Kako prebroditi svjetsku krizu uz što manje posljedica – makroekonomski pogled

Naslovnica Forum Tržište kapitala Hrvatska Kako prebroditi svjetsku krizu uz što manje posljedica – makroekonomski pogled

Forum namijenjen svim temama vezanim za dionice, obveznice i druge vrijednosne papire te trgovanje istima u Hrvatskoj.

Javni dug u godini porastao 18,8%, najviše od srpnja 2005.


Za kuma Savu i sve svatove od kuma iz Njemačke…


znaš što mene više muči od ovoga … zbog čega je napad na sanadera, a štojber je kao pozitivac koji otvara put svome kapitalu?!?

il’ su obadva mutikaše il’ su veliki državnici ?!

I love the Smell of Profits in the Morning

znaš što mene više muči od ovoga … zbog čega je napad na sanadera, a štojber je kao pozitivac koji otvara put svome kapitalu?!?

Je šipak… evo nastavka:

No respect

Croatian President receives Macki & Maqbool

Muscat, Dec 21 (ONA)– As part of his official visit to the Sultanate , President Stjepan Mesić of the Republic of Croatia today received at his residence at the Al Alam Palace Ahmed bin Abdulnabi Macki National Economy Minister & Deputy Chairman of the Financial Affairs & Energy Resources Council and Maqbool bin Ali Sultan, Commerce and Industry Minister.

During the meeting, the Croatian President expressed his delight over his visit to the Sultanate and the warm welcome accorded to him since his arrival. He affirmed that his country seeks to establish strong relations with the Sultanate, especially, Croatia and the Sultanate of Oman have marine ports and similar geographic nature. The two countries are also among the major tourism destinations, therefore, the priority now is to enhance the cooperation domains in different fields. He also pointed out that his country has great infrastructure projects.

The Croatian president pointed out that a number of Croatian companies have long experience in road construction, tunnels, bridges and railways and therefore can take part in the projects implemented by the Sultanate’s government. He pointed out that his country can be the gateway for the Omani products targeting the Middle Europe and the South East Europe. He hoped that the relations between the two countries would continue through cooperation between the private sector in both countries.

On his part, Macki highlighted the efforts, development and economic plans and programmes undertaken by the Sultanate to develop its economy. Macki said that His Majesty Sultan Qaboos bin Said directives are based on achieving Oman 2020 vision which aims at reducing reliance on oil and gas by 18% through economic diversification and the five years plans programmes adopted by the government with the aim of expanding services, tourism, trade, industry, port services, airports and various investment sectors.

He pointed out that the Sultanate’s, together with the AGCC countries, joining the free trade zone and other economic blocs help in achieving such trends.

Macki also stressed that the Sultanate adopts liberal economic policies, is open to foreign investment, has no restrictions on foreign companies or money transfer as it encourages foreign investment. He said, ‘we call upon Croatian companies to invest in the development projects implemented by the Sultanate as the Croatian companies have experience in road and construction projects, especially, there is a similarity between the geographical conditions in both countries.

Macki also highlighted the efforts undertaken to meet the needs of the country of national workforce through showing more interest in human resources development and technical & technological education. He also pointed out that the financial policies adopted by the Sultanate’s government have greatly contributed to limiting the impact of the global financial crisis on the Sultanate.

Macki added that, the financial status of the state is sound and that the government is going ahead with the implementation of the development projects. He also said that despite the global financial crisis which hit most countries of the world, the average growth rate will be this year 2% and that banks and financial institutions have achieved great profits.

The meeting was attended by ambassador Sheikh Dr. Badr bin Mohammed bin Zahir al Hinai, the Sultanate’s ambassador to Austria and non-resident ambassador to the Republic of Croatia and the Croatian president accompanying delegation.

Sultanate and Croatia, Agreement and MoUs

Muscat, Dec 21 (ONA)- As part of the visit of President Stjepan Mesić of the Republic of Croatia, the Sultanate’s government and the Republic of Croatia signed at Al Alam Palace Guest House today an agreement on the avoidance of double taxation, an MoU in tourism field and an MoU between the Omani Diplomatic Institute and the Croatian Diplomatic Academy. The signing ceremony was attended by the Croatian President.

The avoidance on the double taxation agreement was signed on behalf of the Sultanate’s government by Ahmed bin Abdulnabi Macki, National Economy Minister & Deputy Chairman of the Financial Affairs & Energy Resources Council and on behalf of the Croatian side by Duro Popijac, Minister of Economy, Labour and Entrepreneurship.

The avoidance on the double taxation agreement aims at laying the legal framework on how to levy tax and avoid double taxation on income in both countries.

The MoU in tourism field was signed on behalf of the Sultanate’s government by Dr. Rajiha bint Abdul Ameer bin Ali, Tourism Minister and on behalf of the Croatian side by Duro Popijac, Minister of Economy, Labour and Entrepreneurship.

The MoU aims at cooperation in tourism field, providing necessary facilities to enhance investment in tourism ventures, encouraging bilateral exchange of tourist delegations, cooperation among travel and tourism agencies, in addition to, exchange of specialized knowledge.

The MoU between the Omani Diplomatic Institute and the Diplomatic Academy at the Croatian Foreign Ministry and European Integration was signed on behalf of the Sultanate’s government by Sayyid Badr bin Hamad bin Hamoud al Busaidi, Secretary General of the Foreign Ministry and on behalf of the Croatian side by Dr. Davor Bozinovic, State Secretary for Political Affairs at the Foreign Affairs Ministry.

The MoU aims at encouraging cooperation in the fields related to training diplomats, promoting their skills, exchange of information, encouraging lecturers, researchers and students, preparing the academic researches, and scientific conferences, workshops and seminars organization and participation.

The signing ceremony was attended by Maqbool bin Ali bin Sultan, Commerce and Industry Minister, Saud bin Nasser al Shakili, Secretary General of Taxation at the Finance Ministry, Sheikh Dr. Badr bin Mohammed bin Zahir al Hinai, Sultanate’s accredited ambassador to the Republic of Austria and non-resident to the Republic of Croatia.

Kod nas se uopće ne prati a kiša koja se poklopila s Mesićevim dolaskom i Mesić i HR delegacija su udarne vijesti u Omanu!

znaš što mene više muči od ovoga … zbog čega je napad na sanadera, a štojber je kao pozitivac koji otvara put svome kapitalu?!?

Je šipak… evo nastavka:

Pa sasvim je normalno da moraš lobirati i vršiti pritisak kod lika koji je pretvorio HNB u jednu od poslovnica Unicredita i Intesa banke. Nisu jedino još promijenili naziv na tabli zgrade.[lol]


The U.S. Congress recently passed HR 4213, a bill that includes the following provision:

“Reporting on certain foreign accounts: Requires foreign financial institutions, foreign trusts, and foreign corporations to obtain and provide information from each of their account holders to determine if any account is American-owned. Foreign financial institutions would also be required to comply with verification procedures and to report any U.S. accounts maintained by the institution on an annual basis.
“Any foreign financial institution that did comply with the new verification and reporting standards would be subject to a 30 percent tax on income from U.S. financial assets held by the foreign institution.“

In other words, just because it can, the U.S. passed legislation demanding that every financial institution in the world spend time and money trying to ascertain if their account holders are from the U.S. and if so, they must break whatever their own national or corporate privacy regulations dictate by turning said account holders over to the U.S.

CROLEI najavljuje oporavak – difuzni index na granici od 50!


U rujnu 2009. godine zabilježen je neznatan rast vrijednosti CROLEI indeksa od 0,04 indeksna boda na meumjesečnoj razini i nastavak usporavanja međugodišnjeg smanjenja indeksa
(-5,6 posto) započetog u kolovozu. Iako uzastopne negativne međugodišnje stope rasta indeksa CROLEI zabilježene u posljednjih jedanaest mjeseci upućuju na nastavak recesije
u prvom dijelu 2010. godine, postupni oporavak u kretanju CROLEI indeksa i pripadajućeg difuznog indeksa upućuje na zaključak da bi u idućim mjesecima CROLEI mogao navijestiti
pozitivnu međugodišnju stopu rasta ekonomske aktivnosti.
Vrijednost difuznog indeksa, pomoćne mjere koja predstavlja udio komponenti koje su pridonijele promjeni CROLEI u ukupnome broju komponenti, daje povoljniju prognozu.
Naime, prosječna je vrijednost difuznog indeksa iznosila čak 48,8 posto u razdoblju od travnja do rujna 2009., čime je potvrđena prognoza da će se njegova vrijednost u
rujnu približiti razini od 50 posto te je još jednom potvrđen zaključak da bi CROLEI uskoro mogao navijestiti gospodarski oporavak.

HRT mi je trn u oku veličine Citibanka.

Croatian President’s visit to Sultanate / Joint Statement

Muscat, Dec 22 (ONA)— A joint communiqué was issued today at the conclusion of the visit of the President of the Republic of Croatia, Stjepan Mesić to the Sultanate. The communiqué reads as follows;

In the crowning of the friendly relations between the Sultanate of Oman and the Republic of Croatia, and the invitation of His Majesty Sultan Qaboos bin Said, the President of the Republic of Croatia HE Stjepan Mesić paid an official 3-day visit to the Sultanate starting on Sunday 20 December 2009.

The two countries held official talks in a spirit of cooperation and understanding. They discussed bilateral relations and ways of enhancing them in all fields to serve the common interests.

They also reviewed a number of recent developments and exchanged views on international and global issues.

The two sides stressed the importance of boosting economic, investment and tourism cooperation, as well as, encouraging the private sector in both countries to respond to these efforts. The two countries have also stressed the need to activate the agreements concluded in these fields and to increase bilateral trade and investments between them.

The two countries reiterated their keenness to exert every effort that would help boost joint cooperation in order to serve the two friendly countries. In cementing their cooperation, the two sides have signed an agreement on the avoidance of dual taxation and the prevention of income tax evasion. They have also signed a Memorandum of Understanding on tourism cooperation and another MoU between the Omani Diplomatic Institute of the Ministry of Foreign Affairs and the Diplomatic Academy at the Croatian Ministry of Foreign Affairs. The two sides have also announced the exemption of visa requirement for holders of diplomatic, special, and mission (Official) passports of both countries.

The two sides reviewed a number of regional and international issues of common concern. They stressed their support for the principles of mutual respect, non interference in the internal affairs of others based on national and international norms and laws. They also reiterated their endeavors towards reinforcing pillars of security, peace, understanding and the settlement of regional and international disputes by peaceful means.

His Excellency the Croatian President expressed his sincere and deep thanks to His Majesty the Sultan, the government and the people of Oman for the warm reception and gracious hospitality accorded to him and his delegation during their visit to the Sultanate. HE the president conveyed his invitation to His Majesty the Sultan to pay an official visit to the Republic of Croatia.

Issued in Muscat – Tuesday, 22 December, 2009.

HRT mi je trn u oku veličine Citibanka.

Suprotno percepciji koja se stvorila u javnosti, izvješće Agencije za prošlu godinu pokazuje značajno smanjenje iznosa ukupno dodijeljenih državnih potpora u odnosu na 2007, a sukladno tome i udjela ukupnih potpora u BDP-u. ‘U 2008. je dodijeljeno ukupno 8,81 milijardu kuna državnih potpora, što je 18 posto manje nego u 2007. godini. Udio potpora u BDP-u smanjen je sa 3,4 posto na 2,57 posto i po tome je Hrvatska na istoj razini s Europskom unijom’, istaknula je Olgica Spevec.

A što volim kad novinari i analitičari nisu u pravu …

dakako ne će biti komentara na državnom dnevniku o ovom podatku … ma neće svoj na svoga …

I love the Smell of Profits in the Morning

New Report
