JDPL (Jadroplov d.d.)

Naslovnica Forum Tržište kapitala Hrvatska JDPL (Jadroplov d.d.)

Forum namijenjen svim temama vezanim za dionice, obveznice i druge vrijednosne papire te trgovanje istima u Hrvatskoj.

ok, evo novijih podataka di se vidi koliko su imali ovi pod brojem 5 na datum 5.12. a malo se razlikuju od kolege zvone101 [wink]

Ili današnji:
7. HPB + 100komada

you think your special you do, i can see it in your eyes

Šta ti vrijede BDI i svi pokazatelji kad se ova mafija od fondova igra s nama i onda čekaj mjesecima a svi pokazatelji vrhunski, Hanfa treba reagirati, a ne da se ovi samo prekrcavaju i sve diktiraju. JDPL se bar 30% posto trži ispod fer vrijednosti

Pa ako je to mafija, ti onda budi policajac pa kupuj. Svi bi s tuđim po koprivama…


evo moji podaci od negdje 10 mj. do sada[thumbsup]

Vlasnik računa Stanje [%] Vrsta računa
2. HZMO 111.667 6,82 Zast. račun
3. HRVATSKI FOND ZA PRIVATIZACIJU 43.569 2,66 Osnovni račun
4. PBZ D.D. 42.200 2,58 Skrb. račun
5. SOCIETE GENERALE-SPLITSKA BANKA D.D. 20.778 1,27 Skrb. račun -11333
6. HPB D.D./HPB-INVEST – HPB GLOBAL OIF 18.785 1,15 Skrb. račun +2520
7 HPB D.D. 15.646 0,96 Skrb. račun +5646
8. HPB D.D./HPB-INVEST – HPB DYNAMIC OIF 13.881 0,85 Skrb. račun +3356
9. JADROPLOV D. D. 10.011 0,61 Osnovni račun
10 HPB D.D./HPB-INVEST – HPB DIONICKI OIF 10.000 0,61 Skrb. račun
Ukupno: 80,71

OUT 28.11 FLORIČIĆ KRISTIJAN 10.011 0,61 Osnovni račun

više boli kada drugome raste, nego li kada tebi pada

da skratimo – imamo pritisak velikih prodavatelja + strašljivci i trejderi te zato ne rastemo koliko bi mogli kao i zbog dr. stvari okolo općenito zbog čega je cijela burza pod pritiskom [sealed][sad]

da skratimo – imamo pritisak velikih prodavatelja + strašljivci i trejderi te zato ne rastemo koliko bi mogli kao i zbog dr. stvari okolo općenito zbog čega je cijela burza pod pritiskom [sealed][sad]

Heh, vidim da nista nisi naucio citajuci forum. To je sve radi jeftinijeg dokupa! [tongue]

"Stocks have reached what looks like a permanently high plateau."


da skratimo – imamo pritisak velikih prodavatelja + strašljivci i trejderi te zato ne rastemo koliko bi mogli kao i zbog dr. stvari okolo općenito zbog čega je cijela burza pod pritiskom [sealed][sad]

Heh, vidim da nista nisi naucio citajuci forum. To je sve radi jeftinijeg dokupa! [tongue]

heh, tako izgleda ali nisi u pravu…[tongue]

Dobre vijesti s kontejnerskog tržišta:

FEFC predicts strong 2008 growth
By Jamie Dale – Thursday 6 December 2007

Asia-Europe freight rates will rise by $200 per teu
THE Far Eastern Freight Conference has estimated continued strong growth of 19.3% for its Asia to Europe trade in 2008, but the conference’s westbound rate is expected to increase by $200 per teu.

The FEFC expects westbound trade to North Europe to grow by 18.02% in 2008 and 19% to the west Mediterranean. Meanwhile the strongest growth area is expected for trade to the east Mediterranean and Black Sea, with a growth rate of 25.4%. In the same period, the FEFC expects its capacity to grow by 21.1%.

The conference said that the rate from Asia, excluding Japan, to North Europe/Baltic/Scandinavia and Mediterranean would increase by $200 per teu and $300 per teu from South East Asia. The increases are expected to take effect from January 1, 2008.

At a press conference this week, FEFC chairman Adolf Adrion hit back at criticism received by the conference last year that its estimated 15% growth rate for 2007 was “over optimistic”. He added that its estimate was closer than most others to the actual growth rate of 19.3% in the first nine months of this year.

In the same period, trade to North Europe grew by 18.02% and 21.76% to the Mediterranean.
“It happens quite frequently that cargo trade is underestimated by experts,” said Mr Adrion.

Korea emerged as the dominant country of origin in the period from January to October this year in terms of percentage growth, compared to the previous period.

Its share jumped just over 31%, both to North Europe and the Mediterranean with 234,039 teu and 207,667 teu respectively. However, China retained the top spot in terms of volume, shipping nearly 2.5m teu to North Europe and 1.8m to the Mediterranean.

FEFC chief executive Rod Riseborough said that cargo growth from Korea was substantially outstripping anywhere else in Asia.

The conference chief believes that its diverse pattern of trade, which is not reliant upon a single economy such as the US, will benefit FEFC lines in 2008.

skrbnički Splitske banke je 26.11. (knjiženo u SDA, dakle T+3) prodao oko 4.600 komada. Nakon toga je prodavao manje količine, a posljednjih dana (prikazanih u SDA) nije prodavao ništa.
evo i sličica

ako išta znači TA

Ma ja baš to ne znam, ali po prethodnim objašnjenjima izgleda kao da bi trend trebao biti prema gore. Ali ova situacija sa prodajom pa sad ništa ne znam, ako može pojašnjenje. Hvala

Freight costs will peak in 2008

LONDON 06 December – The chairman of the Baltic Exchange, Michael Drayton, has said that commodity shipping costs will peak in 2008. He spoke of rising freight rates for items such as grain, iron ore and coal gaining this year on continued high demand from India and China…

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