JDPL (Jadroplov d.d.)

Naslovnica Forum Tržište kapitala Hrvatska JDPL (Jadroplov d.d.)

Forum namijenjen svim temama vezanim za dionice, obveznice i druge vrijednosne papire te trgovanje istima u Hrvatskoj.

Ako je ovo prvi val UP onda se JDPL mora vratiti na 124kn, a ako idemo dolje onda ćemo ići ispod toga! U tijeku je iskrcaj! Glede BDI on je danas samo +1,7% UP, nakon jučerašnjeg dana!
Sutra će opet zaroniti snažno dolje! Tako to ide! Koristite priraste od 10-15% i ne zadržavajte se predugo….
Glede JDPL nikad ga više neću kupovati, jer je očajno nelikvidan kad pada,…. a kad raste kao da je na porođajnim mukama….

Ako je ovo prvi val UP onda se JDPL mora vratiti na 124kn, a ako idemo dolje onda ćemo ići ispod toga! U tijeku je iskrcaj! Glede BDI on je danas samo +1,7% UP, nakon jučerašnjeg dana!
Sutra će opet zaroniti snažno dolje! Tako to ide! Koristite priraste od 10-15% i ne zadržavajte se predugo….
Glede JDPL nikad ga više neću kupovati, jer je očajno nelikvidan kad pada,…. a kad raste kao da je na porođajnim mukama….

Ajde se ti vrati na TA i ventilatorima VIVAX i molim te potrudi se da na ovu temu nesvraćaš!


Pozdrav svima na forumu! Novi sam i imam nekoliko pitanja.Da li su charteri promjenjeni i dali oni mjenjaju cijenu brzinom kako i vozarine te tako utječu na cijenu dionice? Da li su trenutno svi brodovi u "pogonu" i na koje vrijeme jer smatram da je to bitno zbog samog stanja na tržištu te bi moglo utjecati na dionicu.Inače sam i sam vlasnik nekolicine dionica ovog meni jako dragog brodara,pa ako neko nešto zna neka izvoli.

Sad kad je trejdanje završilo valjda će se naći neki poznavaoc stanja flote i dati kakav takav odgovor.
Svi bruje da je dionica najpodcjenjenija i da će sigurno up u budućnosti.Dakle hoće li i brodovi biti tehnički up u istoj toj budućnosti?

Ako je ovo prvi val UP onda se JDPL mora vratiti na 124kn, a ako idemo dolje onda ćemo ići ispod toga! U tijeku je iskrcaj! Glede BDI on je danas samo +1,7% UP, nakon jučerašnjeg dana!
Sutra će opet zaroniti snažno dolje! Tako to ide! Koristite priraste od 10-15% i ne zadržavajte se predugo….
Glede JDPL nikad ga više neću kupovati, jer je očajno nelikvidan kad pada,…. a kad raste kao da je na porođajnim mukama….

A gle ovog doktora, kontinuirano piše da je BDI otišao 1.7% gore. Vjeko daj stavi momka na led, recimo 5 sati nek protekne nakon što mu se post odmoderira. Možeš komotno i svaki drugi obrisati bez čitanja

Hell is Empty and all the Devils are Here

Ako je ovo prvi val UP onda se JDPL mora vratiti na 124kn, a ako idemo dolje onda ćemo ići ispod toga! U tijeku je iskrcaj! Glede BDI on je danas samo +1,7% UP, nakon jučerašnjeg dana!
Sutra će opet zaroniti snažno dolje! Tako to ide! Koristite priraste od 10-15% i ne zadržavajte se predugo….
Glede JDPL nikad ga više neću kupovati, jer je očajno nelikvidan kad pada,…. a kad raste kao da je na porođajnim mukama….

Kakav druk, a čak ne zna ni postotak izbaciti, ajmo u prvi razred ponovo.



Precious warns bankruptcies will be the ‘norm’

By Marcus Hand in Singapore – četvrtak 5 veljača 2009

HANDYSIZE dry bulk specialist Precious Shipping continued to reap strong profits in the fourth quarter of 2008 but warned that shipowner bankruptcies could become “the norm”.

Even with the dramatic collapse in dry bulk shipping markets, Thailand-listed Precious managed to rake in a $34.7m fourth quarter net profit compared with $19.9m in the same period a year earlier. For 2008 as a whole the company reported a net profit of $148.1m compared with $125.1m in 2007.

Precious’ continued profitability in a sharp market downturn has been buoyed by locking in earnings on long-term charters, with the company fixing 96.4% of available fleet days in 2008 on time charters at an average daily rate per ship of $16,129 daily or a total of $250.3m.

However the results contain a grim market outlook from Precious managing director Khalid Hashim, who warned that the next 12 months looked “very bleak”, even when compared to historical averages.

“The next four to eight quarters could be characterised by low to very low rates, with major bankruptcies amongst shipowners becoming more the norm than the exception,” he said.
His forecast is based on a wholesale slump in demand from developed economies.

“Demand destruction has taken place on a rather large scale with all the developed economies actually shrinking. Barring India and China I can not think of any other major economy that has got any form of positive growth forecasts for their GDP,” Mr Hashim told Lloyd’s List.

“As shipping is a derived demand, deriving its fortunes from the growth in world GDP, I have very little confidence in dramatic growth taking place in the immediate future.”

The company noted that in the key China market all major steel producers had said that they would cut back production by 20% to 30% this year.

“This cut-back will feel like a kick in the face for the freight market during 2009,” Mr Hashim said.

Against such a bleak market outlook and low freight rates, the shipowner has seen some charterers trying to renegotiate contracts, although to date has faced no form of defaults.

“One client has asked that we substitute an older ship with two modern ones where the net impact to us was beneficial in terms of over all benefit to the company,” he said.

In another case a charter was extended for a lower charter rate, while one charter opted to buy back the remainder of the contract 90 days early.

The current state of the market means that locking vessels in to long-term charters makes little sense for Precious. Nevertheless, around 31% of forward fleet days over the next four years have been locked in at average daily rates ranging from $13,062 to $18,467 on an annual basis.

Precious though sees opportunities to replace 25 aging vessels from its fleet of 44 handysize bulkers during the market downturn.

“The rejuvenation plan has the best chance of success under the existing financially stressed conditions. This is the opportunity that we had been patiently waiting for, and which, if implemented successfully, would ensure the long-term profitability of the company over the next two to three decades,” Mr Hashim said.

The company previously had a $500m credit line to acquire secondhand vessels, but never drew down on it due to high vessel prices. Mr Hashim said that it would continue to work with its lenders on extending this facility and expected to have some news in the next few weeks.

Quote Sakai "najvise pali svi osim ATPL"


Pušioničaru daj svojoj mami jedan. Prošli puta kada je SS ovako izgledao cjena je otišla na 150. [thumbsup]


Opet nas zavadiše

Surround all arround when it hits the ground

Graf lijepo pokazuje kako raste likvidnost sa porastom cjene. Iz toga bi se moglo zaključiti kako je trenutna cjena preniska za veći promet , ali sa povećanjem cjene pojaviti će se veći promet . [smiley]

Da se i ovdje nađe…

Daily Summary of Baltic Exchange Dry Indices
6 February 2009

Baltic Exchange Dry Index TM 1642 (UP 144)
Baltic Exchange Capesize Index TM 2999 (UP 265)
Baltic Exchange Panamax Index TM 1251 (UP 123)
Baltic Exchange Supramax Index TM 854 (UP 71)
Baltic Exchange Handysize Index TM 404 (UP 25)

Baltic Exchange Dry Index TM 1642 (UP 144)
Baltic Exchange Capesize Index TM 2999 (UP 265)
Baltic Exchange Panamax Index TM 1251 (UP 123)
Baltic Exchange Supramax Index TM 854 (UP 71)
Baltic Exchange Handysize Index TM 404 (UP 25)

Znači, danas se ponavlja situacija od jučer.
Baltic indeks ide gore a JDPL će ići dolje.

Rocky5 jesi me prestigo.

New Report
