Nisam siguran koliki je taj potencijal u turizmu. Mislim da se tu ne moze ostvariti neki veliki rast. Ipak sezona traje samo 3 mjeseca.
Ajmo ovako, koliko je potencijal Austrije u ljetnom turizmu?
peak oil demand, hell fucking yeah.
Nisam siguran koliki je taj potencijal u turizmu. Mislim da se tu ne moze ostvariti neki veliki rast. Ipak sezona traje samo 3 mjeseca.
Ajmo ovako, koliko je potencijal Austrije u ljetnom turizmu?
Sa Ivom Sanaderom, samo im je nebo limit.
Ne poznajem nikoga ko ide u Austriju na ljetni odmor
Ajmo ovako, koliko je potencijal Austrije u ljetnom turizmu?
Sa Ivom Sanaderom, samo im je nebo limit.
Ne poznajem nikoga ko ide u Austriju na ljetni odmor
Ali sigurno znaš neke koji tamo skijaju…
Tourism forms an important part of Austria’s economy, accounting for almost 9% of the Austrian gross domestic product. As of 2007, the total number of tourist overnight stays is roughly the same for summer and winter season, with peaks in February and July/August.
In 2007, Austria ranked 9th worldwide in international tourism receipts, with 18.9 billion US$.[2] In international tourist arrivals, Austria ranked 12th with 20.8 million tourists.[2]
peak oil demand
Mislim da si na krivoj krivulji.
peak food demand? sav sam vlažan. [smiley]
there is a potential "game changer" that is at the cusp of signaling one of the most important changes in 15 years.It is the current challenge to the 15 year down trend on 30 year Bond yields. Fifteen years is a pretty long time, but that could come to an end if today’s 30 Year Bond Yield chart breaks out to the upside.
What would it mean if it does?
It would mean the end of the down trend, higher mortgage rates, and a sign that inflation is on the way. Such an event would be a "game changer" because it would cause duress in many economic sectors, along with the necessary re-evaluation of future economic forecasts. This could result in a large scale rotation of stock sectors and rising commodity prices in 2011.
Jamese, jel može komentar…………..deflacijski po mogućnosti [wink]
Jamese, jel može komentar…………..deflacijski po mogućnosti [wink]
Još jedan potencijalni game changer bi bio kad bi baba bila muško, jer onda bi se zvala Duško. [wink]
Nije 15 godišnji downtrend, nego 28 godišnji.
Znači još živiš u nadi………….ali moram priznati ova doskočica s babom i duškom ti je stvarno jedan od jačih investicijskih komentara [lol]
Ajmo ovako, koliko je potencijal Austrije u ljetnom turizmu?
Sa Ivom Sanaderom, samo im je nebo limit.
Ne poznajem nikoga ko ide u Austriju na ljetni odmor
Ali sigurno znaš neke koji tamo skijaju…
Tourism forms an important part of Austria’s economy, accounting for almost 9% of the Austrian gross domestic product. As of 2007, the total number of tourist overnight stays is roughly the same for summer and winter season, with peaks in February and July/August.
In 2007, Austria ranked 9th worldwide in international tourism receipts, with 18.9 billion US$.[2] In international tourist arrivals, Austria ranked 12th with 20.8 million tourists.[2]
Pa i ne znam, nije ti to moja liga. Mozda i poznajem, ali nikad mi nisu pricali o tome.