BDI up 82
Može link, meni još nije refreshalo..[proud]
Drys +10.5 % u premarketu!!! Valjda reagiraju na vijest da kinezi kupuju dio u Tintu…
Pre-Market: 76.95 Up 2.52 (3.39%) as of 8:23AM ET on 02/01/08
Drys +10.5 % u premarketu!!! Valjda reagiraju na vijest da kinezi kupuju dio u Tintu…
Pre-Market: 76.20 Up 1.77 (2.38%) as of 8:26AM ET on 02/01/08
je 50 % samo još ne daju u javnost……[lol]
ok,… cijena mu je ta… ja gledam na Ameritradeovom streemingu, tam iše 10.5%…. ako oni lažu, lažem i ja…ježi ga onda[shocked]
danas jedino brodari i ht u kako takom + na zse
na pristojnom volumenu
tko ne vjeruje nek pogleda mostič
pa valjda nam i to daje za pravo da smo sigurni u brodarima, kvargu
Sviđa mi se ovo danas: brodari rastu dok drugo uglavnom pada. također je znakovit i rast na relativno malom prometu. Iskusniji bi to valjda bolje protumačili, moje skromno mišljenje kaže da je to [thumbsup] [wink]
Na brodare regija nema utjecaja, ovdje ima utjecaj dogovor o cijeni željezne rudače (vjerojatan u drugoj polovici drugog mjeseca) i BDI index koji je promijenio trend i u zadnja tri dana skočio je ukupno 8%. Da ne govorimo o cijeni brodarskih dionica na NYSE koje su u zadnjih 10 dana skočile svega 50%. Dobro more želim.
Dow završio u plusu, brodari mješano. Diana -3.22, Drys – 0.19. Kapitaliziranje ili neki drugi razlog?
Upravo primio od gospodina Andreas Pavlakisa. Transkript razgovora vezan za dry bulk. Nisam stigao jos procitati. Dobar tek [thumbsup]
their hand with their inventories and it hasn’t worked as it hasn’t worked in the past.
They were trying to get an advantage in the negotiations with the miners and now their
inventories both on thermal coal as well as coking coal and iron ores, all three are low; in
fact thermal coal is on an 8-day reserve according to Pareto
Ovaj dio je trenutno aktualan. Na CNN-u headline “China wether chaos”. Javljaju o nestašici ugljena a vremenska prognoza im nije obećavajuća budući bi ovo vrijeme moglo potrajati mjesec dana. S obzirom da 78 % svojih potreba za energijom zadovoljavaju ugljenom da li ovo može utjecati na kratkoročni brži rast BDI-a?Posebice, na koje njegove sastavnice (capesizove, panamaxe ili supramaxe)? Dolje je članak na koji sam neki dananaišao.
Market Scan
Problems In Black And White For China
Vivian Wai-yin Kwok, 01.29.08, 2:33 AM ET
HONG KONG – Coal and coal stocks were as hot as China was cold Tuesday, with the country’s power plants and transport networks paralyzed by severe winter weather that has killed 24 people and caused about 22.1 billion yuan ($3.1 billion) in direct economic losses.
China, which generates 78% of its power from coal, has been striving to increase production in the past few years to keep pace with rising demand for electricity that has been fueled by five consecutive years of double-digit percentage economic growth. The biggest snowfall in 50 years has pressured an already stretched coal market, raising heating demand and blocking deliveries.
With the country in the grips of a coal shortage, shares of China Coal Energy, the country’s second-largest coal producer, gained 3.3%, or 70 Hong Kong cents (9 cents), to close Tuesday morning trading at 21.65 Hong Kong dollars ($2.78). It rose 1.2% Monday when Hong Kong’s Hang Seng Index lost 4.3%. (See: ” Shanghai Whiteout Blues”)
At a time when Chinese stocks have ceased their recent relentless climb and several companies have postponed or cancelled initial public offerings, including solar panel equipment maker Solargiga Energy and developer SFK Construction, China Coal priced its Shanghai share offering late Monday night at 16.83 yuan per share ($2.34), the top end of its target range, raising 25.7 billion yuan ($3.6 billion).
China Shenhua, the nation’s No. 1 coal producer, likewise rose 3.3%, or 1.40 Hong Kong dollars (18 cents), to 43.25 Hong Kong dollars ($5.54) on Tuesday morning. ‘s fourth-biggest coal producer Yanzhou Coal Mining surged 4.9%, or 68 Hong Kong cents (8.7cents), to 14.64 Hong Kong dollars ($1.88).
With heavy snow and sleet blanketing central, southern and eastern China in the past week, obstructing major railways and roads, some 7% of China’s coal-fired power plants have been forced off line.
Zhu Hongren, a senior official from the National Development and Reform Commission, said Monday 17 provinces have suffered power shortages and the closure of coal-fired power plants has forced 13 provinces to ration power.
In addition to the weather, coal shipments have also been slowed by rising passenger traffic before the Chinese New Year, when millions of migrant workers flood home.
Less than 25% of the daily demand for coal shipments by rail has been met in the past week, according to the Ministry of Railways.
Premier Wen Jiabao said the government should make ensuring fuel supply a “top priority,” China Daily reported Tuesday.
To ease the urgent coal shortage, the Ministry of Railways increased shipments to 36,000 train carriages a day Saturday, and said it would work closely with power plants in snow-hit areas and increase coal transportation. Meanwhile, the National Development and Reform Commission, has instructed the two largest oil producers, Sinopec and PetroChina (nyse: PTR – news – people ), to ramp up fuel production and distribution to help ease the energy shortage, according to state-run media.