JDPL (Jadroplov d.d.)

Naslovnica Forum Tržište kapitala Hrvatska JDPL (Jadroplov d.d.)

Forum namijenjen svim temama vezanim za dionice, obveznice i druge vrijednosne papire te trgovanje istima u Hrvatskoj.


Boxship supply imbalance widening fast
utorak 3 veljace 2009

CONTAINERSHIP supply and demand imbalance is forecast to widen dramatically in the coming year, placing both freight and charter rates under further severe pressure, writes Janet Porter.

Clarkson Research now puts the differential in 2008 at 4.9 percentage points, a significant revision on the 3.7 point gap declared earlier.

Quote Sakai "najvise pali svi osim ATPL"

Možeš ti to prevesti jer engleski ne znam, pa da znam idemo li na 130 ili na 110 [rolleyes]

dugoročni dioničari (držioničari) su na burzi pušioničari - trejdanje je zakon.


First, the good news

ponedjeljak 2 veljace 2009

DRY bulk shipping can take some encouragement from market developments in January after five months of unrelenting pessimism.

Analysts report that monthly capesize spot fixtures were last month running at their highest level in more than two years.

Moreover, the dry bulk fleet, burdened by a huge orderbook, actually contracted in January as scrapping outpaced newbuilding deliveries.

With chartering picking up, some brave souls are even venturing to suggest that the amount of idle tonnage will fall and freight rates will stage a revival, even if modest by the standards of the past few years.

Belief in this scenario could be vital to the future of beleaguered companies such as DryShips as it negotiates with bankers over loan breaches.

Unfortunately, bad news also continues to stalk the dry bulk industry.

The head of the world’s leading steel trading company has just predicted that demand for steel will fall 10% this year followed by zero growth in 2010.

Such an outcome would not augur well for the flow of iron ore shipments necessary to keep the largest bulkers employed, a development which would have knock on effects in other segments.

To end on a positive note, perhaps the best news for the future health of the dry bulk industry, as well as other shipping sectors, is that China’s premier Wen Jiabou said the nation is considering fresh measures to boost its economy after the fiscal package unveiled late last year.

Robust Chinese demand will go a long way to solving shipping’s ills.

Quote Sakai "najvise pali svi osim ATPL"

Bježte drugovi danas je moment! [bye]

"Bježte drugovi"
Zar još ima takvih(drugova i još koji bježe)?

Evo ideje za prodavatelje .

Evo ideje za prodavatelje .

Šta ste htjeli reći kolega?
Da ovo ide na nulu?


kolega Darko09 može onaj trokutić ponovo da vidimo di smo .. hvala

Barona za moderatora a šefa za direktora ... moji postovi nisu nagovor na kupnju ili prodaju vrijednosnica

Evo ideje za prodavatelje .

Šta ste htjeli reći kolega?
Da ovo ide na nulu?

Ma ne. To je bila šala. Stalno skidaju cjenu sa određenim količinama dionica , pa neka stave sve na 5 kuna i ja sve kupim.

Tko se to stalno igra s onim kupovnim nalogom od 300 komada? Stavi ga pa ga za minutu-dvije makne…

BDI Baltic Exchange Dry Index 1148 UP 49
BCI Baltic Exchange Capesize Index 2093 UP 89
BPI Baltic Exchange Panamax Index 881 UP 39
BSI Baltic Exchange Supramax Index 556 UP 23
BHSI Baltic Exchange Handysize Index 320 UP 13

Evo, neka vadi mast onima koji prodaju.

Meni danas upalo u košaricu malo oko 120 i nije mi žao.
Imao sam veći nalog oko 115 ali nije bilo takve panike…

Može BDI skočiti na 5000 do kraja mjeseca, niti to više ne pomaže našoj mrtvoj burzi

Hell is Empty and all the Devils are Here

New Report
