JDPL (Jadroplov d.d.)

Naslovnica Forum Tržište kapitala Hrvatska JDPL (Jadroplov d.d.)

Forum namijenjen svim temama vezanim za dionice, obveznice i druge vrijednosne papire te trgovanje istima u Hrvatskoj.

Valjda je jasno u kome smjeru će BDI

Vale shares have surged nearly 16 percent over four straight sessions on speculation Vale will have to cut iron ore prices to China by less than expected, since stockpiles in the Asian giant have been reduced sharply.

Vaš link

Grade li se Novogradnje u Splitu ili ne, ima li neko pravu informaciju?

Graditi će se prvi od dva tankera. Od drugog su odustali.
Priča se o tome da Alantska preuzima Jadroplov, a kako su oni već zamijenili bulkere za tankere tako im ovaj drugi predviđen za Jadroplov ne treba.

Happy? [wink]

Ugovorena su dva bulk carriera. Prvi se sigurno gradi, isporuka krajem godine. Za sada nikakvih vijesti ni glasina o reviziji ugovora, pregovorima o smanjenju cijena, konverziji brod(ov)a, otkazu drugog broda ili slično…
BTW, što vrijeme više prolazi, cijena za bulkere izgleda sve stravičnija, tim prije kada čovjek pogleda što sve isto brodogradilište isporučuje po istoj cijeni pametnim naručiteljima. Bilo bi dobro kada bi neki pravnik malo proučio ove poteze (i propuste) Uprave i savjetovao male dioničare, obzirom da je bjelodano Uprava odlučila našim novcima još malo podmazivati škversku mašineriju.
Bit će zanimljivo vidjeti i cash poziciju na računu u izvješću, sada ili u 1Q…

Ček, mislite da će država dati za manje nego što imaju na računu. Pa to bi bio poklon (i ovako je poklon ispod BV)?

Neće dati za manje nego je na računu-ispraznit će račun [cool]

Laži izmišljaju ljubomorni i nesposobni šire ih budale a vjeruju idioti!!!


Laid-up Capes Returning

A bounce-back in dry-cargo rates has halved the number of capesize vessels in lay-up with almost all idle capes expected to be back in action soon, leading analysts claim.

Rising iron ore prices and increasing Brazilian exports are driving the resurgence which has already cut the number of sitting capes by up to 53%, according to the latest estimate.

Erik Helberg and Frode Morkedal, analysts at Norwegian finance house Pareto, say around 60 capesize bulkers are presently at anchor. This compares to around 130 over the christmas break.

In a note to investors, they said: ”With Q2 Cape contracts at $30,000 per day, it is likely only a matter of time before almost all laid up tonnage is back in the market.”

Morkedal points to Rio Tinto booking two Polembros Shipping vessels Tuesday at over $30,000 per day as a sign of the present market strength. Both of the vessels were previously in lay-up outside Piraeus.

He adds Pareto expects the arrival of newbuildings to dampen capesize rates in the medium term, with the return of idle tonnage creating further downward pressure.

However, he says the present market momentum should continue for at least the next week.

Morkedal says the bank expects capesize rates to average $15,000 per day during 2009.

Almost 200 capesize vessels were said to be idle following the dry-cargo market slump in the final quarter of 2008. The majority were tied up off Singapore and in the Far East.

Published : February 5, 2009

Quote Sakai "najvise pali svi osim ATPL"

nakon dužeg vremena imamo na bid-u oko 135 kunića malko veći nalog…

Ukupno Količina Cijena Cijena Količina Ukupno

1.358,00 10 135,80 138,88 22 3.055,36
7.459,10 55 135,62 138,89 47 6.527,83
13.561,00 100 135,61 139,00 100 13.900,00
128.820,00 950 135,60 139,47 10 1.394,70
2.030,40 15 135,36 139,49 72 10.043,28
67.500,00 500 135,00 139,50 247 34.456,50
9.397,50 70 134,25 139,80 30 4.194,00
665,20 5 133,04 140,00 15 2.100,00
3.990,00 30 133,00 142,00 20 2.840,00
26.034,00 200 130,17 142,30 107 15.226,10

Broj Vrijeme Cijena Količina Ukupno

125 10:07:30 135,60 50 6.780,00
116 10:06:40 135,36 85 11.505,60
115 10:06:40 135,50 90 12.195,00
114 10:06:40 135,55 25 3.388,75
107 10:05:38 135,50 10 1.355,00
97 10:04:08 136,10 100 13.610,00

Ugovorena su dva bulk carriera. Prvi se sigurno gradi, isporuka krajem godine. Za sada nikakvih vijesti ni glasina o reviziji ugovora, pregovorima o smanjenju cijena, konverziji brod(ov)a, otkazu drugog broda ili slično…
BTW, što vrijeme više prolazi, cijena za bulkere izgleda sve stravičnija, tim prije kada čovjek pogleda što sve isto brodogradilište isporučuje po istoj cijeni pametnim naručiteljima. Bilo bi dobro kada bi neki pravnik malo proučio ove poteze (i propuste) Uprave i savjetovao male dioničare, obzirom da je bjelodano Uprava odlučila našim novcima još malo podmazivati škversku mašineriju.
Bit će zanimljivo vidjeti i cash poziciju na računu u izvješću, sada ili u 1Q…

Odustalo se od drugog broda, što čak i nije najnovija vijest. To što ti i žuta štampa ne znate je također sasvim u redu, jer dioničari trebaju dobiti informacije prije lešinara tj. novinara.


Laid-up Capes Returning

A bounce-back in dry-cargo rates has halved the number of capesize vessels in lay-up with almost all idle capes expected to be back in action soon, leading analysts claim.

Rising iron ore prices and increasing Brazilian exports are driving the resurgence which has already cut the number of sitting capes by up to 53%, according to the latest estimate.

Erik Helberg and Frode Morkedal, analysts at Norwegian finance house Pareto, say around 60 capesize bulkers are presently at anchor. This compares to around 130 over the christmas break.

In a note to investors, they said: ”With Q2 Cape contracts at $30,000 per day, it is likely only a matter of time before almost all laid up tonnage is back in the market.”

Morkedal points to Rio Tinto booking two Polembros Shipping vessels Tuesday at over $30,000 per day as a sign of the present market strength. Both of the vessels were previously in lay-up outside Piraeus.

He adds Pareto expects the arrival of newbuildings to dampen capesize rates in the medium term, with the return of idle tonnage creating further downward pressure.

However, he says the present market momentum should continue for at least the next week.

Morkedal says the bank expects capesize rates to average $15,000 per day during 2009.

Almost 200 capesize vessels were said to be idle following the dry-cargo market slump in the final quarter of 2008. The majority were tied up off Singapore and in the Far East.

Published : February 5, 2009

Mislim da nije u redu zatrpavati temu sa nečim što je staro 10 dana od tada se situacija drastično promjenila pa i sam BDI je skočio 50%.

Ovo je puno novija vjest pa malo pročitajte.

Brazil stocks rise on metals rally, currency gains

SAO PAULO, Feb 6 (Reuters) – Brazilian stocks rose on Friday boosted by a rally in mining and energy shares, while the country’s currency was headed for a fourth straight session of gains against the U.S. dollar.

The Bovespa stock index .BVSP of the Sao Paulo stock exchange rose 2 percent to 41,937.35, extending a four-day rally that has pushed the index higher by about 8.2 percent.

Mining company Vale (VALE5.SA) rose 2.3 percent to 32.10 reais after Goldman Sachs raised the price target on the company’s U.S.-traded stock (RIO.N) to $19 from $15. Copper prices jumped in London and New York, helping fuel mining stocks on hopes of an economic recovery in China.

Vale shares have surged nearly 16 percent over four straight sessions on speculation Vale will have to cut iron ore prices to China by less than expected, since stockpiles in the Asian giant have been reduced sharply.

Steel mills from Japan and China are locked in talks with Vale and other top miners to set the next annual benchmark price for supplies.

Brazilian steelmakers were also up on Friday, with Usiminas (USIM5.SA) rising 3.2 percent to 31.88 reais and CSN (CSNA3.SA) gaining 3.2 percent to 40 reais.

The Bovespa was also boosted by state-run oil giant Petrobras (PETR4.SA), which rose 1.7 percent to 26.44 reais, although crude prices CLc1 fell more than 5 percent in New York.

Financials were also among the gainers, with Bradesco (BBDC4.SA) up 3.7 percent to 22.39 reais, and Itau (ITAU4.SA) 3.7 percent higher at 25.31 reais.

Banco do Brasil (BBAS3.SA) gained 1.6 percent to 14.63 reais. Latin America’s largest bank by assets said late on Thursday it had begun talks to buy Espirito Santo State Bank, though it didn’t disclose details.

The Brazilian state-controlled firm spent 10.1 billion reais ($4.43 billion) in recent weeks to buy into two local banks as part of a consolidation in Brazil’s banking sector.

Brazil’s currency, the real BRBY, strengthened 0.74 percent to 2.27 reais per U.S. dollar because of growing investor appetite for riskier emerging market assets.

Domestic data showed that inflation in Brazil quickened more

BDI Baltic Exchange Dry Index 1974 UP 159
BCI Baltic Exchange Capesize Index 3626 UP 282
BPI Baltic Exchange Panamax Index 1518 UP 145
BSI Baltic Exchange Supramax Index 1025 UP 77
BHSI Baltic Exchange Handysize Index 453 UP 30

Evo ga. A baš skeptici pomislili "sad će padat". [lol]

BDI Baltic Exchange Dry Index 1974 UP 159
BCI Baltic Exchange Capesize Index 3626 UP 282
BPI Baltic Exchange Panamax Index 1518 UP 145
BSI Baltic Exchange Supramax Index 1025 UP 77
BHSI Baltic Exchange Handysize Index 453 UP 30

Evo ga. A baš skeptici pomislili "sad će padat". [lol]

Pa svakome iole normalnom je jasno da će ovaj cjeli tjedan BDI rasti.

Pa pogledajte FF, ali neki ih očito ne žele gledati prodali su pa bi sad da kupe jeftinije.

Malo morgen

jel zna tko na kojoj razini BSI i BHSI smo na pozitivnom poslovanju ?


Za Mostarca exkluzivno [wink]

Samsun is latest victim of dry bulk crisis

Keith Wallis, Hong Kong – ponedjeljak 9 veljača 2009

SAMSUN Logix, one of South Korea’s largest bulker operators, has become the latest shipping company to apply for court protection following a cash flow crisis caused by the financial difficulties at Armada (Singapore), Britannia Bulk and Industrial Carriers.

The company, which owns 15 bulkers and has another four newbuildings on order, lodged an order for court receivership, similar to bankruptcy protection, at Seoul’s central district court last Friday.

The court issued an immediate stay order which froze the firm’s bank accounts, stopped any sale and purchase deals and prevented Samsun Logix entering into any new charters.

A source within Samsun Logix told Lloyd’s List today: “We are not allowed to do any new business”.

He added that the court would decide in the next two to four weeks whether to allow the company to enter into court receivership or let the company collapse.

“We are a victim of the recent maritime casualty that caused the collapse of Britannia, Armada, ICI and others,” said the source.

He said Samsun Logix had ships chartered to all those companies which were then redelivered early all at high charter rates.

Asked the firm’s total exposure, the source said: “I’m not in a position to tell you.”

But Samsun Lunix is believed to have been owed about $40m alone by Armada (Singapore).

The freezing of the firm’s bank accounts is expected to have a knock-on effect to companies it also owes money to for its extensive chartered-in fleet.

The South Korean shipping company has used the New York southern district court over the past few months to apply for rule B attachments against a raft of companies. The most recent application was against Nonghyup Logistics Service on January 20.

Other applications have been made against China Shipping Development (HK), Ocean Glory Shipping, Parkroad Corporation, Sealink Shipping and PCL Shipping.

If the Seoul district court approves Samsun Lunix’s application, the court will appointed a group of representatives from the company and creditor banks to work out a reorganisation and restructuring plan. The shipping company’s largest creditor bank is Shinhan Bank.

The restructuring could involve the sale of vessels, redundancies or the sale of the business.

The firm’s fleet comprises capesize, panamax and handysize vessels built in the 1980s and 1990s. The oldest vessel is the 1982-built, 21,289 dwt Ataraxia, while the youngest is the 1999-built, 69,406 dwt Clio.

There are four newbuildings on order including two 57,000 dwt bulkers at STX Shipbuilding that are due for delivery in 2010 and two vessels on order at a Chinese yard, the company insider said.

The firm’s chartered-in fleet includes very large crude carriers and aframax tankers.

Quote Sakai "najvise pali svi osim ATPL"

Za techmana exkluzivno da malo pogleda u budućnost .

Tone: Continued very firm this morning as levels pushed from the start…q2
cape and pmx off from morning highs but still well above Fridays close.

Capes: Feb/Mar 37k +1500 q2 41k +2k Feb/Dec 38k +1500 Cal10 32500 +500

Panamax: Feb/Mar 16k +1k q2 21500 +2750 Feb/Dec 18750 +750 Cal10 17500 +250

Smax: Feb/Mar 12750 +750 q2 16500 +1k Cal10 15k +1250

Panamax Curve: $10036 (UP 996)

Feb/Mar 15,500 16,500
q2 09 20,500 21,250
Feb/June 18,000 18,875
q34 09 18,500 19,250
q234 19,167 19,917
Feb-Dec 18,500 19,295
12mos (jan10) 17,000 18,000
12mos (jan11) 17,000 18,000

Cape TC Average $30001 (UP 3506)
Feb/Mar 09 36,500 37,500
q2 09 40,500 41,500
Feb/June 09 38,900 39,900
April/Dec 09 37,833 38,833
q34 09 36,500 37,500
Feb / Dec 09 37,591 38,591
Cal 10 32,000 33,000
Cal 11 31,000 32,000
Cal 12 30,750 32,000

Pa de ti meni objasni šta je u ovome tvome postu tako exkluzivno i nesvakidašnje, meni
se čini da si se ti počeo kao utopljenik hvatati za slamku, tekstovi su ti svaki dan sve jadniji
I jadniji ma koliko se ti trudio jer jednostavno ne možeš ništa naći loše pa onda su ti ovakvi tekstovi ok.

Stečajeva je uvjek bilo I biće I po meni tu nema ništa dramatično samo su najbolji opstajali a ovi očito to nisu
Pa im se događa to što im se događa, JDPL puca po šavovima od casha a ovi su pukli po šavu jer su ostali bez casha e to ti je kolega velika razlika I tvoja greška što ti uspoređuješ prosjaka I bogataša
I trpaš ih u isti koš.

Nebu to išlo kolega ne, ne.

p.s posjetio sam vaše interetske stranice I mogu reći da su očajne I zastarjele, kolega dajte malo ono redizajnirajte ono je očaj.

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