INA (INA-Industrija nafte d.d.)

Naslovnica Forum Tržište kapitala Hrvatska INA (INA-Industrija nafte d.d.)

Forum namijenjen svim temama vezanim za dionice, obveznice i druge vrijednosne papire te trgovanje istima u Hrvatskoj.

Mađarski analitičari očekuju mijenjanje 2,25 dionica Mola za jednu dionicu Ine, znaći očekuju da će za cca. 1371,99 kn dobit 2650,00 kn.

Ako su baš toliko zapeli za taj omjer, evo imam ja prijedlog. Napravimo lijepo stock split Inine dionice od jedno 1:3 (ma može i 2:5, nećemo biti prokleti :)), pa onda može taj njihov omjer. [img][/img]

US took freewheeling capitalism to the limits and the wheels came off

– Iznos je tajna (pretpostavka je 20-ak % branitelja će povući lovu) , tako da se ne zna koliko
je dionica već van BF-a …… (cca. 100 000 X soma E )

Također si propustio vijest da je ugrubo upravo taj postotak branitelja koji ti spominješ fond mogao bez problema isplatiti iz novčanih rezervi koje je imao u datom trenutku, bez da proda ijednu jedinu dionicu. Citat iz teksta (link priložen): "Ukratko, ukupno je posrijedi nešto više od 800 milijuna kuna ‘municije’ za isplate koje Fondu HB ne bi stvarale pritisak na rasprodaju dionica." Jel to dosta da pokrije tvojih "cca. 100 000 X soma E"? Ja bih ovako napamet rekao da je taman dosta.

Mada je zanimljivo da iako je iznos isplata državna tajna, ti imaš pretpostavku i ne libiš je se javno iznijeti.

Kako ide ona narodna, pretpostavljati je …. znati, fali mi jedna riječ? [lol]

US took freewheeling capitalism to the limits and the wheels came off

Sanader hitno pozvan na roditeljski sastanak u Austriju. [img][/img]

US took freewheeling capitalism to the limits and the wheels came off

Konačnu riječ o zamjeni ima Sabor

U razgovorima s predstavnicima mađarskog MOL-a o redefiniranju dioničarskog ugovora kao jedna od mogućnosti pojavila se i ideja o zamjeni dionica Ine i MOL-a, a ni potencijalna mogućnost zamjene dionica ili moguća prodaja 19 posto dionica Ine ne mogu se provesti bez rasprave i prethodne suglasnosti Hrvatskog sabora, izjavio je danas visoki vladin izvor.

Predstavnici hrvatske Vlade i Ininog strateškog partnera, mađarskog MOL-a već četiri mjeseca razgovaraju o redefiniranju dioničarskog ugovora.

Dva su bitna razloga za to – samim ugovorom predviđeno je da se on redefinira kada Vladin udio u Ini padne ispod 50 posto, a u listopadu ove godine istječe petogodišnji rok u kojem MOL ne može raspolagati dionicama Ine koje ima u vlasništvu bez suglasnosti Vlade.

Jedan od naših prvih zahtjeva kada se krenulo u te razgovore je da i u sljedećem razdoblju od tri, pet, deset ili više godina MOL ne može raspolagati dionicama Ine, a da nas ništa ne pita, kažu Vladini izvori.

Nema daljnje prodaje, eventualne zamjene dionica bez da Hrvatski sabor o tome raspravlja i to prihvati, poručuju iz Banskih dvora, podsjećajući da je Zakon donesen 2002. i da je njime također predviđeno da država u svom vlasništvu zadrži najmanje 25 posto plus jednu dionicu Ine do ulaska u EU. Vladin izvor ističe i da će odluka o tome da li će se eventualno ići u prodaju ili zamjenu dionica ovisiti o procjeni vrijednosti dionica, o mogućem omjeru zamjene dionica, i mogućim koristima u tim slučajevima.

Najavljuje kako je moguće da Vlada uskoro angažira financijske stručnjake za procjenu vrijednosti, te procjenjuje kako bi razgovori s MOL-om mogli trajati još najmanje dva mjeseca.,19731.html

INA Refineries

One of the most important criteria in the selection of a buyer will be the attitude towards the existing INA refineries at Sisak and Urinje near Rijeka. Considering that the Russians have a virtually unlimited source of oil, it is logical to expect that these two refineries will be more than necessary for the processing of oil products to be distributed on the markets in the Balkans. However, the reigning belief is the Rosneft will not be interested in financing INA’s continued research of oil and gas sources abroad, except in Syria, and that the current research in Africa will be brought to an end. Rosneft will certainly not significantly contribute to the modernization and technological advancement of the company, considering that they themselves do not possess the most modern technology. However, this company, when compared to its rivals, is more socially sensitive, has understanding for workers’ rights and problems with surplus workers, and is concerned for employee welfare. Some would claim that Rosneft has not yet become a soulless Western-style capitalist company.

OMV is also a very acceptable strategic partner for many reasons. The Austrians, like the Russians, are very interested in the continued use of the two INA refineries, considering that the nearest OMV refinery is located near Vienna. Which is why the refineries at Sisak and Urinje are essential for covering their southern market. OMV is also a desirable partner because it has its own market, is capable of quickly implementing new Western operating standards and the most modern technology. There have been warnings, however, that OMV, in their implementation of Western standards, could be substantially less sensitive than Rosneft

When the parliamentary victors replaced the HDZ administration in INA following the 2000 elections, the largest Croatian company was virtually on the brink of bankruptcy. The balance was catastrophic: total losses surpassed 3.6 billion kuna, and the base capital fell from 9 to 4.5 billion kuna.

. …..večer R

– Za taj period o kojem govorite (1.3. – 1.6.) , a iz podataka koje ste predočili je vidljivo
da je razlika cca. 150 mil. ( i sitno ) …. [smiley]

– Jasno je , kako to nije baš taj "nominalni" iznos povučen iz OIF-a , ali to se nikako ne
može računati jednadžbom u kojoj je Crobex ….

– Ako je isplata bila moguća iz "rezervi" BF-a , zažto su onda mimo burze rađene transakcije sa
MF -ovima , a koje su transparentne i vidljivo je čime se trgovalo ….. (mislim kako nije
zadnjih dana tako trgovano Pounjem … [smiley] )

– A što se tiče konkretnog iznosa , on je jasno pretpostavka …. , svatko na osnovu neke
(ili nekih) informacije (ponekad i krivo kao u vašem postu) stvara neku svoju projekciju [smiley]

– Ma nije to ništa strašno ….. , sve je stvar percepcije (bolje ili lošije) [smiley]

. Dr M Wagner

Quick turnaround

All this has acted to virtually overnight turn INA into a desirable partner for large European companies. INA was transformed from a loser into a perspective and profitable company, and as such, these three large European companies are waging a difficult battle in the sale of the first tranche of its shares. The Russian, Austrian and Hungarian government have also gotten involved in this battle.

INA at 5-mth high on hopes of MOL/OMV stake battle

INA shares rose 5 percent to 2,720 kuna after gaining as much as 7 percent in the session. Zagreb’s main Crobex index.CROBEX was up 1.3 percent.

Croatia’s government owns 44 percent of INA, after listing 17 percent of INA in Zagreb and London and distributing 14 percent to war veterans and INA employees.

Croatian business daily Poslovni Dnevnik reported on Monday that OMV was also interested in buying the 14 percent stake which the government would swap with MOL, which already has a quarter of INA shares and which itself is a bid target for OMV.

The paper also reported OMV was also considering making a bid for the 7 percent of INA that has been distributed to war veterans.

A share swap would help MOL boost its stake without spending cash and would put shares in another set of friendly hands as it seeks to fend off OMV’s unfriendly approaches. It has already parked its stock in a series of lending agreements with friendly banks and Czech utility CEZ.

Mol and INA in talks over share exchange

Mol said the deal would allow the company to consolidate its position in the south-east European and Mediterranean regions. “We want to expand our downstream presence in Italy and they have very good upstream supplies,” the company said. Mol added that while no final decision had been taken over the deal with INA, management were keen on the plan.

Mol has been criticised by some shareholders. They claim the company has been parking stock with supportive shareholders, including CEZ, the Czech electricity generator, the Oman Oil Company and the Hungarian banks OTP and MFB, in a bid to prevent OMV from acquiring a controlling interest in the company.

Critics claim Mol’s management controls up to 40 per cent of its own stock through such supportive shareholders.

Mol’s chairman, has in the past said that a holding in Mol by a foreign government would be unwelcome. “The Hungarian government and our supervisory board do not want another government to have influence on Mol,” he said last year.

Lukoil withdraws interest in INA

Lukoil, Russia’s largest oil company, has written to INA announcing that it is withdrawing from the due diligence process that is underway at the Croatian oil company. The news was confirmed by INA’s press office.

Since the beginning of the due diligence process in August, Edison Gas has also pulled out and only Austria’s OMV, Hungary’s MOL and Russia’s Rosneft remain in competition to be INA’s strategic partner.

As the government announced that at least three companies had to be in the final selection round, the total privatisation could be doomed to failure. INA CEO Tomislav Dragicevic said months ago in an interview for Bank magazine that it was possible that OMV and MOL would put in a joint bid for the company.

Rumours are abounding that, if Rosneft won the competition, Croatian shipyards could find themselves building 200 ships for Russia’s commercial fleet over the next ten years. This would see the shipyards working at full capacity after drinking billions of kunas in subsidies recently.

Sanader hitno pozvan na roditeljski sastanak u Austriju. [img][/img]

Oglasili se Lukoil i OMV što je dobra vijest za male dioničare…dok se oni nadmeću trend je pozitivan… [thumbsup]

. …..večer R

– Za taj period o kojem govorite (1.3. – 1.6.) , a iz podataka koje ste predočili je vidljivo
da je razlika cca. 150 mil. ( i sitno ) …. [smiley]

– Jasno je , kako to nije baš taj "nominalni" iznos povučen iz OIF-a , ali to se nikako ne
može računati jednadžbom u kojoj je Crobex ….

– Ako je isplata bila moguća iz "rezervi" BF-a , zažto su onda mimo burze rađene transakcije sa
MF -ovima , a koje su transparentne i vidljivo je čime se trgovalo ….. (mislim kako nije
zadnjih dana tako trgovano Pounjem … [smiley] )

– A što se tiče konkretnog iznosa , on je jasno pretpostavka …. , svatko na osnovu neke
(ili nekih) informacije (ponekad i krivo kao u vašem postu) stvara neku svoju projekciju [smiley]

– Ma nije to ništa strašno ….. , sve je stvar percepcije (bolje ili lošije) [smiley]

. Dr M Wagner

Ako je i bilo isplate, ona nije ni približno katastrofična kao što bi se dalo naslutiti iz tvog javljanja. Također, spomenuo sam da je procjena na odnosu pada crobexa u navedeno vrijeme gruba, ali ostajem pri tome da je dovoljno točna za ovu analizu (u oba slučaja se radi o padu od cca 14%). Mogli su malo prodati, ali su bome mogli malo i kupiti, nebitno…

A sad bih predložio da proanaliziramo vrlo zanimljivi materijal koji nam je matrix90 ljubazno pronašao i iskopirao, jer mislim da je trenutno daleko zanimljivija tematika od BF-a.

Također, nema potrebe za persiranjem, jer…


US took freewheeling capitalism to the limits and the wheels came off


i kaj sad? oce nas puckoskolac u Bec ili Budimpeštu na koljenima?

Ideje naše benzin Vaš!

Hungary MOL to expand Ukraine pipe with EUR 194 m investment

Wednesday, 23, May 2007 12:21:00 PM

Hungarian oil and gas group MOL has announced on Wednesday that it plans a expansion of a gas pipeline towards Ukraine, which would cost HUF 48 billion (EUR 193.66 m). The announcement comes after a report in the local press that MOL was considering to increase the throughput capacity of the Hungarian section of the “Brotherhood" natural gas pipeline, on which Hungary imports gas from Ukraine, to meet growing demand in peak periods and supply strategic gas facilities.

MOL said the 100-km gas pipeline expansion was to be completed by 2010, and stressed that the intention was to serve domestic needs, not to provide an alternative to either the Nabucco pipeline, on which gas is delivered from Central Asia to Europe, or the Blue Stream pipeline, on which Russian gas is delivered to Europe bypassing Ukraine.

Broadsheet Népszabadság reported today that the new pipeline, which would run parallel to an existing pipeline connecting near the Hungarian-Ukraine border, could have a peak capacity of 10 billion cubic metres a year.

Experts say the expansion is necessary for the company to fill a large strategic gas storage facility it is building by 2010. According to MOL communication director Dóra Somlyai, none of the alternative plans – Nabucco, Blue Stream or the LNG terminal to be built on the northern Adriatic island of Krk, would be completed by the date. She estimates their completion not before 2015.

While additional domestic demand will be 2-3 billion cubic metres a year by the end of the decade, the new pipeline could have a capacity of as much as 10 billion cubic metres annually, but Somlyai said they would normally deliver less than the top capacity.

Hungary’s annual gas consumption is about 14 bn cubic metres, 80% of which comes from imports, and 70% of which comes from imports from Russia.

Čini mi se da je u pozadini bitka za dominaciju u plinu, a nafta je iako vrlo bitna za sada u drugom planu

U prostornom planu i Energetskoj strategiji Hrvatske imati ćemo još 2 LNG terminala. Jedan u Pločama a drugi kod Rogoznice. Sasvim dovoljno za, u slučaju potrebe, plinsko otcjepljenje Srednje i Istočne Europe od Rusije.

Prvih 10 računa s najvećom količinom vrijednosnog papira

Vrijednosni papir Moguće vrijednosti

* Važeći podaci za uredovni dan 07.07.2008 .


Vlasnik računa Stanje [%] Vrsta računa
3. SOCIETE GENERALE-SPLITSKA BANKA D.D. 700.000 7,00 Skrb. račun
5. ZAGREBAČKA BANKA D.D./CITIBANK N.A. 112.885 1,13 Skrb. račun

8. PBZ D.D. 35.420 0,35 Skrb. račun
9. ZAGREBAČKA BANKA D.D. 32.330 0,32 Skrb. račun
10. ZAGREBAČKA BANKA D.D. 26.608 0,27 Skrb. račun
Ukupno: 82,59

novac na burzi nikad nije izgubljen, promijenio je vlasnika!

Mislim da vi svi podcjenjujete prof. dr. mr. Ivu Sanadera koji očito dobro igra na svim frontovima i istinski se bori da što više dobije za INU. Dok su bili izbori ja sam bio na strani Ljube Jurčića i svi su me na forumu kritizirali. A evo, sad sam se okrenuo jer vidim da Sanader dobro radi.

New Report
