widely repeated claim of remarkable longevity of the Hunza people[13] has been refuted as a longevity myth, citing a life expectancy of 53 years for men and 52 for women, although with a high standard deviation.[14] There is no evidence that Hunza life expectancy is significantly above the average of poor, isolated regions of Pakistan. Claims of health and long life were almost always based solely on the statements by the local mir (king). An author who had significant and sustained contact with Burusho people, John Clark, reported that they were overall unhealthy.[15]
Clark and Lorimer reported frequent violence and starvation in Hunza.[16]
Tajne su ne moguće za onoga tko ima otvoreno treće oko. Baski su potomci stanovnika Atlantide čiji su ostaci najviši vrhovi, koje mi zovemo Azori. Atlanti su imali svoje kolonije koje su preživjele veliki potop i ledeno doba pa su pomogli rastu civilizacija Starog Egipta ali i dalje, sve do Indije, a životni vijek im je bio i do 140 godina.