Komentari trgovanja na hrvatskom tržištu kapitala

Naslovnica Forum Tržište kapitala Hrvatska Komentari trgovanja na hrvatskom tržištu kapitala

Forum namijenjen svim temama vezanim za dionice, obveznice i druge vrijednosne papire te trgovanje istima u Hrvatskoj.

OK, recimo da ovo sa srbima, kosovom i turizmom možda još i donekle drži vodu, no priča sa izvozom i srbiju definitivno nema smisla. Naime radikali su bili su is ada u srbiji i budu i bili su kda se tamo izvozilo. Rataa neće biti jer je cijelo ksoovao minirano i nema šanse da se jdan srpski tenk približi. Ajd nedjite mi tog genijalca koji će mi razumno objasniti, kako svi ti razlozi imaju utjecaja na prihode jdpl ili atpl, pa nemaju oni turističke brodove za one koje to još neznaju.

Posjedujem obe dionice no moram biti iskren pa citirati kolegu Tehmana

Imalo bi utjcaja na prijevoz rasutih tereta rudnika iz Trepča

Sad koliko bi se dalje odrazilo ja stvarno neznam

Meni je jeftino i ja kupujem

PRODAJEM U LIMBURGU____________________________________________________________________________________________________

Von Braun:

Ivek123, opet režeš žile i drukaš bez činjenica.
Kakav je ovo bezvezan link???
Upisao si u Google “bear market characteristics”….daj malo ozbiljnosti…..[shocked]

Ivekjendvatri druka kad je u cashu, to je tako, vjerojatno se mnogima zamjerio , ali šta je tu je.
Na sve drka, predlažem da na google upiše slom burza , pa da nam linka..[wink]

Reko ja da ce neki imati problema…. [lol] [lol] [lol]

First, let’s list some characteristics of bear markets:

1) Increased volatility — Markets are emotional. Bull markets are driven by greed. Bear markets are driven by fear. Since fear is a more powerful emotion, it tends to lead to more rash decision-making. The result of this rash decision making is increased volatility. The more panicked and irrational people get the more volatile the whipsaws will be.

2) Market rallies are generally sharp and brief — Panic selling leads to panic buying. Part of this is due to short covering and part of this is due to investors desire to catch a bottom.

3) Everything goes down eventually — Ok, not EVERYTHING. There will be some winning stocks. All sectors will eventually feel the pain, though. Groups that typically don’t correlate will begin to correlate as selling takes hold everywhere. Not just among stocks, but across most investment vehicles. Stocks go down, bond prices go down, and commodities go down — pretty much everything. Part of this is due to the fact that money is not simply taken out of the market during a bear, it is destroyed. This is done in the opposite way that bull markets create money. For example, if a certain market or trading vehicle has a market cap of $1,000,000 and a large investor or group of investors decide they want to cash out for say $50,000, they will not simply sell their shares for $50,000 and have the assets transferred to someone else. Instead, they will begin liquidating. In an era of declining prices, this will force the price of the market down. By the time they are able to liquidate their $50,000 position, they may have pushed the price down to a point where that position is only worth $45,000. This is not a $5,000 effect on the market, though. In pushing the price down, the price of everyone else’s shares has also been affected. Therefore, the $1,000,000 market cap is now $900,000. $100,000 of market cap has been destroyed. If the other market participants now want to cash out and move their money elsewhere, there will be less of it to move. This destruction of money means there is less money to invest anywhere, and therefore all markets are eventually affected.

Pa vi to lijepo usporedite sa proteklih par dana.

skype - ivek1234

Mogu ja?

Vaš link

Nevjerojatno otvara Cartmanov blog[lol]

Don't be convinced of your super knowledge of the market, the market does what it wants, and you are just along for the ride!


I ne znaš koliko si u krivu sa ovakvom izjavom.
Sa marginom si mogao zadnjih godina utrostručiti u peterostrulčiti pa čak i više, svoju imovinu.
Također se ne slažem da u ovoj igri 1 zarađuje , 9 gubi.
Ma daj, pusti priče i te glupe floskule o tome, ja ne znam nikoga tko na burzi gubi, a znam ih dosta koji ulažu na burzi.

Nema niti razloga da se ti i ja slazemo. U tome i je car burze. Ali ces se vjerojatno sloziti da nam se ovako nesto dogadja prvi puta ili i to negiras?

PA to je, onaj tko je počeo ulagati u 12 mjesecu gotovo sigurno trenutno gubi, ali ja sam mislio općenito.
Uostalom gubitak je privremen, osom ako si prodao sa minusom.

[b]MOŽE LI BOLJE ?![/b]

OK, recimo da ovo sa srbima, kosovom i turizmom možda još i donekle drži vodu, no priča sa izvozom i srbiju definitivno nema smisla. Naime radikali su bili su is ada u srbiji i budu i bili su kda se tamo izvozilo. Rataa neće biti jer je cijelo ksoovao minirano i nema šanse da se jdan srpski tenk približi.

Ajd nedjite mi tog genijalca koji će mi razumno objasniti, kako svi ti razlozi imaju utjecaja na prihode jdpl ili atpl, pa nemaju oni turističke brodove za one koje to još neznaju.

Ma ne treba rat da bi se stanje u Srbiji pogorsalo. Oni su cca 50:50, idealno za nemire, demonstracije i slicno. Nedaj boze gradjanski rat, ali to su vec po meni vec malo fantasticni scenariji.

Jos niste skuzili da su tkzv. “veliki investitori” veci panicari od malih?

"Stocks have reached what looks like a permanently high plateau."

plavi: ” Von Braun: ” Ivek123, opet režeš žile i drukaš bez činjenica. Kakav je ovo bezvezan link??? Upisao si u Google “bear market characteristics”….daj malo ozbiljnosti…..[shocked] ” Ivekjendvatri druka kad je u cashu, to je tako, vjerojatno se mnogima zamjerio , ali šta je tu je. Na sve drka, predlažem da na google upiše slom burza , pa da nam linka..[wink] ” Reko ja da ce neki imati problema…. [lol] [lol] [lol] First, let’s list some characteristics of bear markets: 1) Increased volatility — Markets are emotional. Bull markets are driven by greed. Bear markets are driven by fear. Since fear is a more powerful emotion, it tends to lead to more rash decision-making. The result of this rash decision making is increased volatility. The more panicked and irrational people get the more volatile the whipsaws will be. 2) Market rallies are generally sharp and brief — Panic selling leads to panic buying. Part of this is due to short covering and part of this is due to investors desire to catch a bottom. 3) Everything goes down eventually — Ok, not EVERYTHING. There will be some winning stocks. All sectors will eventually feel the pain, though. Groups that typically don’t correlate will begin to correlate as selling takes hold everywhere. Not just among stocks, but across most investment vehicles. Stocks go down, bond prices go down, and commodities go down — pretty much everything. Part of this is due to the fact that money is not simply taken out of the market during a bear, it is destroyed. This is done in the opposite way that bull markets create money. For example, if a certain market or trading vehicle has a market cap of $1,000,000 and a large investor or group of investors decide they want to cash out for say $50,000, they will not simply sell their shares for $50,000 and have the assets transferred to someone else. Instead, they will begin liquidating. In an era of declining prices, this will force the price of the market down. By the time they are able to liquidate their $50,000 position, they may have pushed the price down to a point where that position is only worth $45,000. This is not a $5,000 effect on the market, though. In pushing the price down, the price of everyone else’s shares has also been affected. Therefore, the $1,000,000 market cap is now $900,000. $100,000 of market cap has been destroyed. If the other market participants now want to cash out and move their money elsewhere, there will be less of it to move. This destruction of money means there is less money to invest anywhere, and therefore all markets are eventually affected.

Daj Ivek stavi link, nemoj citirati neku salatu na engleskom. Ovo je već prejadno.[bye]


PA to je, onaj tko je počeo ulagati u 12 mjesecu gotovo sigurno trenutno gubi, ali ja sam mislio općenito.
Uostalom gubitak je privremen, osom ako si prodao sa minusom.

Znas ti dobro na sto sam ja mislio a i previse si iskusan da to ne bi znao. NHF:

skype - ivek1234


podržaavm tvoje razmišljanja. Samo ti piši, a kome se ne sviđa ne mora čitati i komentirati.

Živ bio

Daj Ivek stavi link, nemoj citirati neku salatu na engleskom. Ovo je već prejadno.[bye]

Tebe to ionak ne zanima. Crobex je UP. [thumbsup]

skype - ivek1234

Kao sto je Nathan47 rekao ja cu ipak pricekati da “krv pocne teci u potocima” a onda cu unutra. [wink][wink]

Ivek čemu ovo vodi?[undecid]

PRODAJEM U LIMBURGU____________________________________________________________________________________________________

” Posjedujem obe dionice no moram biti iskren pa citirati kolegu Tehmana Imalo bi utjcaja na prijevoz rasutih tereta rudnika iz Trepča Sad koliko bi se dalje odrazilo ja stvarno neznam Meni je jeftino i ja kupujem

Caruga, ti se zaje… u ove teske dane, jel tako?

ume da broji sarafe, ali krivo:procenat i tacno; povjest;samnom, neznam, 100 ATPL=1000E, uvjek, vjest..plata?!, dejstvuje

Kolega ivek pa kad ćete vi u kupnju?

Kad crobex bude 2000? Ozbiljno me zanima…

Neke će dionice vrijditi više od sadašnje cijene. Puno puno više. Donirajte humanitarnoj organizaciji po vašem izboru klikom na ovaj link http://www.thenonprofits.com

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