Brestovac počišćen do 230.
D e nam to prikaži uživo[smiley9]
Danas nije došlo ni jedno 1H FI, niti na ZSE,a ni na VSE.
Izaslo je na VSE
Do 220 🙂
A 230 je prvi sljedeci nalog prodaje[smiley11]
Izgleda da je računovođa SLPF-a otišao na godišnji….[smiley11]
Nije, otisao je po margin kredit![smiley1]
beholder: ” Izgleda da je računovođa SLPF-a otišao na godišnji….[smiley11] ” Nije, otisao je po margin kredit![smiley1]
nemam više ali navijam svim srcem da je tak.
Danas sam poslao mail na VSE da mi objasne gdje se to na Bloombergu može pratiti trgovina, da sam ja tražio i nisam našao (već pomalo mislim da je riječ o patki)
evo njihovog odgovora:
Sukladno Vašem upitu u nastavku Vam dostavljamo izvadak iz izvornog priopćenja Bloomberg-a o uključivanju Varaždinske burze među korisnicima svojih usluga.
NEW FEED: Varazdin Stock Exchange (Croatia)
2006-08-08 12:50 (New York)
Effective August 10th real-time data for Varazdin Stock Exchange will be
available on Bloomberg.
Over 400 stocks are listed at VSE (example ticker {VARTR1 VA Equity QR
VSE equity data will be available on the local exchange code of VA, as well as the Croatian global exchange code of CZ.
Pricing for the 34 government and corporate bonds can be found under the PCS code ‘VAR’
{VIN index
Full security list with Bloomberg tickers can be found here {IDOC #2030185
Real-time trading data of Varazdin Stock Exchange is free to the end user but to be activated customers must sign up through EXCH VARA
Trading hours are as follows:
09:00 – 10:00 Pre-Open
10:00 – 16:00 Continuous Trading
16:00 – 16:10 Post-Market – open for trade cancellations
Market depth and additional functionality such as MPIS, MOST and AQR will be available at a later date.
Any questions concerning the release to be directed to Nick Ogbourne, of Global Feeds.
Automatically generated by Bloomberg Publisher version 3.4.4
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