Zagreb. Der Kampf der MOL und der OMV um Kroatiens Ina wird nun frontal: MOL hat der kroatischen Finanzmarktaufsicht gegenüber angekündigt, den Ina-Aktionären ein Übernahmeangebot stellen zu wollen. Die kroatische Behörde bestätigt den Erhalt des MOL-Schreibens. Die MOL-Aktie wurde in Budapest derweil vom Handel ausgesetzt.
Wie berichtet, plant MOL einen Aktienswap mit Kroatiens Ina, an der sie bereits die Sperrminorität hält. In die Quere kam der MOL in der Vorwoche die OMV, die schriftlich Interesse an dem zum Verkauf anstehenden Ina-Aktienpaketen ankündigte (sieben plus 19 Prozent). Auch OMV wird deswegen von der Finanzmarkatufsicht wohl zu einem Übernahmeangebot aufgefordert werden – auch wenn sie nicht aufgefordert wird, wird die OMV mitbieten, ist in gut informierten Kreisen zu hören. Ebendiese sagen auch, die OMV versuche, via die Ina den ungarischen Ölkonzern finanziell "ausbluten" zu lassen, um ihn selbst leichter übernehmen zu können
OK, vidim da na forumu ima dovoljno znanja da ne moram više drukat i mogu se mirno u brlog povuć ionako su mi svi otišli na godišnji. Pozdrav Twixeru, migecu, bluemanu, stevikrampu, rooster-u, miki i drugima.
Nedajte ljudi da vas levati nitko, ovo s INA-om previše važno da bi nas austrijski, mađerski, ruski međedi i lopine preveslali. Vani je toliko grda situacija i prijeti run na banke velikih proporcija tako da jedino što može radit je energy sektor (Ameri će vjerojatno monetizirat dug). INA nam je jedini as u rukavu i ako ga olako izgubimo, bit će grde.
Danas je zapravo jedina dobra vijest masakr dionica OMV-a i rast MOL-a, nadam se da će to pasti još više.
daj to prevedi, bar ovo boldano, ja sam totalno zaboravio njemački, na svoju sramotu, a učio sam ga u školi
Pa šta da kažem na ovo političko prepucavanje na ovako profesinalnom mjestu !
HDZ ili netko drugi, pa valjda ste već naučili dječice – nikad bolje i neidemo dalje.
A jedino je kolega JAMES KNOX rekao istinu pa mu čestitam za ono " i više puta " jer jedino vas dječice to može spasiti.
A kolegi JAMES-u želim – SVAKA TI DALA !
I nemojte mi kaj zameriti danas nisam analitičar malo sam se opustio !
Zagreb. U borbi je MOL i OMV u Hrvatskoj Ina će sada glavu: MOL, hrvatska financijska tržišta nadzor nad najavio, Ina dioničarima jedna ponuda za preuzimanje učiniti. Hrvatske vlasti potvrdio primitka pismo Mol. U MOL dionice održana je u Budimpešti u međuvremenu suspendiran iz trgovanja.
Kako je izvijestila, MOL planira swap jedne dionice s Hrvatskom, Ina, od kojih je već ima blokiranje manjine. U putu, MOL u prethodnom tjednu OMV, interes na prodaju dionica Ina najavila nadolazećem paketa (sedam plus 19 posto). Također OMV je, dakle, od Finanzmarkatufsicht rezultat u zatraži ponuda za preuzimanje – čak i ako to nije potrebno, OMV ponudu, u dobro informiranim krugovimašto se može čuti reći će da će OMV probati, preko Ina, mađarski naftne grupe financijski "izgubiti" kako bi se čak i lakše za njega da preuzmu MOL
Ukratko znači da će OMV dati ponudu za INU
kako stvari stoje (a stoje odlično) čini mi se da će slijedeći val jednostavno morati kupovati po 3000 + kn. Ili nematrgovine INA-om više… [thumbsup]
najvaznije auch wenn sie nicht aufgefordert wird, wird die OMV mitbieten, ist in gut informierten Kreisen zu hören.
Iako nisu pozvani,OMV ce dati ponudu,cuje se u dobro informiranim krugovima
Big Boss, dobra ti je prevodilica 🙂
Uglavnom, OMV ce dati ponudu, zeli finacijski iscrpiti MOl. Kazu.
TAKO JE! OMV udara na MOL molovim oružjem – podizanjem cijene. Pustit će im na kraju ali će im cijenu zapapriti toliko da će se MOl naći u opasnosti preuzimanja od strane OMV-a (već imaju 20% MOL-a). Za MOL je situacija neizdrživa u svakom slučaju. OMV može pustiti INA-u MOL-u i onda ga tako oslabljenog napasti (skupa s INA-om u vlasništvu). Jedini je "problem" što MOL ima Gazpromovo zaleđe! Mislim, problem… [cool]
Mislim da ljudi zaboravljaju neke stvari u svezi ove dionice. Vlada mišljenje da je MOL najlošija opcija za cijenu dionice.
No čak i u tom slučaju izvjesno je da će se desiti slijedeće stvari.
1) INA će i dalje ostati takeover target, samo ovaj put u okviru MOL-a
2) Dobit će i dalje rasti, ali sada još brže
3) Free float će se znatno smanjiti
U slučaju da MOL preuzme INA-u ne očekujem izlazak velikih investitora prije 4000 kuna, a mirovinaca tek u procesu preuzimanja MOL-a.
4) velika kolicina casha ce doci na ZSE!
tu jednadzbu ostavljam drukerima na dolje da rjesavaju..
broj dionica x cijena pojedine-ajmo reći da 30% INE ide za cash!
nek racunaju sa minimum od 2550kn(nize od toga ne bu bilo), dakle bez OMV-a, bez Rusa i sa najnizom cijenom, tj sa ponderom zadnja 3mj, jer ako ce racunati s realnom cijenom, srce će ih..
[lol] [lol] [lol]
jos jednom..ovo je minimum i najlosija moguca varijanta!! [thumbsup]
14:31:00 MOL + 18,540 0.8% 5 92,700
14:31:00 MOL + 18,535 0.7% 40 741,400
14:31:00 MOL + 18,500 0.5% 20 370,000
14:31:00 MOL + 18,495 0.5% 5 92,475
14:31:00 MOL 18,480 0.4% 12 221,760
14:31:00 MOL 18,480 0.4% 51 942,480
14:31:00 MOL 18,480 0.4% 49 905,520
14:31:00 MOL 18,480 0.4% 48 887,040
14:31:00 MOL 18,480 0.4% 49 905,520
14:31:00 MOL + 18,480 0.4% 10 184,800
ANALYST VIEW – Hungary’s MOL to make public bid on INA to put OMV on the sidelines – KBC
Tuesday, July 15, 2008 11:26:00 AM
Hungarian fuels group MOL announced it is going to make a voluntary bid for all outstanding shares of INA which are currently not held by the government (44.8%) and the company itself (25.0%). Thus, the shares subject to the bid represent 30.2% of INA’s total equity. According to the statement, the government of Croatia and MOL have been continuing negotiations with respect to strengthening their strategic co-operation in the regional energy industry, including the future development and ownership of INA. Although these negotiations are still ongoing, with this public offer MOL intends to limit further speculations on the market.
In KBC’s view, the other reason for the sudden bid is to act quicker than OMV, thus trying to put OMV on the sidelines in the INA race.
2008.07.14 14:40
Hungary MOL to launch public offer for INA shares (2)
According to Croatian law, MOL has 30 days to launch a formal offer at not lower than the three months weighted average price of INA shares (currently at HRK 2,560 per share) with the offer valid for at least 28 days.
“Since the calculated weighted average price of INA shares is way below the current market price, we do not believe that many INA owners would accept a bid at the obligatory minimum price especially as many expects a counter bid from OMV," said Péter Tordai, analyst at KBC Securities, on Tuesday.
He claims his view is “clearly justified" by the intraday movement INA shares on Monday: the stock stood at -8.5% before the MOL announcement but closed the trading at HRK 2,969 (-2.8%), 16.0% higher that the mandatory minimum level of the coming MOL bid.
“The 2.1% fall in MOL share price after the announcement yesterday indicates to us that the market has significant concerns about the price MOL is going to pay and does not view the strategic benefits of the deal," Todai said.
According to Bloomberg, the valuation of INA shares falls to the HRK 1,780-2,960 range with an average of HRK 2,375.
Tordai noted about a week ago that MOL could utilize significant synergies with INA, primarily in downstream co-operation, hydrocarbon exploration and gas utility businesses.
This allows a higher price payable by MOL, up to HRK 2,500-2,700, according to his estimate.
“If OMV enters the game and finally drives up the price of INA to HRK 3,000 per share (to 2008F P/E of 18.7x), and MOL pays this price for the entire 75% package, the Hungarian company overpays INA by ca. HRK 400 per share or USD 660 million. This erodes MOL shareholder value by roughly HUF 900 per share. This is almost fully in the share price, in our view, after MOL dropped by HUF 845 or 4.4% in the past two trading days," the analyst said.
Tordai sees only a moderate chance a more significant overpayment.
“If OMV comes out with a crazy price, MOL will likely consider selling its 25% stake," he said, noting that at the current market price MOL’s 25% stake in INA is worth USD 1.65 bn, versus MOL’s purchase price of USD 500 m.
Koliko ja vidim cijena MOL-a raste. A trebala bi pasti 900 forinti ako misle kupiti INA-u. Jedino logično objašnjenje je da znaju okvirnu cijenu koju nudi OMV 3000 + kn. To bi objasnilo i pad OMV-a danas od preko 3%!! Dakle, OMV će dati ponudu na koju MOL treba odgovoriti sa još većom cijenom. [thumbsup]