dakle, svi oni registrirani jucer imaju pravo na dokap?
Petak je bio zadnji dan kupnje koji garantira upis 1:1. Mogu samo reći napokon.
super, dakle na 55kom imam pravo upisa 55novih..?
super, dakle na 55kom imam pravo upisa 55novih..?
…upravo tako! upišeš i uz to uplatiš 55000 kn keša i onda čekaš … čekaš …..
Hmmm…jel se isplati upisivati ove dionice po 1000 kuna? Za taj novac mozes dobiti dionicu i na burzi.
ima vremena da ovo bude i na 2000 u trenutku dokapitalizacije..
Hmmm…jel se isplati upisivati ove dionice po 1000 kuna? Za taj novac mozes dobiti dionicu i na burzi.
nekako mi je sve draže što sam dioničar INDG … ipak smo mi malo drukčiji od drugih …
nego kako ste vi to drukciji?
pomalo…[smiley] nego kako ste vi to drukciji?
Evo recimo da mi razmišljamo ovako:
Avoid popular shares, fad industries or anything that is ‘hot’. If you buy whateveryone else is buying you will not enjoy a superior return. If you buy wheneveryone thinks a popular share is cheap, it is probably overvalued, since all thegrowth and good news is in the price. Glamour shares are the same and areoverpriced. This also applies to shares receiving short bursts of enthusiasm. Thebest shares are often odd, uncomfortable, obscure and seem more risky. The best insurance is to check that very little has been written about it for a good while,nor are there recent broker reports. Never follow speculative crazes and often the best time to buy a security is when nobody else wants it.
otkud si to iskopao?
The trend is your friend until the bend
ha ha ha ha dobar …