JDPL (Jadroplov d.d.)

Naslovnica Forum Tržište kapitala Hrvatska JDPL (Jadroplov d.d.)

Forum namijenjen svim temama vezanim za dionice, obveznice i druge vrijednosne papire te trgovanje istima u Hrvatskoj.

Panamax market still strong in both Atlantic and Pacific, but at the end of the week the market has cooled off. Papir is sliding further down, and chrts are holding back for period ships. Same time owners also reducing their initial ideas for periods. Otherwise the spot market still firm. Round trips in Atlantic fixing about low/mid usd 50,000 and fronthaul at mid/high usd 50,000. In the Pacific, rounds getting close to mid/high usd 40,000 and trips back to Cont low usd 40,000. One year period on a 73,767dwt/97 del China end May fixed earlier this week usd 47,300 to Chinese operators. 74,000dwt/01 del ww in June fixed usd 40,000 for 2 yrs to Chinese owners, and 5 years on a 71,733/90 del ww 1 Dec07/30 Mar 08 done at usd 24,450 to Norwegian operators


After reaching record high ever tc average of excess usd 114,000 for spot the market have taken a breather and a mini-gyration for the spot rates are evident. However, who cares, that rates for Pac rv easing from usd 111,000 to 109,000? It is still a fantastic rate for the ownr. Fronthaul rates reported at usd 145,000 for 172,000 dwt and Brazil/China fxd at whopping usd 61,- admittedly with cqd terms at discharge. The extremely strong period market continuing unabated and NB 177,000 dwt dely 1h 2009 reported 5 years at usd 46,000. European chrs fxd 161,000/95 for 12 mos at usd 92,500. To refresh readers memory: in April 2002 150,000 dwt/97 fxd 2 years at usd 14,000!!


The newbuilding market is still steaming ahead at full speed. The demand for dry bulk is still the main driver backing the surge in the newbuilding market. We see strong demand for all size segments. Last week we saw most orders being placed in the larger size segments, but this week most contracts were seen in the Handymax segment. The renaissance in the container market is yet fuelled this week with several contracts being placed both in China and Korea. We see moderate activity in the tanker market this week. It is worth noticing that TMT placed order for three VLCC’s at Daewoo, scheduled for deliveries in 2010 and 2011.


The newbuilding market is still steaming ahead at full speed. The demand for dry bulk is still the main driver backing the surge in the newbuilding market. We see strong demand for all size segments. Last week we saw most orders being placed in the larger size segments, but this week most contracts were seen in the Handymax segment. The renaissance in the container market is yet fuelled this week with several contracts being placed both in China and Korea. We see moderate activity in the tanker market this week. It is worth noticing that TMT placed order for three VLCC’s at Daewoo, scheduled for deliveries in 2010 and 2011.


Tankers Dry Bulkers Others
Moderate Strong Firmer



PRICES This Last Low High
week week 2007 2007

VLCC 300’dwt USD 127.0 m USD 127.0 m 127.0 127.0
Suezmax 150’dwt USD 80.0 m USD 80.0 m 78.0 80.0
Aframax 110’dwt USD 65.0 m USD 65.0 m 64.0 65.0
Product 47’dwt USD 47.0 m USD 47.0 m 47.0 47.0
Capesize 170’dwt USD 81.0 m USD 81.0 m 68.0 81.0
Panamax 74’dwt USD 41.0 m USD 41.0 m 38.0 41.0
Handymax 50’dwt USD 38.0 m USD 38.0 m 34.0 38.0
Prices are based on payment terms 40/60


Type No Size Yard Owner Del Mill$ Comm

BC 3+1 30000 dwt Taizhou STX Pan Ocean 2009 28
BC 4 57000 dwt Zhenghe Chang Myung 2008/09 36
BC 2 58000 dwt STX China Union Marine 2009/10
BC 2 58000 dwt STX China Stellaer 2010
BC 3 58000 dwt Cicek Tersanesi Bayraktar 2009
BC 2 58500 dwt Tsuneishi HI Jinhui 2012 35
BC 4 87000 dwt Hudong Rizzo Bottiglieri 2010 45
BC 2 157700 dwt Samsung HI d’Amico 2010
BC 2 171000 dwt Daewoo Korea Line 2010
Chem 6 13000 dwt STX MPC Munchmeyer 2009/10
CO 2 962 teu Daesun Nam Sung Shipping 2010 23.5
CO 4 1085 teu Nanjing Wujiazui Komrowski 2009
CO 1 1226 teu J.J. Sietas KG Foroohari 2009
CO 4 3600 teu Shanghai Chengxi Reeferei Thomas Schulte 2010 57.5
CO 8 8200 teu HHI Seaspan 2010/11
CO 2 8528 teu Hudong Hansa Treuhand 2010/11 120
LPG 2+1 22500 cbm HHI Naftomar 2010 52
MT 1 157700 dwt Samsung HI Ya-Sa Shipping 2010
MT 3 306000 dwt Daewoo TMT 2010/11 139
PC 4 36200 dwt HMD National Iranian 2010 46
PC 5 38500 dwt Guangzhou Norden 2009
PC 2 50000 dwt Onomichi Zosen Formosa 2011
PCTC 2 6000 unit Daewoo Liberty Maritime 2010 80
VLOC 2 300000 dwt Nantong Cosco COSCO 2010
VLOC 1 300000 dwt Nantong Cosco Nippon Yusen Kaisha 2011




eto pa koga zanima…….malo sam se zaigrao,ali vjerujem da ce ovo biti od velike pomoci onome tko zna sto s ovime[smiley5]


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Medi Melbourne was fixed at usd 67,500 for a short trip via South Africa/Richards Bay to India. Gulf to Continent voyages were bringing the Owners usd 60,000 daily income as well

Ljudi vidite li vi ovo?
Mislim da ce se ovo definitivno reflektirati i na atlantsku,losinjsku i tankersku


The demand for dry bulk is still the main driver backing the surge in the newbuilding market. We see strong demand for all size segments


New Report
