JDPL (Jadroplov d.d.)

Naslovnica Forum Tržište kapitala Hrvatska JDPL (Jadroplov d.d.)

Forum namijenjen svim temama vezanim za dionice, obveznice i druge vrijednosne papire te trgovanje istima u Hrvatskoj.

Dow završio u plusu, brodari mješano. Diana -3.22, Drys – 0.19. Kapitaliziranje ili neki drugi razlog?

a ko će ga znati…

Po već dobro uhodanom scenariju, vjerojatno u PON idemo opet dolje zbog amera …

Ljudi su, općenito, nalik na pse koji počnu lajati čim izdaleka začuju

Kolega Riki, hvala na ovom dokumentu.[thumbsup]

Dosta smo čuli i pisali o većini trenutnih problema koji su ovdje navedeni, ali lijepo je čuti što voditelji vodećih tvrtki sektora misle o trenutnoj situaciji u svijetu, kao i daljnjim zbivanjima.
Posebno kod pitanja za cijenu nafte, kad Tsirigakis kaže da je rast cijene zapravo dobar za Dry bulk firme.
Do sada sam mislio da je taj rast dijelom krivac za pad BDI-a, te samim time i pad cijena brodara kod nas. Neznam za ostale forumaše(možda nekim iskusnijima to nije ni palo na pamet), al drago mi je što sam saznao da sam možda* u zabludi.
Nadam se da će se njihove prognoze za 2008. ostvariti i da ćemo kroz par mjeseci gledati naše prijevoznike rasutih terta na razinama koje zaslužuju.

*Daljnjim čitanjem sam zaključio da intervjuirani ”okreću vodu na svoj mlin” i zapravo u svemu što sam ja mislio da je problem za brodare nalaze dobro objašnjenje i komentiraju sebi u korist…
(možda drukaju??? – koliko će ljudi pročitati ovaj intervju i na temelju njega odlučiti o investiranju).

Zanima me što misle o ovome neki iskusniji forumaši i bolji poznavatelji ovog sektora?

(možda nemam pravo[undecid]) – prosvijetlite me…

Kad neće na burzi hoće ovdje: www.bux.to/?r=kurtisaa


Najvise na capesize, oni su u 95% slucajeva specijalizirani za ugljen i zeljezo. Naravno da i panamaxi voze to isto, primjerice Imperial od Atlantske je doplovio u luku Ploce prije mjesec dva s teretom ugljena.

Mislim da Kinezi koriste i manje brodove (supra, handye) kao “obalni transport” za redistribuciju dobara iz njihovih najvecih luka….

ume da broji sarafe, ali krivo:procenat i tacno; povjest;samnom, neznam, 100 ATPL=1000E, uvjek, vjest..plata?!, dejstvuje


Naravno da je njima u interesu da ne dodje to poremecaja na trzistu (dionica). Jeftine dionice=strah od preuzimanja, kupnje i ostale zackoljice. Medjutim, oni se koriste analizama koje kazu [thumbsup]. Pa zato je i trziste nepredivo, inace bi svi dobijali…

Ma nek “drukaju”, to rade puno kvalitetnije od ljudi na ovom forumu. Pogledaj samo na temama komentari trgovanja i korekcija.[tongue]

ume da broji sarafe, ali krivo:procenat i tacno; povjest;samnom, neznam, 100 ATPL=1000E, uvjek, vjest..plata?!, dejstvuje

China Snows Worsen, Forcing Release of Emergency Food (Update1)

By John Liu and Irene Shen

Feb. 2 (Bloomberg) — China’s heaviest snowstorms in half a century worsened today, forcing the government to release emergency food supplies and preventing millions of people from traveling home for next week’s Lunar New Year holidays.

Shanghai had received 15 centimeters (6 inches) of snow since yesterday, Xinhua News Agency said. The city had also shut some operations at its port, the world’s busiest, stranding more than 1,000 ships, it added. The storms, which have killed at least 60 people nationwide, may continue until the end of next week, the report said, citing the Central Meteorological Station.

The government will sell 18,000 tons of pork from reserves before the Lunar New Year holidays start on Feb. 6 to help ease price rises, Xinhua said, citing the Commerce Ministry. More than two weeks of snow has bought transport networks to a standstill, killed 15.8 million livestock and caused economic losses of at least 53.8 billion yuan ($7.5 billion).

“Inflation is a big concern,” said Wang Tao, head of Greater China economics and strategy at Bank of America Corp. in Beijing. “Food prices were already on the rise before the storms, and the weather could really have an effect on supplies.”

Heavy snows were expected in eastern and central provinces including Hunan, Jiangxi, Anhui, Jiangsu and Zhejing today, Xinhua said, citing the metrological station. More may follow on Feb. 4 and Feb. 5, the report added.

Top Priority

China’s “top priority is to unclog transportation and to restore the power supply,” President Hu Jintao said in a State Council statement posted on the National Development and Reform Commission Web site.

Coal shortages have led to power cuts in 16 provinces and regions, and already low stockpiles are falling as power is restored in more areas, the statement said.

Producers should boost output “by all means, while ensuring worker safety,” it added. Ports in northern China should also boost coal shipments to power plants in the east and south.
Rail problems are also easing, with the Beijing-Guangzhou and Shanghai-Kunming lines returning to normal, the National Development and Reform Commission said on its Web site.

On Jan. 30, Premier Wen Jiabao personally apologized to passengers at Guangzhou railway station in southern Guangdong province, where disrupted services had stranded more than 200,000 people, the Xinhua reported.

About 12,000 vehicles and 37,000 people were also stranded on the Jingzhu Expressway, which connects the southern cities of Guangzhou and Zhuhai with Beijing, according to Xinhua.

Airports in Hangzhou and Ningbo were closed today, the official news agency said. Freeways were only open for trucks carrying emergency supplies, it added.

Troop Deployment

The government ordered the biggest troop deployment in more than a decade this week to clear ice from roads and keep order at rail stations as workers sought to return home for the most important holiday in the Chinese calendar.

Still, about 11.2 million migrant workers in the southern province of Guangdong, or 60 percent of laborers, have opted to remain in the region for the weeklong holiday, Xinhua cited local officials as saying.

The government also plans to set up a system to ensure that enough grain, poultry, milk and other foodstuffs are supplied from southern China to Hong Kong and Macau, according to a Ministry of Commerce statement today.

Chinese insurance companies have paid 350 million yuan in claims as of Jan. 31, with the total payout expected to reach 3.5 billion yuan, Wu Dingfu, chairman of the China Insurance Regulatory Commission said on Feb. 1.

Izgleda da interes za brodare raste. Platou je u dva dana otvorilo cca 480 posjetitelja. Posebno me raduje povecan interes na ULPL topicu. Ovaj put izvjesce je otvoreno 144 puta. Debelo je premasilo TNPL gdje je otvoren samo 47 puta. ATPL (178) i JDPL (113) standardno dobro. [thumbsup]

Quote Sakai "najvise pali svi osim ATPL"

Jel se usudi netko prognozirat slijedeci tjedan???

Ivo Sanader je otišao jer mu je tako naredio Chuck Norris.

valjda ću uspiti prikačiti ovaj pdf.nikao da uspijem

Jel se usudi netko prognozirat slijedeci tjedan???

Vani stagnacija-korekcija (do -7% osim EXM) u prvom dijelu tjedna, kod nas obrnuto rast prva dva dana, u pon. mali rast BDI-ja, u utorak slaba korekcija…daljnje prognoze sutra

DRYS je imao jaki rast, mnogi će uzimati 40% profita…dok će drugi ulaziti zbog očekivanih kvartalnih rezultata.

Živjeli… (JDPL možda u jednom trenutku probije 700, očekivana cijena 680)

koliko je po vama realna vrijednost Jadroplova,prema fundamentima

673,00 1
660,06 3
660,00 338
659,99 1
657,00 10
655,31 70
655,05 45
655,04 8
654,00 100
652,03 30
679,06 5
680,00 8
683,00 15
685,00 5
689,00 17
696,99 150
697,00 5
698,00 14
699,99 100
700,00 2,345
668,00 150 10:01:01
667,99 5 10:01:01
666,00 15 10:01:01
665,00 29 10:01:01
660,00 142 10:00:00
660,00 3 10:00:00
660,00 3 10:00:00
660,00 20 10:00:00
660,00 33 10:00:00
660,00 21 10:00:00
660,00 31 10:00:00

imamo branu na 700 kn, 2345 kom

673,00 1
660,06 3
660,00 338
659,99 1
657,00 10
655,31 70
655,05 45
655,04 8
654,00 100
652,03 30
679,06 5
680,00 8
683,00 15
685,00 5
689,00 17
696,99 150
697,00 5
698,00 14
699,99 100
700,00 2,345

New Report
