JDPL (Jadroplov d.d.)

Naslovnica Forum Tržište kapitala Hrvatska JDPL (Jadroplov d.d.)

Forum namijenjen svim temama vezanim za dionice, obveznice i druge vrijednosne papire te trgovanje istima u Hrvatskoj.


a sta skace[smiley1]

Malo sam se igrao vrijednošću flote JDPL :

1) Bulić – 50 mil. $
2) Split – 50 mil. $
3) Mosor – 60-65 mil $
4) Trogir – 65 mil $

To je cca min. 220 mil. $.

Koliko bi mogao vrijediti IST?

Molim kolege da ne ne popljuju ukoliko sam negdje pogriješio, moram još puno učiti o ovoj problematici[smiley2]

Hell is Empty and all the Devils are Here

Ajd završi priču … zbroji sve to skupa i podijeli s brojem dionica. Mislim kad si počeo

I love the Smell of Profits in the Morning

fazan: ” Ja bi to na burzu šutnio. IPO ili neka druga inačica. Pa da vidiš kako bi država zaradila. A onda neka kupuju od nas, oni koji je žele preuzeti! ” da je te sreće… IPO mislim da ne može ići pošto se dionicom već trguje na burzi (nisam 100% siguran ali mislim da je tako)

To se zove SPO (secondary public offering).
Imao si na Plivi 1998., ako se dobro sjecam godine. IPO 1996.

220.000.000/ 1.636.674 = 134 baksa. Iliti 700 kn. I još treba IST dodati

Hell is Empty and all the Devils are Here

220.000.000/ 1.636.674 = 134 baksa. Iliti 700 kn. I još treba IST dodati

A Zrin i Pride?
a nekretnine?


220.000.000/ 1.636.674 = 134 baksa. Iliti 700 kn. I još treba IST dodati

A Zrin i Pride?
a nekretnine?

Možda je bolje konačnu cifru ostaviti za sebe[smiley2]

Hell is Empty and all the Devils are Here

A dug, ocu ja njega vracati.
Zezam vas…

OX-Bright, inspiring and easy going. You make an outstanding parent. Shoul merry a Snake or Rooster but not a Sheep

I have a dream……

SOUTH Korea’s STX Pan Ocean saw its share price surge on its debut on the Korean stock exchange today.

The company saw its share price close 19% up on its listing price of Won1,720 ($1.87), finishing the day at Won2,040.

STX Pan Ocean issued 343m new shares at Won1,720 per share in its IPO, raising Won590bn ($628m) which will be invested in new vessels.

The company plans to buy 33 ships worth Won428.3bn between 2007 and 2008, as part of its plan to invest Won2.32trn by 2010 to add 60 new vessels to its fleet.

The company first listed in Singapore in 2005, and the latest IPO had a knock on effect in what will now be considered its secondary market.

The company’s Singapore stock rose10% to S$3.24 after news filtered through of the vigorous trade in its shares in Seoul drove investors to snap up the Singapore shares.

Trading in shares of the South Korean shipping firm was also one of the most active in Singapore, with 9.4m shares being traded.

The company has good reason to see its IPO as fully justified. A week before the listing the company said that in the two years since its initial listing in Singapore, Korean investors had become much more aware of the intrinsic value of the shipping industry and more specifically, the company.

STX PanOcean, Eh, to ti je firma, imaju gotovo 100 brodova, organizacija na vrhuncu, samo im se možemo nakloniti. Neki dan je netko spomenuo izlistavanje ATPL na inozemnoj burzi, ma hajte molim vas. Pa manji njemački brodovlasnik ima 30-ak brodova, pa nije burzi, a da ne pričam o većim, uživajmo u blagodatima naših brodara i napredujmo koliko možemo.[smiley11]

Pessimism Is Your Friend


Evo i stranice, pogledaj samo web site, uvod i poruku CEO, osnovani su 1966, a šta su napravili[smiley15]

Pessimism Is Your Friend

Kad će Jadroplov stopama Atlantske?

New Report
