JDPL (Jadroplov d.d.)

Naslovnica Forum Tržište kapitala Hrvatska JDPL (Jadroplov d.d.)

Forum namijenjen svim temama vezanim za dionice, obveznice i druge vrijednosne papire te trgovanje istima u Hrvatskoj.

smiješan promet…a i cijena

pa čak i ht ima veći rast danas (15:46)

luke, brodovi...

Dobro šta je s BDI, di su ti FFA leveli og Glikosa1, nikako gori a pun sam brodara…i LKPC…

According to a London report issued Aug. 14, dry bulk freight rate index climbed by 2.5% on Friday at Baltic Mercantile and Shipping Exchange, a moderate rise for two consecutive days.

Royal Bank of Scotland (RBS) indicated in its report that China’s bulk commodity import will slow down, and that China’s bulk material import is predicted to drop from record high and slacken afterwards, according to Financial Times, Aug. 17.

Fairtheworld.com believes that, due to many factors, the second-half BDI index is unlikely to continue its Q2 high, and will stay at a relatively low level as China’s demand for bulk commodity slows and freight capacity increases.

China imported a vast amount of iron ores in the second quarter, driving up BDI index to as much as 4,291 points, a record high in 8 months. However, latest observations on China’s port transactions suggested stockpiles in iron ores in most ports. The gobbling-up in the second quarter has led to a high inventory level in iron ores that far exceeds demand.

In addition, China is expected to transfer a large portion of iron ore freight business to India and Brazil as a ramification of the Rio Tinto incident, while reducing shipping volume with India on iron ore.

Ignited by the relationship between China’s coal companies and electricity-generating companies and complicated by the low freight rate of dry bulk shipping amidst the global economic slowdown, China’s electricity- generating enterprises had suspended domestic coal sourcing for a prolonged time. Now with a rebound of freight rate and as coal price hikes, the situation is reversed, damping the pricing power of imported coals.

Although some developed countries like Japan have showed signs of rebound, the momentum remains weak. Demand for iron ore will stay moderate for quite a long time. Furthermore, since developed countries’ infrastructure constructions are not as vibrant as China’s, their demand for iron ore will not offset the fall-back of China’s domestic demand.

In the boom era of the shipping industry prior to the crisis, a lot of new vessels were being built. Many of the completed vessels have to postpone their delivery during the financial crisis, and these freight capacities will be unleashed in the near future, threatening to drive down the freight rate in the entire dry bulk shipping market.


Ovaj tekst nije nagovor na kupnju ili prodaju dionica.

pa gdje su ti silni drukeri

Pa dovoljno je da si ti tu,teško ćeš se ovdje brzo obogatiti,strpljenje-

obožavam strvine-posebno ovce

pa kad će tih 130??
ja bi kupiooooo

strpi se ,vidi u kojem smjeru su veliki odlučil

nece ti ova vise ispod 190,bilo nekoc

hoće hoće jer više nije aktuelna,sad su izgleda svi prešli na ulpl .Kad tamo završe onda opet ovdje prelaze

slabo ima tamo na ulpl ide [yawn]

SVI SU SPAMERI IGNORE !!! D,D(dugoročni dokupljivači)bloger predvodnik :-)strucnjak

strpi se ,vidi u kojem smjeru su veliki odlučil

opet ti….
heheh pa dobar dan kolega…..
di cemo?….

Ivo Sanader je otišao jer mu je tako naredio Chuck Norris.

svaki dan pomalo dole,do nekih novih dobrih vijesti

New Report
