Natural Gas

meni dgaz izgleda ok…RSI 57 macd sjajno…trenutno drži se iznad ma 200
6,43 ok

dajte mi 2,64 close lol

el nino svakim danom sve vise jaca, probijena potpora, this weak injection +100 bcf, storage vjerovatno preko 4 tcf, prva potpora 2.4.

gore od očekivanog +106 bcf, ne izgleda nimalo dobro za natty, nastavi li el nino ovim tempom mogli bi vrlo lako tesitarti i all time low 1.9

sve očekivano 2,64 i trassssssssss…ahahahhahahhahaaa

ajde vec je red bio da se netko pojavi, mrtvilo ovdje zadnjih dana.
gadno to izgleda phile, bit ce 4 tcf i vice na kraju, el nino ode skroz na 11 mjesec, izgleda gore nego kad je natty zavrsio na 1.9, jos uvijek hold

previše posla @Mr.GJ…slušaj…imam sjajan timing tu…ima vremena…
ok [emo_namigusa]

@Mr.slijedeća dva tjedna sa tehničke strane su odlučujuća…
fundamentalno…proanaliziraj…i vidi…je li tehnika i fundamenti
mogu zajedno(očekujem dno) [emo_namigusa]

wtf 1,95 bio…još jednom…može li bolje…ahahhahahhahaha

natty ponovno testira ATL 1.9., ovaj put probija, slijedecih par EIA izvjestaja bearish, vrijeme i dalje iznadprosjecno toplo

i to je to, ispod 1.9, danas -5%m nemam pojma zasto nisam shortao ovo kad sam vec prija par mjeseci najavio da ce ova zima biti toplija nego ona u 2012, a proizvodnja na ATH.

I just spent some time going over the 2/15 12z forecasts and the El Nino stuff.

What is weird about the GFS forecast is before that part you attached, the flows looks like it should be really cold. At about 5 days to 7 days it shows ridging developing on the West Coast and extending way up into Canada and an adjacent low developing in the Midwest creating what would normally be a cold weather chute going practically due south.

But, the stuff just isn’t very cold. I think the West Coast ridge that springs up so quickly may be from latent heat released along the Northwest Coast. They have one of those Atmospheric Rivers running up that way and the forecasts are showing a chunk of precipitation around that time.

From a week to two weeks it really looks like it should be colder than it works out to be from the forecast. About Feb. 25th it shows a system setup that would normally mean pretty frigid temps. But, the stuff that makes it south is actually pretty mild. Chicago gets to the mid-teens, there are some puffs of cold that extend south, but nothing really cold anywhere and what semi-cold there is doesn’t make it very far south.

The GFS is forecasting stuff that you would expect to bring cold — lows around the Hudson-Baffin Bay area looping around on themselves and coming back this way. But, they just don’t seem to bring much cold or bring it very deep.

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