Kako prebroditi svjetsku krizu uz što manje posljedica – makroekonomski pogled

Naslovnica Forum Tržište kapitala Hrvatska Kako prebroditi svjetsku krizu uz što manje posljedica – makroekonomski pogled

Forum namijenjen svim temama vezanim za dionice, obveznice i druge vrijednosne papire te trgovanje istima u Hrvatskoj.

ja sam slušao šukera neki dan kad se otvorio. rekao je nešto otprilike: oni bi sjeli za stol sa državnim firmama i bankama i banke bi samo trebale dati neki kredit onom prvom u lancu koji bi to proslijedio sljedećem i tako u krug unutar iste banke. s tim bi on riješio ta neplaćanja, a novac bi ostao unutar te iste banke i svi bi bili zadovoljni. uključujući i banku jer bi lova ostala u njoj. tako nešto je rekao. bitno je da se lova vrti.

Aha, dotle došlo da se igramo Ponzija (i Pilata).
Fakat, ajmo odigrat Ponzi piramidu, pa tko zadnji – magarac. [smiley]

No respect

…pa tko zadnji – Pilat… :))

Nastranu šala…

Kamate u gospodarstvu su već dosegle 12,5%.

Dva zla za sve su visoke kamate i skupa kuna (na stranu stabilnost valute).
Roha se nema što odlučiti kad HNB kamatom ne regulira baš ništa.
Novi trend banaka koji odgovara HNB-u je rasprodaja deviza da bi se došlo do kuna jer su kamate na novčanom i međubankarskom lijepa zarada.
Pa sad ja vas pitam, tko spekulira i remeti po tržištu?

Be vewy vewy quiet. I'm hunting wabbits!

ja sam slušao šukera neki dan kad se otvorio. rekao je nešto otprilike: oni bi sjeli za stol sa državnim firmama i bankama i banke bi samo trebale dati neki kredit onom prvom u lancu koji bi to proslijedio sljedećem i tako u krug unutar iste banke. s tim bi on riješio ta neplaćanja, a novac bi ostao unutar te iste banke i svi bi bili zadovoljni. uključujući i banku jer bi lova ostala u njoj. tako nešto je rekao. bitno je da se lova vrti.

Kako pocinje ciganska kuharica? "Ukrades 2 jaja…"
Kako pocinje Sukerova kuharica? "Dignes kredit…"

"Stocks have reached what looks like a permanently high plateau."

Mislim da je rjesenje za krizu dici kredu od 100 milijardi eura sto bi trebalo biti dovoljno za slijedecih 40 godina. Do tad cemo svi biti ili pokojni ili stari a iza kaj nas briga

kad imas 1mio kuna kredita imas problem s bankom
kad imas 100 mio kuna kredita, banka ima problem s tobom [smiley]


kad imas 1mio kuna kredita imas problem s bankom
kad imas 100 mio kuna kredita, banka ima problem s tobom [smiley]

kad nemaš 100 kuna, imaš problem sa ženom

No respect

Rješenje je…imaš banku, nemaš ženu… [smiley]

Be vewy vewy quiet. I'm hunting wabbits!


The government spent $43 billion for the Olympics, nearly three times as much as any other host city. But many of the venues proved too big, too expensive and more photogenic than practical.

The National Stadium, known as the Bird’s Nest, has only one event scheduled for this year: a performance of the opera "Turandot" on Aug. 8, the one-year anniversary of the Olympic opening ceremony. China’s leading soccer club backed out of a deal to play there, saying it would be an embarrassment to use a 91,000-seat stadium for games that ordinarily attract only 10,000 spectators.

The venue, which costs $9 million a year to maintain, is expected to be turned into a shopping mall in several years, its owners announced last month.

A baseball stadium that opened last spring with an exhibition game between the Dodgers and the San Diego Padres, is being demolished. Its owner says it also will use the land for a shopping mall.

"Stocks have reached what looks like a permanently high plateau."


The government spent $43 billion for the Olympics, nearly three times as much as any other host city. But many of the venues proved too big, too expensive and more photogenic than practical.

The National Stadium, known as the Bird’s Nest, has only one event scheduled for this year: a performance of the opera "Turandot" on Aug. 8, the one-year anniversary of the Olympic opening ceremony. China’s leading soccer club backed out of a deal to play there, saying it would be an embarrassment to use a 91,000-seat stadium for games that ordinarily attract only 10,000 spectators.

The venue, which costs $9 million a year to maintain, is expected to be turned into a shopping mall in several years, its owners announced last month.

A baseball stadium that opened last spring with an exhibition game between the Dodgers and the San Diego Padres, is being demolished. Its owner says it also will use the land for a shopping mall.

Tko zna sta se dogadja u nasim velebnim rukometnim dvoranama? Bice grobna tisina i ledara svaki dan. Mogli smo pozvat kineze da gostuju kod nas … taman bi popunili dvoranu a i gledaliste ne bi propalo jer su oni dosta laksi od nas!!
Cuo sam da ih je pokojni slobo uvozio … placali mu 1000-2000USD po glavi i automatski postajali vjerno glasacko "tijelo" u bg.
Zar to nije put za izlaz iz krize? Cudi me kako se jos majstpri nisu sjetili…
[lol] [lol]

Ne dajte zlovencima more jer ode u 3pm: terminal, plinovod, petrokemija, janaf, polimeri, brodogradnja, poljoprivreda itd itd

Rješenje je…imaš banku, nemaš ženu… [smiley]

Ja sam negdje procitao nesto sto mi izgleda logicno… Zena je "trading position", ne "buy&hold". Kaze covjek da je to zato sto je zena "deprecating asset", iliti gubi na vrijednosti sa vremenom. E da sam to na vrijeme znao…

"Stocks have reached what looks like a permanently high plateau."

Tko zna sta se dogadja u nasim velebnim rukometnim dvoranama? Bice grobna tisina i ledara svaki dan. Mogli smo pozvat kineze da gostuju kod nas … taman bi popunili dvoranu a i gledaliste ne bi propalo jer su oni dosta laksi od nas!!

A cuj, svi vole graditi… Svaka budala moze sagradit velebni stadion, to nije u pitanju. Pa nek kosta sto kosta.

"Stocks have reached what looks like a permanently high plateau."

samo za one koji razumiju IAS & IFRS
The objective of IFRS 69 is to prescribe the accounting treatment for Girl friends. The principal issues are the timing of recognition of a female friend as a girl friend, the no. of days the relationship can be carried on and any write down in this romantic relationship. It also provides guidance on the methods to be employed to make GF.
This IAS applies to all GF’s except those whose father, brother, ex-boyfriends or prospective boyfriends are working in police, army, intelligence agencies or political organizations or 6+ feet tall, have muscular body and know kung fu, judo or any other marshal art.
The following terms are used in this Standard with the meanings specified:
LOVE is a serious mental disease, mostly found in old Indian movies, dramas and Urdu literature.
FLIRTING is the modern form of love; this disease came from Hollywood movies, new Indian movies, internet, mobile phones, and English literature.
MARRIAGE is a long term liability as a result of PAST events that is expected to be settled by increasing the population, decreasing the health and money.
GIRL FRIEND is a current asset as a result of past efforts that is probable to generate future dates, physical contact and gifts. If not properly handled may become long-term liability i.e. wife.
BOYFRIEND-SPECIFIC VALUE is the present value of the future dates that a boyfriend expects to realize from continuing use of the GF over its useful life and from its disposal to his another friend at the end of the flirting term
FLIRTING TERM is the higher of the following:
-from your first conversation till the time the GF father catches you
-from the time of your first date till your GF get married with another person, in which case she will become your ex-GF.
-from the time of your first date till you get married with your GF, afterward it will become a suffering term.
A girl shall be recognized as a girl friend if, and only if:
(a) it is probable that future physical benefits associated with the girlfriend will flow to the boyfriend,
(b) no possibility of GF becoming a long term liability (wife) exists and
(c) the expenditures to be incurred (e.g. in respect of gifts, cards etc ) can be measured reliably.
Female Cousins, younger sisters, and other female friends associated with the girlfriend should not be recognized. However, beautiful and bold ones should be declared in the flirting statement if and only if it is probable that they are expected to result in prospective girlfriends.

All the following factors shall be considered in determining the useful life of a GF:
(a) Expected "usage" of the girlfriend.
(b) Expected "physical" wear and tear, which depends on "operational" factors such as the number of "shifts" the GF is to be used.
(c) Technical or commercial obsolescence arising from changes in fashion or "service output" of the GF.
(d) "Legal" or similar limits on the "use" of the GF.

The Girl Friend shall be derecognized:
1. at the end of the useful life of GF or flirting term whichever is earlier,
2. when no future benefits are expected from her or her disposal or
3. when remote possibility of GF becoming long term liability occurs.

The flirting statement shall disclose, for each "class" of GF:
a) Total no. of GFs with:
– age of GF
– complexion, face cut
– the useful life of each GF
– email address, residential address and mobile no. of each GF
– any "special" benefits that may have been derived from the GF
b) A reliable estimate of the boy friend regarding no. of expected GFs for each class of GF.
c) A reliable estimate of the expenditures to be incurred (e.g. in respect of gifts, cards etc) for each class of GF.
d) BOYFRIEND-SPECIFIC VALUE with respect to each class of GF. [huh]


New Report
