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Uz desetke licencija, 3D printeri velika su šansa za Magmu

prije nekoliko dana je bilo na rtl-u a prije toga na hrt-u kada je najdetaljnije o licencijama pricao i na lideru ako se ne varama (probat cu naci)

ma pusti to što on priča, mene zanimaju službeni linkovi i službene obavijesti..tko je povjerovao “pričama” i kupovao magmu taj je krahirao

možete mi brisati nick, ali ne možete obrisati istinu u raskrinkavanju forumskih drukera i navlakača!

neznam za cijene dionice, ali kada ovako nabrzinu procijenim ja mislim da ce se stabilizirat jos dva tjedna na 2 i onda lagani rast na 2.4-2,5 (nista pretjerano) a sto se tice licencija bit cu medu prvi koji ce kupiti detaljnu figuricu bibera ili nesto slicno [emo_smijeh]

ovo bi voljeli vidjeti svi koji imaju ili će kupiti dionicu Magme

3D Printing Stock Bubble? $10.8 Billion By 2021
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3D printed blue treefrogs in different layer t…

3D printing and related fields in scanning, modeling have seen a phenomenal rise in 2013. There are big questions about 3D printing and if we are witnessing a stock bubble that is soon to burst. Most of these questions and forecasts focus on consumer adoption, or prototyping alone, but the big value in 3D is in printing final parts.

According to Wohlers Associates, one of the leading firms studying 3D printing (additive manufacturing) and its impact, “the production of parts for final products is expected to far surpass prototyping applications for 3D-printed parts,” according to Tim Caffrey, senior consultant at the company.

3-D Printing Stocks: The Bullish Case And The Bearish Case
Panos MourdoukoutasPanos Mourdoukoutas

3D Systems Leads 3D Printing Movement But HP Could Become A Major Player, Jefferies Says
Maggie McGrathMaggie McGrath
Forbes Staff

How To Invest In The 3D Printer Industry
Panos MourdoukoutasPanos Mourdoukoutas
Caffrey added that this is because the ratio of prototypes to production parts is often 1:1,000 or greater. “The money is in manufacturing, not prototyping. The opportunity for more commercial production activity from additive manufacturing is immense.”

In four years, Wohlers Associates believes that the sale of 3D printing products and services will approach $6 billion worldwide. By 2021, Wohlers Associates forecasts the industry to reach $10.8 billion. It took the 3D printing industry 20 years to reach $1 billion in size. In five additional years, the industry generated its second $1 billion. It is expected to double again, to $4 billion, in 2015. A good example of services is Shapeways, listed at the end of this post in a gallery.

To get a glimpse, look at the following four companies which have seen excellent gains over the last 12-24 months. Autodesk ADSK +0.47%, Stratasys, 3D Systems, and Dassault Systemes are a few to watch. Most, if not all, of these companies will be at CES (Consumer Electronics Show) in January as well. Investor’s Business Daily posted today that 2014 will see intensified competition in the 3D printer market.

Autodesk: 3D printing is amazing, but you can’t print if you don’t have a digital file, a computer modeled version that communicates with the printer itself. That’s where AutoCAD software from Autodesk comes into play. The company supports major industries, inventors, entrepreneurs, and even consumers with its apps and full suite of software. It has seen a 40 percent gain in the last 12 months. 63 percent over 24 months.

Stratasys: With its acquisition of MakerBot, the company leaped into the consumer market, or at least the professional amateur (pro-am) market. Already a dominant player in large scale, high end 3D printers, they have seen a 60 percent increase this year. 324 percent over the last two years.

3D Systems DDD +0.6%: This company has captured the attention of many Wall Street analysts due to its product mix (mostly high end industrial 3D printers, but also a growing consumer line), strong patents, and its sales of high margin materials. It has seen a 155 percent gain in the last 12 months and an astounding 845 percent over two years. You can read more from my Forbes colleagues with posts in the left nav column.

Dassault Systemes: (DASTY) With its SolidWorks software, France-based Dassault Systemes has one of the best known software packages for 3D designers and creators. Their stock only shows a 10 percent growth over the last 12 months, but over two years it is closer to 55 percent.

While there’s talk of a bubble, and no doubt that will be true for some companies in the 3D printing industry, there is also fundamental and healthy future growth by industrial users in medicine, manufacturing, and military, just to mention a few.

Stratsys: kompanija koja se bavi 3 D printanjem,ove godine je porasla 64 posto a u zadnje dvije godine 324 posto,isto Forbes,gornje boldano.

Tekst nije nagovor ni ka kupnju ni na prodaju

Stratsys: kompanija koja se bavi 3 D printanjem,ove godine je porasla 64 posto a u zadnje dvije godine 324 posto,isto Forbes,gornje boldano.

Tekst nije nagovor ni ka kupnju ni na prodaju

nema u cemu se sada ne primjenuje.. od proizvodnje hrane na svemirskoj psotaji do medicine..

Stratsys: kompanija koja se bavi 3 D printanjem,ove godine je porasla 64 posto a u zadnje dvije godine 324 posto,isto Forbes,gornje boldano.

Tekst nije nagovor ni ka kupnju ni na prodaju

A jel isto imala 300 tisuća kuna prihoda ove godine?

Stratsys: kompanija koja se bavi 3 D printanjem,ove godine je porasla 64 posto a u zadnje dvije godine 324 posto,isto Forbes,gornje boldano.

Tekst nije nagovor ni ka kupnju ni na prodaju

A jel isto imala 300 tisuća kuna prihoda ove godine?

Stratsys: kompanija koja se bavi 3 D printanjem,ove godine je porasla 64 posto a u zadnje dvije godine 324 posto,isto Forbes,gornje boldano.

Tekst nije nagovor ni ka kupnju ni na prodaju

A jel isto imala 300 tisuća kuna prihoda ove godine?

Lebowski opet pričaš gluposti,Magma je odblokirana 24.1.14.,o čemu ti to prčaš o prometu koje godine,vjerovatno prošle dok je tvrtka bila u blokadi i nije još prošla PSN.

Možda se Fižulićev plan da dođe do 3d printera bazirao na tome da 3d printerom isprinta 3d printer? A onda je shvatio da se zeznuo, da mora imati 3d printer da isprinta 3d printer? [emo_smijeh]

3d printeri su najmanji problem.. moze imati tisuce 3d printere ali kakve koristi kad nema licencije za printanje ili ako nema softwaere za printanje

Tko stoji iza njega ?

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