LKPC (Luka Ploče d.d.)

Naslovnica Forum Tržište kapitala Hrvatska LKPC (Luka Ploče d.d.)

Forum namijenjen svim temama vezanim za dionice, obveznice i druge vrijednosne papire te trgovanje istima u Hrvatskoj.

Do sada niti jedan takav dokap nije prošao, a i prospekt izlazi ranije pa će tržište odraditi i opet sve Ok., također, kod dokapa iskaziješ svoj interes u upisnici a to ipak traje neko vrijeme kao i vrijeme da uplatiš novce, za to vrijeme se već sa dobrom dozom sigurnosti može procijeniti isplativost ulaganja ili pak neisplativost i odustanak.


Da ali ovo je malo drukciji dokap zbog drugog kruga i natjecanja na burzi za cijenu, zar ne? U slucaju previsoke cijene u prvom krugu, ta prava se svejedno mogu prodati u drugom krugu i mali dionicari dobiju novce, a veliki dionicari dobiju debeli paket.

Ne znam kako to ide sa pravima ali ako si stekao prava kao što su ih stekli imaoci dionica na dan GS, tko ti ih onda može oduzeti?
Što se drugoga kruga tiće, to nije ništa drugačiji dokap od ostalih osim što će biti otvoren široj javnosti sa zadržavanjem prava uprave na alokaciju… razlike cijene prvoga i drugoga kruga ne bi trebalo biti nego će se trgovati pravima…što je pak u konfliktu sa pravom na alokaciju…


PETINA, 27.04.2011. u 15:59
Malo je van teme, ali palo mi je sada na pamet, gdje nam je nestala mlada dama?

Fali mi žensko društvo.
Nije to,to,kada nema LIZE!!
Pretpostavljam da ovo čita i zato joj šaljem jedan V E L I K Iiiiii [kiss]

p.s. Ejjjj ljudi!!! Netko je sknio cijela DVA KOMADA sa Aska [shocked]

Dali jer to procurio info [lol]

Pa da.

Ona je bila jedina ženska na temi.
A sada baš i nije vrijeme za nove članove na temi.
Osim naravno ovih što svaki dan iskaču kao iz šešira i vide cijenu ispod 400.

Evo vam jedan dokument a vi sami zaljučite o čemu se radi.

克罗地亚航运业2011年第二季度研究报告——Croatia Shipping Report Q2 2011
联系购买电话:010-82863480 公司名称:佐思信息 公司地址:北京市海淀区苏州街18号院长远天地大厦A2座 1008-1室(100080)

"Throughput at one of Croatia’s largest ports, Ploče, is forecast to post another year of tonnage growth in 2011 following a successful 2010, which allowed the port to make a strong start on the recovery from the global downturn in trade.
The latest year-to-date figures (January-December 2010) show that tonnage volumes at the port of Ploče increased by 57.9% year-on-year (y-o-y), reaching 4.53mn tonnes. Box levels for the year have declined, although exact figures have not been disclosed. BMI estimates that the port recorded a y-o-y decrease in container throughput of 12.2% in 2010.
The published results present a firm foundation for BMI’s forecasts for port throughput at Ploče for 2011 and for the rest of the mid term.
We predict that the port’s tonnage will reach 6.98mn tonnes in 2015, increasing by 36.5% on the projected 2011 handling figure. Container volumes for the same period will increase by 42.7% to reach 33,595 20- foot equivalent units (TEUs) in 2015.
Headline Industry Data
?? 2011 port of Rijeka tonnage throughput forecast to rise 2.68% following an estimated decrease of 3.04% in 2010.
?? 2011 Rijeka container throughput forecast to grow 5.10% following an estimated decline of 8.54% in 2010.
?? 2011 total trade growth forecast to grow 5.75%.
Key Industry Trends
Ploče’s New Container Terminal Gets First Containers:
On February 1 2011 the first container vessel was handled at the new box terminal at the port of Ploče. Container operations at the facility began with the arrival of Mediterranean Shipping Company (MSC)’s Sujin. The terminal is operated by Luka Ploče. The dedicated feeder ship, with a capacity of 920 20-foot equivalent units (TEUs), is chartered by MSC to be used solely to connect Ploče and Montenegro’s port of Bar with a hub port of Gioia Tauro in Italy. Despite the challenging economic climate, the Croatian port sector continues developing with a number of projects currently being realised. The terminal at Ploče, country’s second largest port by container and total throughput, was opened in August 2010. It is part of a wider Trade and Transport Integration Project (TTI), a joint undertaking of the Croatian Ministry of Sea, Tourism, Transport and Development and the Port of Ploče Authority, with support from the World Bank and the European Bank for Reconstruction and Development.
Adriatic LNG Terminal Behind the Schedule: The preliminary schedule sees the Adriatic liquefied natural gas (LNG) terminal on the island of Krk becoming operational in 2017, years behind the original schedule. Proliferation of inter-regional gas pipeline projects in the Balkans is making the terminal’s future increasingly uncertain. After months of stagnation, the Adria LNG consortium formally applied for a location permit to the environment ministry in May 2010. No supply deals have been signed and the only mooted source of gas, Iran, has yet to build any liquefaction terminals. More importantly, Croatia’s decision in early-2010 to join the Russian-backed South Stream pipeline project has eroded the economic justification for a domestic LNG terminal. The consortium officially hopes to bring the planned 10-15bn cubic metre (bcm) facility onstream by 2014.
Risks to Outlook
BMI’s country risk team holds the view that Croatia will experience weak growth in 2011, with GDP forecast to grow by no more than 1.7%. Potential upside risk to BMI’s throughput forecasts comes in form of an increase in the country’s total trade of 5.75% in real terms. Imports are expected to demonstrate 6% growth, while exports are to increase by 5.5% in 2011, bringing more cargo to the country’s ports. If the trend persists over the mid term, it could create further upside risks to our port throughput forecasts.

povrati sastavnica crobexa za 1Q2011 iz rba analize , neko je prvi a neko je zadnji (iskreno mislio sam da će ovaj predzadnji bit uvjerljivo zadnji) ali evo dalje neću komentirat . .

It was a thrill to play against Drazen. Every time we competed, he competed with an aggressive attitude - Michael Jordan

Izgleda da je napokon probijena trend linija prema gore.

Izgleda da je napokon probijena trend linija prema gore.

a možda su procurile informacije [proud]

Dali netko zna zašto "Naši" šalju sažetak Kinezima za period 3-6 mjeseca ove godine.

Ulaze li Kinezi u Luku Ploče?

Ovaj dokument sam pronašao na starnicama,u PDF formatu.

Evo vam prijevod:

克罗地亚航运业2011年第二季度研究报告——Croatia Shipping Report Q2 2011
联系购买电话:010-82863480 公司名称:佐思信息 公司地址:北京市海淀区苏州街18号院长远天地大厦A2座 1008-1室(100080)


-Hrvatska, u drugom tromjesečju 2011, istraživanje brodarstva izvješće – Hrvatska Dostava Izvješće Q2 2011
Kontakt Telefon: 010 -82863480 Kupi Ime tvrtke: Adresa tvrtke Zuosi Informacije: Haidian District, Beijing, Suzhou ulici, zgrada 18, predsjednik Daleki Svijet, Soba 1008-1, blok A2 (100080)
Datum objave: ožujak 2011

Dalje valjda znadete jer piše na Engleskom. [thumbsup] [kiss]

Evo vam još jedan Kineski link.Pogledajte pri dnu stranice na kojima piše PREPORUKA IZVJEŠĆE:

Hrvatska drugom tromjesečju 2011 industriji za istraživanje dostave izvješće – Hrvatska Dostava Izvješće Q2 2011 2011-04-26


Postavlja se pitanje.ZAŠTO VLADA MORA POSLATI IZVJEŠTAJ ZA 2Q(3-6mj)?

Možda je budući predsjednik Uprave LKPC: MU-DO KO-ŠAKA [lol] [thumbsup]

New Report
