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Naslovnica Forum Komentari članaka Ne očekujte da navlačim. Ali ima tko će

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kaj????????????? [emo_zacudjen][emo_zacudjen]

Autor posjeduje , jedne te iste dionice duže vrijeme, koje su u qurcu totalnom.
Gosp. Birtić, pišite nam radije o jednostavnim temama , koje nas najviše zanimaju.
Mene osobno , ko i svaku babu, zanima, s kim ste danas ručali i u kojem restoranu, s kojim članom Uprave društva, i koje bi nam bile smjernice u tom smislu …….

[color=blue][/color][b][/b]...prodajte dionice...-kupite nekretnine!

The Effects of the Second Lord in the 5th House

As the second lord is in the 5th, the native will be lucky with investments which will pave the way for prosperity even for the next generation. The native may become a victim of abandonment & lack of sympathy. This may shock them to the extreme.This has a bad effect on them in the sense they become unkind to people. Gains unexpected in the form of lotteries likely. They find the domestic atmosphere restrictive sometimes and sometimes enjoyable. This is good for speculation. They can try their luck in lotteries & the stock market.

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