Kako prebroditi svjetsku krizu uz što manje posljedica – makroekonomski pogled

Naslovnica Forum Tržište kapitala Hrvatska Kako prebroditi svjetsku krizu uz što manje posljedica – makroekonomski pogled

Forum namijenjen svim temama vezanim za dionice, obveznice i druge vrijednosne papire te trgovanje istima u Hrvatskoj.

Možemo dodati još i fondove novčanog tržišta te dužničke papire za EU,
ali u Hrvatskoj je tako kako sam napisao.

If something is too good to be true...it probably is.

zaba ne podiže kamate ipak

rast BDP-a samo 1.6%

čini mi se da po medijima kreče druk za dolje

rast BDP-a samo 1.6%

čini mi se da po medijima kreče druk za dolje

Pa to je za 0,6% viša procjena od onoga što je Roha dao prije 20 dana

The cure for low price is low price. Demand goes up, supply comes down, the price goes up.

rast BDP-a samo 1.6%

čini mi se da po medijima kreče druk za dolje

Hm, mislis da su lazirali podatke o BDP-u da bi kupili dionice jeftino?

"Stocks have reached what looks like a permanently high plateau."

rast BDP-a samo 1.6%

čini mi se da po medijima kreče druk za dolje

Pa to je za 0,6% viša procjena od onoga što je Roha dao prije 20 dana


Roha je rekao 1% u 2009. Snizio je svoju procjenu sa 2% na 1% u 2009. jer je vjerovatno u tom trenutku on vec imao podatke za 3q 2008.

"Stocks have reached what looks like a permanently high plateau."

1q 2009. nam je BDP u minusu IMHO…

"Stocks have reached what looks like a permanently high plateau."

1q 2009. nam je BDP u minusu IMHO…


No respect

rast BDP-a samo 1.6%

čini mi se da po medijima kreče druk za dolje

na dolje?

dakle da je ove godine crobex pratio realnu ekonomiju sad bi bio negdje na 5350, ako se ne varam. [rolleyes]

netočno. to je M2. a M3 je M2+novčani ekvivalenti (treasure bills etc)

Evo da ne pričate gluposti.
M0: currency (notes and coins) in circulation and in bank vaults. M0 is usually called the monetary base–the base from which other forms of money (like checking deposits, listed below) are created–and is traditionally the most liquid measure of the money supply. [7]
M1: currency in circulation + checkable deposits (checking deposits, officially called demand deposits, and other deposits that work like checking deposits) + traveler’s checks. M1 represents the assets that strictly conform to the definition of money: assets that can be used to pay for a good or service or to repay debt. Although checks linked to checking deposits are gradually becoming less popular, debit cards linked to these deposits are becoming more popular. Like checks, debit cards, as a means to complete a transaction through their links to checkable deposits, can also be considered as a form of money.[8]
M2: M1 + savings deposits, time deposits less than $100,000 and money market deposit accounts for individuals. M2 represents money and "close substitutes" for money. [9] M2 is a key economic indicator used to forecast inflation.[10]
M3: M2 + large time deposits, institutional money-market funds, short-term repurchase agreements, along with other larger liquid assets. M3 is no longer measured by the US central bank.[11]

The difficulty lies not so much in developing new ideas as in escaping from old ones

rast BDP-a samo 1.6%

čini mi se da po medijima kreče druk za dolje

Pa to je za 0,6% viša procjena od onoga što je Roha dao prije 20 dana


Roha je rekao 1% u 2009. Snizio je svoju procjenu sa 2% na 1% u 2009. jer je vjerovatno u tom trenutku on vec imao podatke za 3q 2008.


Moja greška. Komentiram a nisam ni link otvorio [sealed] mislio sam da se radi o procjeni za 2009.

The cure for low price is low price. Demand goes up, supply comes down, the price goes up.

M3 – nema jednoznačnog mjerenja … dakle, različit je obuhvat za različite države … evo za eurozonu …


The broadest measure of money supply in use by Euro-zone nations. It includes all currency in circulation, bank deposits, repurchase agreements, debt securities up to 2 years, and the value of money market shares. A larger money supply reduces the purchasing power of the Euro and puts downward pressure on the exchange rate. However, because an increase in M3 leads to price inflation, this figure can also be indicative of the likelihood of future interest rate hikes. The Euro-zone M3 is reported in headlines as a percent change from the previous month or as a Three Month Average, which smoothes monthly volatility in the money supply.

I love the Smell of Profits in the Morning

New Report
