JDPL (Jadroplov d.d.)

Naslovnica Forum Tržište kapitala Hrvatska JDPL (Jadroplov d.d.)

Forum namijenjen svim temama vezanim za dionice, obveznice i druge vrijednosne papire te trgovanje istima u Hrvatskoj.

Ovo sam našao, a u roku 48h kažu da će biti transkript. uglavnom dobre vijesti .
Ovo je post sa jednog drugog foruma:
12:36 DRYS Dry Bulk CEO forum conference call summary (67.75 +5.31) -Update-

Dry Bulk CEO forum conference includes CEO’s from DRYS, QMAR, SBLK and TBSI. Panel says that there has not been any fundamental change in dry bulk business.. Panel states that the best way to play the industry is to invest for the long term, and believes the large correction in the dry bulk sector will reverse itself very shortly... Panel says higher oil is a ‘blessing in disguise’ for industry since they can transport more coal… says a U.S. slowdown would not have a huge effect on the industry... says the weakened dollar makes shifts in trading patterns; see an increase in exports from the U.S (especially coal and ag products); will see increased ton miles as a result of increased exports… seeing steel companies export out of U.S.; says infrastructure is inelastic (once a project starts it can not be stopped); says project business is ‘absolutely booming throughout the world’; says projects are very important to dry bulk shippers… does not expect the subprime credit issues to have a big effect; says the only effect they have seen has been the effect that it has had on their stocks as the whole market is down… says deal announced yesterday (QMAR) shows that the financials are behind dry bulk shippers; huge vote of confidence on industry… notes interest rate cuts have allowed to borrow debt at cheaper rates… Panel states Baltic Dry Index only reflects the spot market and is not a predictor of what the market is likely to do in the future… Believes it has had more of a psychological effect on the market and does not reflect fundamentals… Panel says investors should not use the Baltic Dry Index to draw long-term conclusions, but it can be used for a short-term trading instrument though… Panel says they are ‘extremely optimistic’ looking into 2008… believes fundamentals are good for 2008, 2009, and beyond… says U.S. exporting of coal is some of the highest they have seen… expects India to continue to strengthen but perhaps not on the same level that China is increasing… seeing a delay in ships being sent out from ‘well established’ biggest risks to supply in 201 and 2011; could cause delays. Notes dry bulk stocks trading at 6x their 2008 P/E; tankers trading at 12x; S&P 14x; trucking at 18.6x; airlines at 21.9x; rail at 14x... believes reason is that these stock have not matured in the minds of the U.S. investors… Panel discusses conversion of single tankers into bulk tankers… panel says a lot of them are not going to happen because many ships are getting old. Probably half of what people thought will be converted. And at some point, charters are going to be putting restrictions on the age of ships. Panel notes that profitability is not in jeopardy, and cites that rates in 2008 will surpass what they saw in 2007″


Cijene brodara su porasle. Sutra će biti zanimljiv razgovor na http://www.capitallinkwebcasts.com/2008/ceo_virtual_forum_january/main.html

The Dry Bulk CEO Virtual Forum
Mr. George Economou, Chairman & Chief Executive Officer, DryShips
Mr. Stamatis Molaris, President & Chief Executive Officer, Quintana Maritime
Mr. Akis Tsirigakis , President & Chief Executive Officer, Star Bulk Carriers
Mr. Joseph E. Royce, President & Chief Executive Officer, TBS International

ako budeš slušao , molim te samo kratki info .hvala


BDI je došao do dna slijedi oporavak(nadam se).

25.01. je protrgovano 6.497 komada, kolko se sjećam 4 x 1.000 komada …

evo danas gledam top 10 i ne vidim nikakve promjene … nadam se da ćemo u top 10 uskoro ugledati i 4 HPB fond … (znamo da se jedan skriva na 11. ili 12. mjestu)

I love the Smell of Profits in the Morning

drys +10,15%. Možemo li mi sutra u blokadu? Blokada na 686.

Duboko sumnjam.Previše kočničara.Promet bi morao biti nivoa nekoliko desetaka mil kn bar tjedan dana da oni potroše “municiju”.

BDI index je porastao 5,08%.[thumbsup]

Lijepo je vidit pojačanje na kupnji [lol] [pray]

Evo ga opet. Teško ćemo gore… Nalog na prodaji: 114 po 634 kn [angry]


Ljudi moji oprez sa izjavama. Ja ovo vidim kao spekulaciju. Mislim da je to kocka sa opijom moguceg zakljucenja ugovora sa Kinezima prije Nove godine. Nista se znacajno nije dogodilo (bar da ja znam) sta bi moglo uticati na rast vozarina. Ili se mozda dogodilo pa veliki znaju???

Quote Sakai "najvise pali svi osim ATPL"

Ljudi moji oprez sa izjavama. Ja ovo vidim kao spekulaciju. Mislim da je to kocka sa opijom moguceg zakljucenja ugovora sa Kinezima prije Nove godine. Nista se znacajno nije dogodilo (bar da ja znam) sta bi moglo uticati na rast vozarina. Ili se mozda dogodilo pa veliki znaju???

možda znaju da će se dogoditi, što je dovoljno. što u biti drugo preostaje kinezima?

Nakon početnog optimizma zatišje i rušenje sa par naloga.[undecid][undecid]

Ljudi moji oprez sa izjavama. Ja ovo vidim kao spekulaciju. Mislim da je to kocka sa opijom moguceg zakljucenja ugovora sa Kinezima prije Nove godine. Nista se znacajno nije dogodilo (bar da ja znam) sta bi moglo uticati na rast vozarina. Ili se mozda dogodilo pa veliki znaju???

A što je to bilo značajno da je BDI izgubio pola svoje vrijednosti u zadnja 2 mjeseca? Isto ništa toliko značajno.
Trend će se u jednom trenutku okrenuti, dno je vjerovatno dotaknuto, a ostatak je psihologija.

Evo ga opet. Teško ćemo gore… Nalog na prodaji: 114 po 634 kn [angry]

Kolega, da je veći promet lako bi mi up. Ne može par naloga od cca 60k blokirati let.
Mislim da su investitori trenutno manje zagrijani za ovu dionicu, ali također se nadam da će se trend zaokrenuti, jer kako je krenuo BDI(ako nastavi uzlazni trend) sve više ulagača će početi pratiti dionicu i čekati priliku za ulaz.
A kad krenu ulaziti veliki našoj sreći nikad kraja.

Kad neće na burzi hoće ovdje: www.bux.to/?r=kurtisaa

New Report
