LPLH (Lošinjska plovidba d.d.)

Naslovnica Forum Tržište kapitala Hrvatska LPLH (Lošinjska plovidba d.d.)

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jel tu vođeno računa da LPLH ima samo 50% brodarske firme?

To nije istina,a tko je drugi suvlasnik po tebi?

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pa tako sam ja to shvatio:
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Brodar Lošinjska plovidba dio je holdinga Lošinjske plovidbe koji u svom sastavu ima tri kompanije; osim spomenutog brodarstva, u holdingu je još i tvrtka brodogradilište d.o.o. te turizam d.o.o. I dok je LPH potpuni vlasnik turističkog i brodograđevnog portfelja, u slučaju LP brodarstva Holding je vlasnik samo 50 posto tvrtke. Ostatak je u vlasništvu tvtki Dalmont i Apple St. Vincent Grenadine koja imaju svaka po 25 posto u vlasništvu.

Never pay the slightest attention to what a company president ever says about his stock. Bernard Baruch

TunaSalad: ” jel tu vođeno računa da LPLH ima samo 50% brodarske firme? ” To nije istina,a tko je drugi suvlasnik po tebi?

Lošinjska plovidba – brodarstvo d.o.o.

Temeljni kapital Društva iznosi 37.761.600,00 kuna i u cijelosti je uplaćen.
Članak 7.
(1) Temeljni kapital sastoji se od tri temeljna uloga, jedan u iznosu 18.880.800,00 kn i dva u iznosu po 9.440.400,00 kn.
(2) Poslovni udjeli u Društvu odgovaraju temeljnim ulozima članova Društva:
Lošinjska plovidba – Holding d.d., upisano kod Trgovačkog suda u Rijeci pod matičnim brojem subjekta upisa (MBS): 040031685 preuzelo je jedan temeljni ulog u društvu u iznosu 18.880.800,00 kn koji odgovara jednom poslovnom udjelu u iznosu 18.880.800,00 a čini 50% od temeljnog kapitala Društva.
[color=blue]Dalmont,[/color] društvo s ograničenom odgovornošću za izgradnju i montažu objekata, postrojenja i brodova, te unutarnju i vanjsku trgovinu, upisano u Sudski registar Trgovačkog suda u Rijeci pod matičnim brojem subjekta upisa (MBS): 040027684 preuzelo je jedan temeljni ulog u društvu u iznosu 9.440.400,00 kn koji odgovara jednom poslovnom udjelu u iznosu 9.440.400,00 kn, a čini 25% temeljnog kapitala Društva;
[color=blue]Apple Marine Inc., Kingstown, St. Vincent And The Grenadines[/color], upisano u registar koji se vodi kod Register International Business Companies u St. Vincent and The Grenadines pod brojem 2274 IBC 1998 preuzelo je jedan temeljni ulog u društvu u iznosu 9.440.400,00 kn koji odgovara jednom poslovnom udjelu u iznosu 9.440.400,00 kn, a čini 25% temelj­nog kapitala Društva.
Ova odluka stupa na snagu na dan upisa povećanja temeljnog kapitala i izmjene izjave o osnivanju u sudski registar nadležnog trgovačkog suda, pod uvjetom da se prije toga u sudski registar upiše odluka o pojedno­stavljenom smanjenju temeljnog kapitala Društva sa 124.468.000 kn za 105.587.122,42 kn, na 18.880.800,00 kn (77,58 kn preneseno u pričuve Društva).

pa tako sam ja to shvatio:
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Brodar Lošinjska plovidba dio je holdinga Lošinjske plovidbe koji u svom sastavu ima tri kompanije; osim spomenutog brodarstva, u holdingu je još i tvrtka brodogradilište d.o.o. te turizam d.o.o. I dok je LPH potpuni vlasnik turističkog i brodograđevnog portfelja, u slučaju LP brodarstva Holding je vlasnik samo 50 posto tvrtke. Ostatak je u vlasništvu tvtki Dalmont i Apple St. Vincent Grenadine koja imaju svaka po 25 posto u vlasništvu.

A što misliš tko je vlasnik ta 2 poduzeća vani (offshore) ?

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LOŠINJSKA PLOVIDBA-HOLDING d.d. – smanjenje temeljnog kapitala

Poštovani, u skladu s člankom 87. a u vezi s člankom 88. st. 2. Pravila Središnje depozitarne agencije d.d. (dalje u tekstu: Agencija) i Rješenjem Trgovačkog suda u Rijeci od 11. listopada 2007. godine, broj: Tt-07/1870-8, obavještavamo vas da je Agencija dana 16. listopada 2007. godine za društvo LOŠINJSKA PLOVIDBA-HOLDING d.d. (dalje u tekstu: Društvo) obavila u sustavu Agencije upis smanjenja temeljnog kapitala Društva.

Društvo je odlukom Glavne skupštine od 31. kolovoza 2007. godine smanjilo temeljni kapital s iznosa od 258.342.240,00 kuna za iznos od 13.248.320,00 kuna na iznos od 245.093.920,00 kuna. Smanjenje temeljnog kapitala izvršeno je na način da je smanjen nominalni iznos redovnih dionica Društva


sa 390,00 kuna na 370,00 kuna.

Temeljni kapital Društva nakon provedenog upisa smanjenja iznosi 245.093.920,00 kuna i podijeljen je na 662.416 redovnih nematerijaliziranih dionica na ime pojedinačnog nominalnog iznosa od 370,00 kuna.

Politics is for the present, but an equation is for eternity. Einstein

to znamo jos od jucer,vrati se nekoliko postova unatrag.

 I m a g i n a t i o n * a t * w o r k 


pa tako sam ja to shvatio:
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Brodar Lošinjska plovidba dio je holdinga Lošinjske plovidbe koji u svom sastavu ima tri kompanije; osim spomenutog brodarstva, u holdingu je još i tvrtka brodogradilište d.o.o. te turizam d.o.o. I dok je LPH potpuni vlasnik turističkog i brodograđevnog portfelja, u slučaju LP brodarstva Holding je vlasnik samo 50 posto tvrtke. Ostatak je u vlasništvu tvtki Dalmont i Apple St. Vincent Grenadine koja imaju svaka po 25 posto u vlasništvu.

A što misliš tko je vlasnik ta 2 poduzeća vani (offshore) ?

Dalmont je registriran u Rijeci na trgovačkom sudu dakle nije off shore, a jedini vlasnik i jedini osnivač Ivan Ivić član N.O. LPLH

Politics is for the present, but an equation is for eternity. Einstein

Container Fixtures
Friday 12 October 2007

Pandora – Flag LIB – 37950 Dwt
2702 Teu – 2100/Hom – Cellular – Geared – 21.75/88
4Yrs – ww – Hamburg Sued – PRIVATE RATE

manx lion – Flag ABB – blt 1998 – 16833 Dwt
1122 Teu – 817/Hom – 152 PlugsCellular – Geared – 18.5/38.0
24Mnths – atlantic – Portline – 14000,00 USD/Day

Oberon – Flag ABB – blt 1996 – 9200 Dwt
907 Teu – 530/Hom – 70 PlugsCellular – Geared – 17.5/31.0
12Mnths – caribs – Seaboard Marin – 11400,00 USD/Day

Alemania – Flag ABB – blt 1995 – 9200 Dwt
907 Teu – 540/Hom – 70 PlugsCellular – Geared – 18.0/31.0
24Mnths – med – CMA CGM – 10800,00 USD/Day

Andromeda J – Flag GEU – blt 2006 – 11052 Dwt
900 Teu – 554/Hom – 170 PlugsCellular – Gearless – 17.5/34
opt 12Mnths – cont – CSCL – 9750,00 EUR/Day

Actuaria – Flag GBI – blt 2007 – 11271 Dwt
868 Teu – 600/Hom – 234 PlugsCellular – Gearless – 18.0/33.3
6Mnths – cont – Unifeeder – 9500,00 EUR/Day

Annabella – Flag GBI – blt 2006 – 11273 Dwt
862 Teu – 585/Hom – 234 PlugsCellular – Gearless – 18.0/33.3
ext 12Mnths – cont – Unifeeder – 10300,00 EUR/Day

Italia – Flag GBI – blt 2003 – 8707 Dwt
822 Teu – 507/Hom – 150 PlugsCellular – Gearless – 18.5
ext 12Mnths – cont – Delphis – 8750,00 EUR/Day

Helgaland – Flag GBI – blt 2003 – 8622 Dwt
822 Teu – 507/Hom – 150 PlugsCellular – Gearless – 18.5/36.5
12Mnths – cont – Containerships – 9600,00 EUR/Day

Energizer – Flag NTH – blt 2004 – 9500 Dwt
750 Teu – 518/Hom – 190 PlugsCellular – Gearless – 18.0/29.0
ext 6Mnths – med – Sea Consortium – 8100,00 EUR/Day

Cepheus J – Flag GBI – blt 2003 – 8500 Dwt
707 Teu – 425/Hom – 150 PlugsCellular – Gearless – 18.0/25.0
ext 12Mnths – cont – Unifeeder – 8700,00 EUR/Day

O. M. Aestatis – Flag LIB – blt 2006 – 8200 Dwt
704 Teu – 415/Hom – 116 PlugsCellular – Gearless – 17/24
4Mnths – interasia – Mekong Shippin – 9650,00 USD/Day

Merwedijk – Flag NTH – blt 2001 – 8298 Dwt
698 Teu – 427/Hom – 150 PlugsCellular – Gearless – 18.0/28.0
ext 6Mnths – cont – Unifeeder – 7500,00 EUR/Day

Baltic Trader – Flag NTH – blt 1995 – 6928 Dwt
547 Teu – 330/Hom – 40 PlugsCellular – Gearless – 16.0/16.1
5Mnths – cont – Unifeeder – 6500,00 EUR/Day

Source: Maersk Broker

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Pitam jer je Eva poodavno prodana

Je u pravu si,to mi je stari sheet,samo s novim podacim,evo novog :

Dora 30.900 1982 Handysize 13.000.000,00
Hana 42.609 1986 Handysize 32.000.000,00
Karolina 37.197 1986 Handysize 27.500.000,00
Karmen 38.135 1986 Handysize 27.500.000,00
Katarina 28.467 1986 Handysize 19.000.000,00
Lola 22.635 1979 Handysize 10.000.000,00
Lipa 5.716 / 214 TEU 1973 Container Vessel 1.000.000,00
Lošinj 9.450 / 519 TEU 1979 Container Vessel 2.500.000,00
Rijeka 3.979 / 400 TEU 1984 Container Vessel 2.500.000,00
Srakane 5.894 / 336 TEU 1986 Container Vessel 3.500.000,00
Susak 5.894 / 336 TEU 1987 Container Vessel 3.500.000,00

CASH (AOP 012) 88.669.000

NET ASSET VALUE 697.853.256
DISCOUNT 35,4109%

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Dry Bulk Market Highlights
September 2007
Release Date: September 2007 | Next Release: October 2007

The dry bulk market just keeps on booming! From late August through the middle of September, new records were set in the Baltic Dry Index virtually every day. And following a brief pause in mid-September, the market returned to its record-setting path, with the BDI soaring above 9,000 by late September, up by 25% from its level a month earlier.

Once again, Capes saw the most phenomenal gains, with spot earnings jumping from $110,000 per day in late August to an astonishing $150,000 per day by late September!

Likewise, Panamaxes also registered impressive gains, as new records were also set in this sector. The Panamax Baltic TC Index rose from $55,000 per day to $75,000 per day over the past month.

However, rate gains for the smaller bulkers were a bit more subdued. Supramax earnings increased from $50,000 per day in late August to more than $55,000 per day by late September, while small Handy rates have also seen relatively modest gains over the past month, with earnings for a transatlantic roundtrip voyage moving up from $30,000 per day to $32,000 per day.

Meanwhile, period charter activity also continued at a torrid pace over the past month, with an exceptionally high number of Panamaxes fixed. One-year TC rates for these vessels jumped to $65,000 per day, up about 10% over the past month. Period charter rates for Capesize vessels and Supramaxes also saw significant increases.

While strong Chinese trade demand and a continued high level of port congestion have provided a solid foundation for the dry bulk market during most of 2007, the latest spike in the market has been helped by a concentration of chartering activity prior to the onset of holidays in China during the first week of October, and by a renewed surge in U.S. grain exports.
Specifically, after averaging 6.6 million tonnes per month in June and July, U.S. grain exports accelerated to 9 million tonnes per month during August and September. Most of the jump in U.S. export activity involved wheat shipments, which nearly tripled during the past two months. Lower production in Europe and Africa has played a role in boosting the demand for U.S. exports. In addition, course grains production has fallen in Australia and China, allowing longer-haul U.S. exports to gain market share in Asia and the Middle East.

Meanwhile, although Chinese steel-related activity remains robust, it has slowed a bit recently. In August, Chinese steel output rose at a 14% annual pace relative to a year ago, down from the 20+% pace seen in the first quarter. Chinese iron ore imports also dipped from 33.6 million tonnes in July to 29.3 million tonnes in August, though for the first eight months of 2007, these imports are still running 15% above last year’s pace. And the pre-holiday chartering spree seen in the second half of September probably signals that a renewed surge in Chinese iron ore imports is currently taking place.

Likewise, Chinese steel exports have also edged down during the past two months, after reaching a record-high in June. However, these exports are still running well ahead of last year’s pace.

As for port delays, they have also eased a bit over the past couple of months, with SSY’s Australian Coal Port Congestion index falling from 23 days in July to just under 14 days by mid-September. However, a September 20th rail accident near Newcastle, Australia once again led to an increase in offshore waiting times during the latter half of the month.

Turning to the supply-side of the dry bulk market, fleet growth has accelerated further over the past month, as deliveries totaled 2.5 million dwt, while scrapping was limited to one small vessel that was 31 years of age. Meanwhile, the dry bulk orderbook continued to expand at a rapid pace, reaching 45% of the existing fleet by the start of September.

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Containership Market Highlights
July 2007
Release Date: July 2007| Next Release: October 2007

Once again the pendulum swings in favor of liner companies and charter-vessel owners. The world is enjoying its best economic boom period ever, riding an unprecedented 4-year-long expansion averaging 4.7% growth per year. This figure eclipses historical average annual norms of 3.2%. Containerized trade and the containership industry have clearly benefited from such developments. And with the first half of 2007 witnessing renewed vigor in containerized trade expansion, led by a rejuvenated European economy and by booming Asian shipments to Europe and the developing world, it has become increasingly difficult to make a case for a pending significant slow-down in liner demand. We now expect containerized trade growth to climb to a remarkable 11.5% this year, marking the fastest expansion during the last 3-year period.

That is not to say that all is well in Camelot. Growth in the industry’s flagship route, the Transpacific eastbound, is sputtering, while US-bound Transatlantic volumes have fallen below last year’s shipments in the first half of 2007, recording a negative growth. An ailing US economy is the underlying cause behind lackluster US demand.

Regardless, not only has the industry managed to shake off the slowdown in the US markets, but carriers improved their profitability in the second quarter, thanks to a large extent to a record-high 20% year-on-year expansion in the Asian-Europe westbound volumes. Trade growth in the Asia-Europe lanes was sufficient to accommodate not only the continued influx of newbuilding mega-ships deployed almost exclusively in this market, but also to absorb capacity repositioned from weaker Transpacific trades. The shift of vessel-deployment away from the Transpacific has allowed carriers to ease the downward pressure on freight rates there, while enjoying a healthy box-rate restoration in the Asia-Europe routes.

Meanwhile, charter-vessel rates continued on a steady upward trend in the second quarter of 2007 and by July had climbed back to year-ago levels. The charter markets are the beneficiaries of booming intra-Asia demand (particularly in the Asia Pacific region) and expanding volumes in North-South trades. In addition, red-hot dry bulk markets have lured non-cellular tonnage to bulk trades, thus easing the growth of the container-capable fleet.

But most importantly, the impact of soaring dry bulk rates has resonated in the newbuilding markets and in asset values. An unprecedented wave of dry bulk contracting in the first half of 2007 has been instrumental in triggering demand for containership newbuildings this year, as box-ship investors vied for yard space for 2010 deliveries. At the same time, surging dry bulk newbuilding demand and prices have set the tone in shipbuilding markets: Newbuilding prices for containerships moved decisively higher in the second quarter, and so did valuations for second- hand tonnage.

Looking ahead, our Base Case outlook calls for liner fleet utilization to climb to 91% during the summer peak season, before falling back to 88% in the fourth quarter. Even though we expect Transpacific rates to weaken by year-end, box freight rates should average 4% higher than 2007H1 levels in the second half of 2007, thanks to further significant gains in the Asia-Europe westbound haul.

With freight rates remaining at par levels with 2006 this year, we expect liner profitability to surge higher in 2007, following a disappointing 2006 performance. Undoubtedly, operating costs will remain high this year and be a drag on the balance sheet, but the pace of growth has moderated since a year ago, particularly regarding the fuel cost component (fuel costs surged 20% to 30% in 2006 but in 2007 fuel prices remain comparable to year-ago levels). Accordingly, robust 2007 volume growth should result in solid revenue increases and sound profit-margins,

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and sound profit-margins, particularly for operators with a heavy presence in the Asia-Europe and intra-Asia trades.

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New Report
