Natural Gas

@Mr.-ajde ipak ne smijem biti rezolutan oko slijedećeg tjedna…pratit ćemo…2,33 je lako
dostižno s obzirom na raspone dnevne ovdje…npr.danas …jutros 2,37-sad 2,29x-low 2,26
…volatilno je tu itekako…ali dobit ćeš na vrijeme,mig, za ulaz nakon kojeg možeš ići
na ljetovanje bez da pratiš market lol…umoran sam ko pseto i ne želim ni sekunde pogledati
market više,take care….pozzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzz

ja zavrtio jos jedan krug, danas – dgaz na 79,50 kupljen jucer po 74,50

@Mr-gotova najnovija projekcija…ova razina od 2,33X je vrlo važna…do not fall in love
with upside…ok…


…je li ovo najbolji forum na kugli zemaljskoj ili ne …svi nas slušaju [wink]

koja sreca da sam pobjegao danas iz dgaz-a

doktore gledas li ovo? nat gas probio sve otpore, zavrsi li iznad 2.39 po mojoj racunici to je to, otvoren je put na 4, ugaz przi +20, nema do natgas-a,poz

ugaz u sat vremena sa 21 na 27 [lol]

usao u dgaz danas, nadam se negativnom otvaranju sutra.*

ugaz + 12 %, ne mrdam iz ovog etf-a vise [lol]

natural gas inventories 61 bcf up, ocekivano mid 50.
jos uvijek je manje od povijesnog prosijek i proslogodisnjeg. dobra stvar demand raste ocekivano.
potpora na 2.50.

This article is tagged with: Macro View, Commodities, United States
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APB Comments (5)

The author does not understand that natural gas supply takes longer to rebound than it does to drop and he is overly optimistic in his reasoning regarding a rebound in drilling activity. Shale gas wells typically lose as much as 80% of their production during year one! That is significant when you consider the unprecedented drop in the rig count. Furthermore, when the rigs leave the natural gas fields they are going to the oil fields (such a the Bakken) along with their crews. Therefore these rigs are not coming back anytime soon. Mike Watford of Ultra Petroleum said during a recent conference call that "anyone who thinks drilling will pick up when gas hits four dollars is miss-thinking." This is because the average cost of production is well over six dollars and also due to the inavailability of rigs. The natural gas E&P sector no longer has the internally generated cash nor access to credit necessary to fund large drilling programs, and the access to debt will not come back until a sustained period of higher natural gas prices. Shell and other majors are continuing to vacate the natural fields and production will therefore continue to drop until prices are profitable. And as far as the natural gas produced from oil wells, this too has been over estimated. Many mistakes are being made by the general media, but that is where the opportunities are created.
21 May, 09:07 AMReplyLike8

ugaz + 12 %, ne mrdam iz ovog etf-a vise [lol]

…nadam se da si se makao…jer je opako pljusnuo…žurim [wink]

ugaz + 12 %, ne mrdam iz ovog etf-a vise [lol]

…nadam se da si se makao…jer je opako pljusnuo…žurim [wink]

izasao na vrijeme, prerano usao, ocekivao sam support na 50 %, medutim ocigledno ce biti na 61, 8.
sto se fundamenata za natgas tice, meni to dobro izgleda.
rig count iz tjedna u tjedan radi novi low, injection je 34 % manji od proslogodisnjeg, demand izvlaci elektrane, iako bi volio vidjeti povecanje i u ostalim segmentima.
tehnicki i dalje sam uvjeren da je 1.9 bio dno, da je natgas u bullu, i da voznja od 1.9 do 2.76 nije bila korekcija dugogodisnjeg bear trenda nego pocetak novog bulla.

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