Komentari trgovanja na hrvatskom tržištu kapitala

Naslovnica Forum Tržište kapitala Hrvatska Komentari trgovanja na hrvatskom tržištu kapitala

Forum namijenjen svim temama vezanim za dionice, obveznice i druge vrijednosne papire te trgovanje istima u Hrvatskoj.

DOW 1% u plusu,HEJ ovo je bolje od kladionice!!![thumbsup]

Dobro je potegnuo Dow, +1%.

ovo mi je jedna od najboljih veceri,da mi je neko rekao da cu pratiti US trziste smijao bi mu se[thumbsup] .

Strašno, prvo buljim u našu, sad još i moram u njihovu, katastrofa


Dobro je potegnuo Dow, +1%.

sad mu nema kraja kad je probijena psiholoska granica[wink]

više boli kada drugome raste, nego li kada tebi pada

plavi: ” I S&P 500 u plusu.[thumbsup] ” i nasdaq ide prema plusu. btw, imaš li još zabu? koliki ti je target

Imam ZABU i lagani pušing. Nakon što sam uspješno kupio po 11400 i prodao po 12 000, opet kupio po 11500.Eh..

[b]MOŽE LI BOLJE ?![/b]

ne mogu vjerovat da pijem pivo, pričam sa ženom i pratim američki indeks

Da ovo je zapravo čudesno ..
pratimo nešto što se događa 6-7-8- tisuća kilometara daleko u realnom vremenu preko Html stranica (jednostavna tehnologija ali vrlo upotrebljiva).. i još u realnom vremenu komentiramo tu na forumu ..
i što je isto važno da nas se ti događaji preko bare itekako dotiču ..

pričali su mi stariji dečki kako je to nekad bilo na zse , izvještaj o trgovini nekog dana na zse burzi se mogao naći tek sutradan u nekim dnevnim novinama .. a nalozi su se zadavali ručno, tj. telefonski .. 🙂 ..

jeste li primjetili kolki je zalet uzela na 3. napad[lol] a S&P jos veci

više boli kada drugome raste, nego li kada tebi pada

ne mogu vjerovat da pijem pivo, pričam sa ženom i pratim američki indeks

Mora da su nam negdje zene presretne zbog toga…

"Stocks have reached what looks like a permanently high plateau."

jeste li primjetili kolki je zalet uzela na 3. napad[lol] a S&P jos veci

Da evo ga:

updated 23 minutes ago
Rebate checks floated as way to boost economyStory Highlights
NEW: “I’m confident that we can get something done,” Bush says

House leaders, Treasury Secretary Paulson met Wednesday

Republicans, Democrats divided on who should receive rebate checks

Talks occurring while auditors estimate that federal deficit has grown to $250 billion

Next Article in Politics »


WASHINGTON (CNN) — A one-time tax rebate is at the heart of an economic stimulus package being negotiated by House leaders and Treasury Secretary Henry Paulson on Wednesday.

Speaker Nancy Pelosi talks to reporters outside of the White House Tuesday.

1 of 3 Paulson discussed the stimulus package with House Speaker Nancy Pelosi, D-California, and House Minority Leader John Boehner, R-Ohio, during a working breakfast on Capitol Hill to discuss details of the package.

“We looked at a lot of different options,” Boehner told reporters after the meeting, according to The Associated Press.

Boehner also said “no conclusions or agreements” had been reached and that an agreement would “require a great leap of faith” from both Democrats and Republicans, the AP reported.

The tax rebate would be similar to the $300 to $600 checks that were sent out in the summer of 2001.

While there is bipartisan agreement that a stimulus package should be moved quickly, Democrats and Republicans still disagree on who should receive the rebates.

The stimulus package may also face resistance from fiscal conservatives in both parties over worries that it would increase the federal debt. The talks are occurring as auditors report that the federal deficit — the difference between what the federal government takes in and what it spends — is increasing.

The nonpartisan Congressional Budget Office estimated Wednesday that the deficit would jump to $250 billion dollars, mainly due to a weakening economy. That estimate does not include any additional spending that would be part of a stimulus package.

The proposal is intended to address economic worries stemming from a worldwide credit crunch created by the mortgage crisis and plunging stock markets. Watch a debate whether the U.S. is heading into an economic meltdown »

Don’t Miss
CNN/Money: Deficit expected to reach $250 billion
Bush: ‘Common ground’ possible on stimulus package
Bush calls for quick tax relief to spur economy
The talks come amid a flurry of activity on the economic front. On Tuesday morning, after global markets swooned Monday, the Federal Reserve slashed two key interest rates by three-quarters of a percentage point in an unscheduled meeting, citing continued concerns about a weakening economy and turmoil in the financial markets.

It was the biggest rate cut by the Fed since October 1984. Watch Paulson call the interest rate cut ‘constructive’ »

Wednesday morning’s Capitol Hill meeting comes one day after a group of bipartisan congressional leaders met with President Bush to broadly discuss the stimulus package.

In a speech Friday, Bush recommended a stimulus package equaling about 1 percent of the nations’ gross domestic product — roughly $150 billion.

Speaking to members of the U.S. Conference of Mayors at the White House on Wednesday, President Bush said he was ready to continue working with Democrats to craft a plan to boost the economy in a bipartisan manner.

“We’ve got mayors from both political parties here. We didn’t have a political discussion. We had a discussion on what’s best for America, particularly given the econo

[b]MOŽE LI BOLJE ?![/b]

Ljudi mislim da se igrate sa prepuhanim dionicama bez obzira na njihovu veličinu i rezultate .
Ako želite izići iz minusa kupujte dionice s dobtim poslovanjem i još boljom perspektivom .
Same vam se nude samo ih morate prepoznati .
BEZ STRAHA I PANIKE .[kiss][kiss][kiss]

vidim gužva večeras na forumu i odmah mi je lakše. jučer ujutro sam još kupovao, ali danas nisam imao petlju

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