Novo Bull tržište 2009-201X

Naslovnica Forum Tržište kapitala Hrvatska Novo Bull tržište 2009-201X

Forum namijenjen svim temama vezanim za dionice, obveznice i druge vrijednosne papire te trgovanje istima u Hrvatskoj.,66977.html

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U.S. Economy: Growth Jumps 5.7%, Fastest Pace in Six Years
Share Business ExchangeTwitterFacebook| Email | Print | A A A By Timothy R. Homan

Jan. 29 (Bloomberg) — The U.S. economy expanded in the fourth quarter at the fastest pace in six years as factories cranked up assembly lines, indicating the recovery may be strong enough to be weaned from government support.

The 5.7 percent increase in gross domestic product reported by the Commerce Department in Washington today exceeded the 4.8 percent median forecast of economists surveyed by Bloomberg News. Separate reports showed consumer sentiment and a barometer of business activity rose more than forecast in January.

The dollar rallied as the data signaled the momentum generated by the world’s largest economy last quarter will carry into the new year. Rising investment in equipment and software is boosting sales at companies including Intel Corp. and may help bring the jobless rate down from close to a 26-year high as employers add staff to meet demand.

“We are getting on to something that is pretty sustainable,” said Bruce Kasman, chief economist at JPMorgan Chase & Co. in New York, who correctly forecast the gain in GDP. “Both consumers and businesses are beginning to increase spending. To get validation, we need to see a return in hiring, which we think we are going to get over the next few months.”

Consumer spending, which comprises about 70 percent of the economy, rose at a 2 percent pace following a 2.8 percent increase in the previous three months. Economists projected a 1.8 percent gain, according to the survey median. Efforts to rebuild depleted inventories contributed 3.4 percentage points to GDP, the most in two decades.

Dollar Gains

The dollar strengthened 0.7 percent to $1.3867 per euro. The Standard & Poor’s 500 Index fell 0.2 percent to 1,082.33 at 12:10 p.m. in New York after gaining as much as 1.1 percent.

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bravo za amere a i hidra se drži izvanredno u ovoj krizi! [thumbsup]

bravo i za kolegu Kezmea [wink]

Znam da se svi spremate za jeftini dokup ( hehe ) pa nije zgorega se malo informirati o našem tržištu kako ga vide stranci……

Citigroup: Hrvatska favorit među graničnim burzama!
Autor/izvor: SEEbiz / H
NEW YORK – Dionička tržišta u manje razvijenim zemljama imat će "dobru godinu", jer niske kamatne stope diljem svijeta i rast cijena sirovina potiču gospodarski rast, ocijenila je američka banka Citigroup.
Kazahstan, Nigerija i Hrvatska favoriti su među graničnim dioničkim tržištima, koja bi mogla nadmašiti likvidnije suparnike, naveo je u bilješci burzovni strateg Citigroupa Andrew Howell, a prenio Bloomberg News.

Granična tržišta, gdje se trguje u omjeru 13,1 puta u odnosu na zaradu po dionici (P/E), nisu napregnuta u odnosu na druga tržišta u nastajanju, gdje se trguje u razmjeru većem od 20 puta prema P/E multiplikatoru, napisao je Howell.

"Indeks MSCI Frontier Markets" rastao je sedam posto u prošloj godini, dok su nova tržišta rasla 75 posto. Mnoga granična tržišta "ostaju 50 posto ili više ispod najviših razina postignutih 2007. i 2008.", naveo je Howell.

Okruženje produljenih niskih globalnih kamatnih stopa itekako nagoviješta još jedno iznadprosječno razdoblje za ta manje likvidna tržišta, ističe Howell. Estonija, Srbija i Kenija, po njegovoj su ocjeni, također "atraktivna" tržišta.

U indeks graničnih tržišta (Indeks MSCI Frontier Markets), uključeno je 25 zemalja među kojima i devet iz istočne Europe i bivšeg Sovjetskog Saveza. Uz Hrvatsku, tu su Bugarska, Estonija, Litva, Rumunjska i Slovenija – sve članice Europske unije, te Ukrajina, Kazahstan i Srbija.

U.S. Economy: Unemployment Rate Unexpectedly Declines to 9.7%
Share Business ExchangeTwitterFacebook| Email | Print | A A A By Timothy R. Homan

Feb. 5 (Bloomberg) — The unemployment rate in the U.S. unexpectedly dropped to 9.7 percent in January, indicating the labor market may be poised to climb out of its deepest slump since World War II.

More than half a million Americans found work, a Labor Department report showed today in Washington, helping push the jobless rate to the lowest since August. A separate survey of employers showed payrolls declined by 20,000 as construction companies and state and local governments cut back.

Manufacturers hired more workers for the first time in three years, expanded hours and boosted pay, which may lift consumer spending and sustain growth. Revisions to previous data increased the number of jobs lost in the recession to 8.4 million, adding impetus to the Obama administration’s push for fresh government measures to boost employment.

“The labor market, six months after the economy turned positive, is beginning to find its bottom,” said Neal Soss, chief economist at Credit Suisse in New York, who forecast a payroll drop of 25,000. “We’re still teetering on the cusp of job growth.”

The dollar rose 0.3 percent to 89.28 yen at 11:06 a.m. in New York, from 89.05 yesterday. The Standard & Poor’s 500 Index fell 0.2 percent to 1,060.55 as concern European governments will struggle to fund deficits overshadowed the unexpected decrease in the unemployment rate.

The jobless rate was forecast to be unchanged at 10 percent, according to the median estimate of 84 economists surveyed by Bloomberg News. Payrolls were forecast to increase by 15,000.,66977.html,67975.html

napokon malo dobrih vijesti u seriji………… [kiss]
još da EU sanira Grčku i na konju smo

Greek Bonds Surge as EU’s Rehn Offers ‘Support in Broad Sense’
Share Business ExchangeTwitterFacebook| Email | Print | A A A By Matthew Brown

Feb. 9 (Bloomberg) — Greek bonds jumped after the European Union signaled it may aid Greece in return for progress by the country in reducing the bloc’s biggest budget deficit.

The advance pushed the Greek 10-year bond yield down the most since at least 1998. Olli Rehn, who takes over as European economic affairs commissioner tomorrow, said the group could offer “support in the broad sense of the word.” German Chancellor Angela Merkel’s government is preparing an assistance package, Financial Times Deutschland reported. European Central Bank President Jean-Claude Trichet will leave a gathering of policy makers in Sydney a day early today to attend a summit of European Union leaders.

“The fact that Trichet is flying home early has really set the world alight, which makes it difficult to be short high yielders today,” said David Keeble, head of fixed-income strategy in London at Credit Agricole CIB. “Not all the high yielders are the devil.”




[b]MOŽE LI BOLJE ?![/b]

Plavi ne pratiš svjetska događanja, Vidra je u pravu, Kina je krenula žestoko, sad će nakon građevinara i brodari žestoko UP. Amerima je BPD porasto 5,7% u zadnjem kvartalu.
Očigledno smo pred žestokim bullom. Ti si prodo u krivi momenat.

China’s Imports Climb as Domestic Demand Aids Global Rebound Share Business ExchangeTwitterFacebook| Email | Print | A A A
By Bloomberg News

Feb. 10 (Bloomberg) — China’s imports climbed for a third straight month in January, signaling increasing strength in domestic demand that’s aiding the global economic rebound.

Imports climbed a record 85.5 percent from a year before, a jump that was influenced by a shift in the lunar new year holiday to February this year from January 2009, customs bureau figures showed in Beijing today. Exports rose 21 percent in a second monthly advance after 13 declines that may reinforce overseas calls for China to allow a stronger currency.

Premier Wen Jiabao is trying to shift China toward relying on domestic demand after exports proved vulnerable during the global recession. Now, Germany’s BGA wholesale and export federation is counting on Chinese buyers to propel a 10 percent gain in German shipments abroad in 2010 and Taiwan posted the biggest export jump in 30 years due to its neighbor’s spending.

“The global economic recovery, particularly in emerging markets, is buoying China’s exports,” said Sun Mingchun, chief China economist at Nomura Holdings Inc. in Hong Kong. “Even more important is China’s booming domestic demand, which is absorbing more imports.”

Bravo kolega Ćuko, samo tako, evo još super-pozitivnih vijesti. Sve mi se čini da se polako stvaraju pretpostavke za malo ozbiljniji mini-bull!!!!!!!!

S&P 5001078.079.94+0.93%


daj prodaj to, kad toda dobije pedalu od nlb bu minus od 20%

New Report
