Junk mail!

Naslovnica Forum Razno Ostalo Junk mail!

Evo pošto ne znam sa kojeg točno foruma kupe e-mail prvo ću kod Vas objaviti. Naime dan Tue, 21 Feb 2006 18:44:00 +0100 dobio sam e-mail sadržaja

Trading Alert FOR FEBRUARY and BEYOND!!
Some very BlG NEWS and EXPLOSIVE GAINS are expected NOW!!
Make sure to get in early and trade for MAXlMUM PROFIT!!!

Company: Ever-Glory International Group Inc.

Symb0l: EGLY .ob
Current_Price: $1.81
Short Term Target_Price: $4.50

Shares issued and outstanding: 10.5miIIion
Profits for the 9 months ended Sept,30 2005: $1.1miIIion

This means that this company is earning over 10 cents per share in
only nine months! In our view, this in itself is reason to buy.

More about the Company (EGLY):

Ever-Glory International Group is an American public company located
in China engaged in international business and garment manufacturing
mainly for middle-to-high grade well-known casuaI wear, outwear and
sportswear brands such as Reebok, North Face, Levi’s and more.

It has a wholly-owned subsidiary company in mainIand China-Nanjing
Goldenway Garment Company, Ltd.

The company has over 700 team members, totaI assets near US$7.5M,
and annuaI revenue of approx US$8m.

We here at Smart M0ney feel that the fundamentaIs of this company
and the hot market sector make it a winner. But what is really going
take off is the expected BIG NEWS.

We all know its these big announcements that make these deals move.
We believe the time to get in is now!

Watch EGLY go Higher and Higher ALL WEEK!!!

Političari su kao i sisate žene, ništa koristi od njih, a sav užitak sa njima, se svodi na vlastitoj mašti.

Pošto su ovake i slične sheme već poznate, nije zgoreg posjetiti http://rjohara.net/money/stocks/2006-egly-ever-glory-international

Političari su kao i sisate žene, ništa koristi od njih, a sav užitak sa njima, se svodi na vlastitoj mašti.

Premješteno iz teme: [color=blue]prijeve na internet pretrazivace[/color]

Hvala na prijedlogu. Nažalost ta adresa nije u našem vlasništvo, ali upravo radimo na tome kako bismo je preusmjerili na http://www.poslovni.hr.


Slaven Andrašić, Poslovni dnevnik


La vita e bella!


Tražim hitno posao sa radnim vremenom od 26 sekundi . Može i do sat vremena ali ne duže!!!Netreba plaća samo mirovinsko i socijalno.


Tražim hitno posao sa radnim vremenom od 26 sekundi . Može i do sat vremena ali ne duže!!!Netreba plaća samo mirovinsko i socijalno.

i ja isto

PRODAJEM U LIMBURGU____________________________________________________________________________________________________


Never pay the slightest attention to what a company president ever says about his stock. Bernard Baruch

[img]aaa ggg[/img]

Never pay the slightest attention to what a company president ever says about his stock. Bernard Baruch


Suricata suricatta

sorry … vježbam malo a ovo se čini kao dovoljno trash tema

[img]src=”http://www1.istockphoto.com/file_thumbview_approve/437828/2/istockphoto_437828_giant_smiley_big_smile.jpg” width=”150″[/img]

Never pay the slightest attention to what a company president ever says about his stock. Bernard Baruch

New Report
