JDPL (Jadroplov d.d.)

Naslovnica Forum Tržište kapitala Hrvatska JDPL (Jadroplov d.d.)

Forum namijenjen svim temama vezanim za dionice, obveznice i druge vrijednosne papire te trgovanje istima u Hrvatskoj.


ULPL se prodaje zbog dokapa, a ATPL se prodaje zbog toga što uprava kupuje nagradne dionice pa im fali keša tako da bi se teško moglo opisati to kao paniku. Inače imam sve 3.


Za JDPL su ugovorena dva bulkera u Brodosplitu i za njih su rezervirana mjesta na navozima.


Vidim da je tržište pozitivno reagiralo na dobre vijesti za JDPL [angry]

Koje vijesti?

I love the Smell of Profits in the Morning

Vidim da je tržište pozitivno reagiralo na dobre vijesti za JDPL [angry]

Nek vec više prodaju oni, koji ne vjeruju u JDPL da možemo dalje.. GI ce svaki cas.[proud]

neven: ” Vidim da je tržište pozitivno reagiralo na dobre vijesti za JDPL [angry] ” Nek vec više prodaju oni, koji ne vjeruju u JDPL da možemo dalje.. GI ce svaki cas.[proud]

..bas me jako zanima sto ce GI promijeniti.. ja mislim nista.. ili cemo doci nadomak 600? vauu!!! super!!

A kad bi se ta dva broda, trebala završiti i kada bi se trebala osjetiti u izvješćima?

Kakve veze ima Nadzorni odbor s svakodnevnim radom firme i ugovaranjem brodova. Nije li to u domeni Uprave? UPRAVA ODLAZI! Za razliku od ULPL-a i ATPL-a gdje se uprava panično pokušava riješiti dionica, dionice JDPL-a se kupuju nemilice! [lol] [tongue]

Fazane ptico Slavonska citaj pazljivo. Rijec je o Nadzornom odbor u Brodogradilista, koje je drzavno i uz to idu jos drzavne subvencije. Da ti bude jasnije oba nadzorna odbora trebaju amenovati deal. Sta se tice nadzornog JDPL nije problem a Brodogradiliste svoj nije imalo do valjda jucer.

Quote Sakai "najvise pali svi osim ATPL"

Znam da je državno.

Nisam znao da NO ima direktan upliv u poslovanje tvrtke. Ajde dobro onda.

I love the Smell of Profits in the Morning

Excel beats the Street
ATHENS 18 March – Drybulk operator Excel reported unexpectedly high profits and is poised to become a much larger player through the Quintana acquisition. Excel said that its shareholders will vote on the Quintana acquisition on 14 April, and that a $1.4bn credit facility for the deal has been secured through a group of arrangers led by Nordea. Excel reported net income of $34.1M in 4Q07 versus net income of $9.3M in 4Q06. It took in $84.9M in net income for full-year 2007 versus $31.1M the previous year. Gains were driven by rates: Excel operated an average of 16.5M vessels in 2007 at an average TCE of $28,944/day; in 2006, Excel operated 17 ships at an average TCE of $19,197/day. Said chairman Gabriel Panayotides of the results: “This is a direct result of our proactive fleet deployment strategy, in which we seek to secure the majority of our vessels under long-term time charters, enhancing our operating cash flow visibility, while at the same time also maintaining exposure to the spot market with the remainder of our fleet, which allows us to take advantage of continued strength in the shipping market.” Dahlman Rose analyst Omar Nokta noted that Excel surpassed Wall Street expectations with earnings per share of $1.71 versus the consensus estimate of $1.45. Nokta attributed the difference to Excel’s higher-than-expected fleet utilisation.

Quote Sakai "najvise pali svi osim ATPL"

Dry bulk owners say the future is bright
Richard Meade Stamford – Thursday 20 March 2008

SOURCES of funding may well be temporarily difficult to come by for the shipping industry, but asset values will remain high and rates firm, according to a bullish panel of dry bulk owners and analysts speaking at the CMA 2008 conference being held at Stamford this week, writes Richard Meade.

“If you get seasick then dry bulk is probably not the market for you, but in general we have seen a new floor set in terms of rates that is higher than some of the previous peaks,” said Louis Dreyfus Commodities director Peter Sandler.

Jucer sam imao sastanak sa Komercialnim direktorom i direktorom S&P jedne od vodecih svjetskih firmi specializirane za bulk Oldendorff carriers koja operira preko 200 bulkera.


Nakon sastanka malo sam se propitivao o trzistu. Komentirali su pocetak godine kao malo zatisje pred booming i vide trziste bulka vrlo snazno ovu a vjerovatno i iducu godinu. Zadnje vjesti su da je FF deal za handije 41000 USD. [wink]

Quote Sakai "najvise pali svi osim ATPL"

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