invest in any of the bond insurers, but his company would consider insuring some of the risks the bond insurers had assumed.

Bond insurers write policies that promise to cover payments to bondholders if the entity that issued the bonds defaults.

Buffett said on CNBC that he estimated that $800 billion of reinsurance would cover all of the tax exempt municipal bonds that Ambac, MBIA and Financial Guaranty insure.

Reinsurance policies offer coverage to insurance companies that want to completely or partly insure the risk they have assumed for their customers.

Buffett said Berkshire offered to reinsure the municipal bonds in exchange for a fee equal to 1.5 times the remaining unearned premium over the life of the bonds.

Buffett said on CNBC that such a deal would ensure that the bonds would sell at a fair price. Currently, he said, the bonds sell at significant discounts because of concerns about the financial health of the bond insurers.

In recent months, bond insurers have come under fire from ratings agencies, which are worried the insurers do not have enough spare cash to cover a potential spike in claims.

Bond insurers originally offered insurance mainly to municipalities but in recent years expanded their operations to insure more profitable but riskier instruments.

That riskier debt includes bonds backed by pools of mortgages — mainly subprime loans given to customers with poor credit history. As those mortgages have increasing defaulted, ratings agencies fear the bonds supported by the troubled loans will default as well.

A spike in defaults in the coming months could force the insurers to pay billions of dollars in claims.

Buffett said he’s seen insured bonds selling at lower prices than uninsured bonds

“So the insurance in the market is presently not doing the bondholders a bit of good, and in fact in some cases it’s even penalizing the price below that of other bonds,” Buffett said on CNBC.

Late last year, Berkshire launched its own bond insurance business to take advantage of the credit problems other bond insurers have been having.

može li gore? pa naravno da može...................uvijek može gore

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