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Tyson’s bid is valued at about $6.8 billion. Pilgrim’s earlier offer was worth about $6.4 billion.
Tyson and Pilgrim’s are the country’s two largest chicken producers. Tyson accounts for 21% of production and Pilgrim’s Pride accounts for 19% of production based on ready-to-cook pounds
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Rezultati su nikakvi, pad prihoda zbog CEFTE, no ono što me posebno čudi je izjava uprave: “Unatoč spomenutom padu ukupnih rashoda povećani su troškovi inputa, prije svega kukuruza, ali i općenito svih uljarica, čije su cijene tijekom 2013. godine i u šestomjesečnom razdoblju 2014.godine bile na rekordno visokim razinama.”
Kad pogledamo cijene na vidimo da su cijene kukuruza na daleko nižim cijenama nego prošle godine. Mogu pretpostavit dvije stvari, da ovo nije Kokina nabavna cijena kukuruza (ne znam gdje ga onda nabavljaju) ili da će utjecaj nižih cijena biti prikazan u budućim kvartalima. S obzirom na njihovu izjavu, stvarno me zanima gdje je to cijena inputa na rekordnim razinama u 2014.
Kad pogledam kretanje cijene kukuruza nikako mi nije jasno o čemu pričaju: -corn
odnedavno pad cijena prate i ostale kulture: -wheat -soybeans
(Reuters) – Slovenian poultry producer Perutnina Ptuj is exploring options including a sale that might value the company at as much as 140 million euros ($181.44 million), sources familiar with the matter said.
The company, which has operations in Slovenia, Croatia, Serbia, Macedonia and Bosnia and Herzegovina, sells poultry meat and products such as chicken sausages. It had 2012 revenue of 261.8 million euros, according to its website.
Perutnina Ptuj has hired BNP Paribas as an advisor to help it explore strategic options, according to two sources, who declined to comment as the matter is private. Spokesmen for Perutnina Ptuj and BNP Paribas declined to comment.
The company could attract interest from larger European meat companies which include France’s Societe LDC or Sweden’s Scandi Standard.
The global meat industry has seen a raft of deals lately as commodity players seek higher-margin branded products and emerging middle class consumers in developing markets eat more meat.
Just last month Tyson Foods Inc, the largest U.S. meat processor, bought Hillshire Brands Co for about $8.5 billion, beating out rival Pilgrims Pride, and US private equity giant KKR bought a stake in Chinese chicken producer Fujian Sunner Development Co for $400 million. In July, Pilgrim’s Pride agreed to buy Tyson’s Mexican poultry business for $400 million.
Perutnina Ptuj might expect an enterprise value of about 120 million to 140 million euros, said one of the sources, based on a multiple of six or seven times its operating earnings.
It is not the only Slovenian food maker looking for investors. On Tuesday, Slovenia’s state investment fund said it was looking for buyers for a majority stake in Zito, one of the nation’s biggest food producers.