LRH (Liburnia Riviera hoteli d.d.)

Naslovnica Forum Tržište kapitala Hrvatska LRH (Liburnia Riviera hoteli d.d.)

Forum namijenjen svim temama vezanim za dionice, obveznice i druge vrijednosne papire te trgovanje istima u Hrvatskoj.

kakav muk ovdje zavladao

Ostoja učini nešto, ha ha [pray]

to je ono poznato "zatišje pred buru".

ne pozivam na kupnju-prodaju,očekujem da me netko svojim razmišljanjima i argumentima potakne na novo razmišljanje.isprike na dužini posta,tipfelerima...

Netko bi se htio pošto-poto riješiti svojih 150 dionica…..nadam se da će mu se želja što prije ispuniti…..
Mogo bi vrlo lako uskoro tuć glavom o zid…. [wink]

kakav muk ovdje zavladao

Ostoja učini nešto, ha ha [pray]

Kolega, zar i Vi niste do sada shvatili da je ovo najveći "zicer" na ZSE ?

Daj mi bože mira da se ne sekiram zbog stvari koje ne mogu promijeniti,daj mi snage da promjenim stvari koje mogu promijeniti, daj mi mudrosti da uspijem prepoznati te dvije stvari. [color=black][/color]

Ostoja čeka s ponudom do zadnjeg dana, taj će ići na iscrpljivanje do besvijesti.

[b][/b]You never count your money when you're sittin' at the table

Među radnicima LRH počele priče da postojeći rukovodeći kadar ide u hotele niže kategorije a novi i mlađi dolazi na njihovo mjesto .Sasvim normalno.Nekad su bili hoteli popunjeni do Nove godine a sad 15.10 zatvaraju .

Među radnicima LRH počele priče da postojeći rukovodeći kadar ide u hotele niže kategorije a novi i mlađi dolazi na njihovo mjesto .Sasvim normalno.Nekad su bili hoteli popunjeni do Nove godine a sad 15.10 zatvaraju .

Jesi friški ali ovo baš i nema neku realnu podlogu.

"Među radnicima LRH počele priče…"
"Nekad su bili hoteli popunjeni do Nove godine a sad 15.10 zatvaraju".

Pa od kuda ovi podaci?

Inače prošao sam i zaposlenje u EU i ovo je sasvim normalna rekcija jer svaki gazda odlučuje o svemu pa i o tome. A mnoštvo starih ima "korijene" koje se jednostavno ne da presijći nego ovako. Ne kažem da je to uvijek najbolje ali svi rade tako.

A da li to još smije Ostoja … to je pitanje!!

U kontaktu sam sa bivšim kolegama koji tamo rade pa možda sam malo više u toku.Promene se sigurno neće dogodit preko noći a da će ih biti to sigurno .I to na bolje .

Kvarner kao ruska rivijera

Only God, Muammar and Libya!

Ne znam da li pratite, ali kolega Drazenni radi sve u šesnaest.
Tko želi znati detalje i naravno tko još nije, predlazem da se učlani u Udrugu.

Evo članak u Neweurope od 03.08.

"Prime Minister Jadranka Kosor has successfully settled out of court a controversial and long standing dispute that previously threatened to hold up negotiation of Chapter 23 (Justice and Home Affairs) of the Croatian Accession Negotiations to join the EU.

In what has come to be known as the “Liburnia case”, previous Croatian Governments had delayed payment of compensation amounting to 78 million euros due to SN Holdings and Dom Holdings although a series of legally binding court and independent arbitration decisions dating back to 2005 had ruled against the government. Successive governments’ failure to respect the court rulings had given rise to concerns for respect of the rule of law.

The case involves compensation due to shareholders in the companies SN Holdings and Dom Holdings; many of whom are war veterans who were allocated shares following the Coupon privatisation in 1998 by the Croatian Privatisation Fund.

“This is a landmark decision,” commented James Wilson, Director of the Croatia EU Business Council. “It sends a clear and unambiguous message that the government of Prime Minister Kosor is committed to respect for the rule of law and to upholding the rights of citizens to receive fair compensation in good time for their property under the conditions provided for by the law.”

Since coming to office Jadranka Kosor has already established a reputation as a political leader determined to break with the past, to promote high standards of transparency and to fight corruption. The Liburnia case was one that she inherited from the time of the Sander government, and she deserves personal credit for the political courage needed to focus on the strategic national interest and resolve the long-standing complex issues involved.

Not only does this decision keep alive Croatia’s ambitions to conclude negotiation of all chapters this year, paving the way for accession in 2011, it also gives a strong boost to public support in Croatia for the process."

[b][/b]You never count your money when you're sittin' at the table

Dražene, navali na ovog James Wilsona ako se brine za krupni kapital nek se pobrine i za stoku sitnog zuba.

[b][/b]You never count your money when you're sittin' at the table

Evo članak u Neweurope od 03.08.

"Prime Minister Jadranka Kosor has successfully settled out of court a controversial and long standing dispute that previously threatened to hold up negotiation of Chapter 23 (Justice and Home Affairs) of the Croatian Accession Negotiations to join the EU.

In what has come to be known as the “Liburnia case”, previous Croatian Governments had delayed payment of compensation amounting to 78 million euros due to SN Holdings and Dom Holdings although a series of legally binding court and independent arbitration decisions dating back to 2005 had ruled against the government. Successive governments’ failure to respect the court rulings had given rise to concerns for respect of the rule of law.

The case involves compensation due to shareholders in the companies SN Holdings and Dom Holdings; many of whom are war veterans who were allocated shares following the Coupon privatisation in 1998 by the Croatian Privatisation Fund.

“This is a landmark decision,” commented James Wilson, Director of the Croatia EU Business Council. “It sends a clear and unambiguous message that the government of Prime Minister Kosor is committed to respect for the rule of law and to upholding the rights of citizens to receive fair compensation in good time for their property under the conditions provided for by the law.”

Since coming to office Jadranka Kosor has already established a reputation as a political leader determined to break with the past, to promote high standards of transparency and to fight corruption. The Liburnia case was one that she inherited from the time of the Sander government, and she deserves personal credit for the political courage needed to focus on the strategic national interest and resolve the long-standing complex issues involved.

Not only does this decision keep alive Croatia’s ambitions to conclude negotiation of all chapters this year, paving the way for accession in 2011, it also gives a strong boost to public support in Croatia for the process."

Opet se mali niti ne spominju!

New Report
