sada došao…lutam po centru…lijepo je vrijeme
da…po mom ciklusu(april 2012 major low…i sada late october major low…
ako se Jenkiji budu držali…ako ne nek idu u MP3 [emo_namigusa]
uzao sitno ugaz
kao sto sam ranije rekao na 3.5 se bolje osjecam u bullu
iako je vjerovatno jos rano za otvaranje long pozicije, mozda nas eai izvjestaj iznenadi, imam neki cudni osjecaj da proizvodnja gubi maha, wells daje sve sta ima prve godine, bit ce tesko to nadoknaditi cak i uz marcellius, iako je main stram prica jos uvijek da cemo vidjeti all time high production do kraja 2013 god., mislim da bi se mnogi mogli iznenaditi po tom pitanju
…ja još in i po 11,75 ohohoo…prerano si izašao…strpi se…vidiš
da ih rasturamo do bola…odo gledati tekmu…ajd'[emo_namigusa]
…out folksi moji 14,40 ahahhahahahaha…over 20% u pađe…gasim ih
jer dosada su živa…ajmo profeštati…cheers [emo_smijeh]
A few things for you to ponder: first, coal to gas is not as important in the winter as it is in summer as heating loads are in RESCOM, not power gen. Having said that, you mention looseness, but that is really a function of weather has become mild. If you look at the graphs Ben puts out on power generation and RESCOM, two VERY important factors come to the forefront. For power gen, we indeed have been burning less gas pretty much all summer long than last year per degree day. However, RESCOM has been burning higher amounts YoY, which are not all that meaningful in CDD’s, but when the HDD’s begin that will be magnified. I think too many are and will underestimate the growth of RESCOM demand and that will be a key driver this winter. We only have to go back to march-april this year to be reminded how much more gas was burned, at prices over $4, than anytime prior in recorded storage/wx history in RESCOM, so the evidence is already there, I think too many missed it though.
Bullshitting about $3.30/3.40/3.50 is not important to large money now, if it falls further it accumulates more. At this point in the game, the homestretch into HDD’s, price variations will have very little impact on demand behaviors and final outcome. But buying winter gas at these levels is likely a good bet for position traders, hence the supportive bid.
…ma natty je ludilo brale…30% profita…od 17-tog ovog metra…ne ide
ni san na oči…jer u očima je [emo_novac]ahahahhahaha
+ ugaz 15.11 i 15.15
– drugi dio ugaz 16.51
odlicna dva tjedna.