prouci sto investopedia kaze sto je DEBT!
debt i liability nije isto!!!
ne da si fulao fudbal, otisla lopta u aut
u prilogu bilanca kodt s reutersa, pa si poglec dug
Onda ni nema ispravan izračun, očito i oni znaju manje od tebe…
Dakle po tebi kratkoročni dug, to jest liability ne ulazi u izračun EV? Zašto?
The debt in the cost of capital is the debt used to fund the operations and investments of the firm. Using this rationale, it should include all interest bearing debt, short term as well as long term. Non-interest bearing liabilities such as accounts payable, supplier credit and accrued items should be incorporated into working capital and should not be counted as debt.
To the extent that firms fund their operations with off-balance sheet debt, you should try to incorporate these borrowings as well into debt. While this may be difficult to do when firms are deceitful, you can, at the minimum, bring the present value of operating lease commitments into your debt.
One final comment, Analysts are often tempted to include more items in debt, assuming that this is the conservative thing to do. In reality, defining debt much more broadly will increase the debt ratio and reduce the cost of capital. This, in turn, will increase value and not decrease it.
@ zmrklic
vlad – smrad! [thumbsup] [lol]
tx wunder,
da ovi s poslovnog ocito na znaju dovoljno,
ili ako cemo u nadutom stilu, kakav je uobicajen na ovom forumu, da, znaju manje od mene sto je i normalno jer se s ovakvim stvarima bavim
ma žalosno je što kod nas ni ovi investitori/trejderi koji su još živi uglavnom nemaju niš pojma, jer da imaju nit bi prodavali neke dionice po ovim cijenama, nit po onim nekim kupovali osim za igru prodaj punovećoj budali!
ali to nije toliko žalosno koliko je tužno i jadno što 98% naših "profesionalaca" nemaju dume ni veze s vezom od risk managementa, makroekonomije, valuacija, tehnikalija, psihologije do općenarodne mudrosti!
pa na kraju kad sve to spojiš u jedno dobiješ izrod ala crobex! [smiley]
p.s. ja sam bar školu platio i shvatio na čemu trebam sve još poradit i koje sve mane izbacit iz igre što se tiče burze, a i put do doktorata nije lak nit bu kratak… ako ništa forumske utjecaje i baljezgarije zanemarit u potpunosti (čast rijetkim pojedincima)
Pa ti si živ i zdrav, dugo se nisi javio ali nisi mogao odoliti! Evo samo za tebe malo krajolika pokraj tvornice… [thumbsup]
Non-interest bearing liabilities such as accounts payable, supplier credit and accrued items should be i
Nego, da li po tome trebamo izbaciti iz izračuna sve kratkoročne obaveze ili samo obaveze prema dobavljačima?
Nego, da li po tome trebamo izbaciti iz izračuna sve kratkoročne obaveze ili samo obaveze prema dobavljačima?
procitaj revizorsko pa ces vidjeti!,
istodobno ces moci izracunati buduce prihode KODT
A dok će biti električne energije biti će i budućih prihoda… [lol]
Evo nisu baš najsvježije vijesti i nije pretjerano bitno za poslovanje ali nek se nađe.
The debt in the cost of capital is the debt used to fund the operations and investments of the firm. Using this rationale, it should include all interest bearing debt, short term as well as long term. Non-interest bearing liabilities such as accounts payable, supplier credit and accrued items should be incorporated into working capital and should not be counted as debt.
To the extent that firms fund their operations with off-balance sheet debt, you should try to incorporate these borrowings as well into debt. While this may be difficult to do when firms are deceitful, you can, at the minimum, bring the present value of operating lease commitments into your debt.
One final comment, Analysts are often tempted to include more items in debt, assuming that this is the conservative thing to do. In reality, defining debt much more broadly will increase the debt ratio and reduce the cost of capital. This, in turn, will increase value and not decrease it.
@ zmrklic
vlad – smrad! [thumbsup] [lol]
Član Nadzornog odbora kupio povlaštene dionice Končar D&ST-a