JDPL (Jadroplov d.d.)

Naslovnica Forum Tržište kapitala Hrvatska JDPL (Jadroplov d.d.)

Forum namijenjen svim temama vezanim za dionice, obveznice i druge vrijednosne papire te trgovanje istima u Hrvatskoj.

Rate($/Day) Change
BCI Average of the T/C routes $12158 (UP 1094)
BPI Average of the T/C routes $7451 (UP 74)
BSI Average of the T/C routes $9722 (UP 68)
BHSI Average of the T/C routes $8111 (UP 8)

smootko, svaka čast !

drastično smanjti doprinose na plaće i drastično smanjiti poreze. samo tako možemo dalje !

Rate($/Day) Change
BCI Average of the T/C routes $14529 (UP 638)
BPI Average of the T/C routes $7905 (UP 146)
BSI Average of the T/C routes $9938 (UP 63)
BHSI Average of the T/C routes $8194 (UP 54)

Rate($/Day) Change
BCI Average of the T/C routes $15025 (UP 496)
BPI Average of the T/C routes $8007 (UP 102)
BSI Average of the T/C routes $9973 (UP 35)
BHSI Average of the T/C routes $8272 (UP 78)

na početku godine bilo je ATPL cca 200 JDPL cca 55 sada je ATPL cca 320 JDPL cca 60….
jel se i vama čini da je nerazmjer prevelik?!

Danas upoznao i razgovarao sa kapetanom iz kompanije nordic tankers.imaju samo 120 tankera.
vlasnik im je investicijski fond triton.

zar smo mi stvarno toliko nesposobni da ne možemo imati jednu kompaniju sličnu ovoj.

evo malo o nordic

Some people get rich studying artificial intelligence. Me, I make money studying natural stupidity

Rate($/Day) Change
BCI Average of the T/C routes $15218 (UP 193)
BPI Average of the T/C routes $8064 (UP 57)
BSI Average of the T/C routes $9979 (UP 6)
BHSI Average of the T/C routes $8309 (UP 37)

ovo je najjača dionica, onaj lik sa 22 komada šta proda po 63 i nešto pa se gura na asku da kupi po 60 i nešto bi triba dobit nagradu za trud i aktivnost na tržištu kapitala, da nije njega otišli bi u posebni režim trgovanja…

Rate($/Day) Change
BCI Average of the T/C routes $14866 (DOWN 352)
BPI Average of the T/C routes $8080 (UP 16)
BSI Average of the T/C routes $9954 (DOWN 25)
BHSI Average of the T/C routes $8342 (UP 33)

Rate($/Day) Change
BCI Average of the T/C routes $13636 (DOWN 1230)
BPI Average of the T/C routes $8086 (UP 6)
BSI Average of the T/C routes $9859 (DOWN 95)
BHSI Average of the T/C routes $8343 (UP 1)

Rate($/Day) Change
BCI Average of the T/C routes $12763 (DOWN 873)
BPI Average of the T/C routes $8050 (DOWN 36)
BSI Average of the T/C routes $9741 (DOWN 118)
BHSI Average of the T/C routes $8335 (DOWN 8)

Rate($/Day) Change
BCI Average of the T/C routes $12737 (DOWN 26)
BPI Average of the T/C routes $8013 (DOWN 37)
BSI Average of the T/C routes $9664 (DOWN 77)
BHSI Average of the T/C routes $8324 (DOWN 11)

New Report
