JDPL (Jadroplov d.d.)

Naslovnica Forum Tržište kapitala Hrvatska JDPL (Jadroplov d.d.)

Forum namijenjen svim temama vezanim za dionice, obveznice i druge vrijednosne papire te trgovanje istima u Hrvatskoj.

Čini se da Atlantska i Jadroplov igraju potapanje brodova… nažalost. [cry]

Kad neće na burzi hoće ovdje: www.bux.to/?r=kurtisaa

Opet isto. Brodari vani u plusu, u Hrvatskoj u debelom minusu.
I onda dva-tri dana oporavak, da bi na kraju tjedna opet u minus i opet sve nanovo.

Opet isto. Brodari vani u plusu, u Hrvatskoj u debelom minusu. I onda dva-tri dana oporavak, da bi na kraju tjedna opet u minus i opet sve nanovo.

strpljivo samo. tržište nam je trenutno u banani, a rješit će se sigurno, ako nisi trader, ne trebaš se uzrujavati, ako jesi, možeš zaraditi fino

Nema prodaje. Ic ce u zajednicki fond a dionice fonda u IPO.

Ne pratim baš temu u zadnje vrijeme pa ne znam jel karikiraš ili…
U svakom slučaju, jasno je rečeno da će u fond manjinski državni udjeli u poduzećima gdje ih ima a većinski idu u privatizaciju tražiti novog vlasnika.

Ovo ponašanje sa boradima je toliko žalosno da već postaje smiješno.
Vani burzovni indexi padaju, a brodari narasli cca 50% u zadnjih mjesec dana, a kod nas ti isti brodari ruše indexe. Tu je netko lud, a znam da ja nisam.

Budimo CROativni. Kupujmo hrvatsko. Kako to kaže jedan moj kolega: "Živce na laštiku...."

BDI + 189 5 minutes ago Daily Summary of Baltic Exchange Dry Indices
22 February 2008

Baltic Exchange Dry Index TM 7187 (UP 189)
Baltic Exchange Capesize Index TM 9934 (UP 607)
Baltic Exchange Panamax Index TM 7011 (UP 32)
Baltic Exchange Supramax Index TM 4922 (DOWN 16)
Baltic Exchange Handysize Index TM 2237 (UP 8)

Skriveni nalog na 633,49

Budimo CROativni. Kupujmo hrvatsko. Kako to kaže jedan moj kolega: "Živce na laštiku...."

Hoćemo li malo gore na kraju dana…bilo bi dobro a i u skladu sa svjetskim trendovima [thumbsup]

Kakvo lukavstvo… Samo promjenio cijenu za 2 lp i kao nestao…[angry]

Grgica, čita te ovaj majstor koji stavlja skrivene na prodaju…
A nadam se da čita i mene i da će što prije nestati..

Evo mu razglednica:

Kad neće na burzi hoće ovdje: www.bux.to/?r=kurtisaa

mislim da nije skriven…ostalo još 34 komada nakon zadnje transakcije na toj cijeni….
nego, daj pustite te skirvene ili ne skrivene…..kad budemo potegnuli i pratili svijet u brodarima onda ti nalozi neće imat nikakve važnosti jer če se čistit sve po redu….do tada buljimo u monitore….koj dan zeleno, koj dan crveno…..zabetonirani smo na ovim razinama


Ima da se zeleni i to dobro na JDPL.

Link: http://www.reuters.com/article/marketsNews/idINN2254920620080222?rpc=44

Vale says Baosteel agrees to 65 pct ore price hike
Fri Feb 22, 2008 7:25am EST

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SAO PAULO, Feb 22 (Reuters) – Brazil’s mining giant Vale (VALE5.SA: Quote, Profile, Research)(RIO.N: Quote, Profile, Research) said on Friday it secured a 65 percent rise in iron ore prices for 2008 from China’s largest steelmaker Baosteel Group (600019.SS: Quote, Profile, Research).

The price increase, which Baosteel agreed to on behalf of all Chinese steel producers, was for ore from Vale’s southern mines system. It followed similar price agreements with steelmakers in Europe, Japan and South Korea.

Vale, the world’s largest iron ore producer and exporter, said in a statement Baosteel also agreed to pay a premium for higher-quality ore from its massive Carajas mine in the Amazon. The price increase for ore from Carajas will be 71 percent.

(Reporting by Elzio Barreto, Editing by Peter Blackburn)

Steelmakers Won’t Get Squeezed

By Toby Shute February 22, 2008

Is it just me, or was some of this week’s media coverage of annual iron ore price negotiations really off base?

For some really quick background, iron ore prices are decided in heated private discussions between the big global miners and leading steel firms like POSCO (NYSE: PKX) and Nippon Steel. Huge demand from shipyards, carmakers like Toyota Motor (NYSE: TM), and other Asian industrial concerns has led not only to much higher iron ore prices, but the flying freight rates propelling the likes of DryShips (Nasdaq: DRYS).
Some hasty reports about the initial price settlements directly asserted or merely hinted at the ominous oligopoly power of Vale (NYSE: RIO), BHP Billiton (NYSE: BHP), and Rio Tinto (NYSE: RTP), while casting steelmakers and their customers as the losers of a zero-sum game.

The idea of a steelmaker squeeze really doesn’t fly when you look at the situation from the perspective of POSCO. On its recent investor call, the company noted that its budget factored in about a 30% rise in overall raw materials costs. The budget was crafted in December, at which time price negotiations were in full swing.

Now POSCO has agreed to pay Vale 65% more for Brazilian iron ore, which I assume gets the steelmaker pretty close to its anticipated cost rise. But even if this price hike, which is reported to fall short of the rumored rise, takes costs above budget, POSCO recently noted that it has “ample room” to raise prices. Judging by commentary from leading steel analysts, the Korean firm isn’t alone in this regard.

So forget the monopoly talk. There’s room for more winners in this game. [thumbsup]

Kad neće na burzi hoće ovdje: www.bux.to/?r=kurtisaa

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