Inu možeš upisati i bez vlastitog novca, dovoljno je koristiti kredit banke.
Pa onda svoje nofčeke možeš koristiti za vlakove na drugim dionicama koji u tom slučaju neće proći neće proći.
Kad se već netko boji da će nešto proći kraj njega zbog nedostatka love koju bi utukao u Inu.
Za invalide na mozgu da ponovim.
Inu možeš upisati i bez vlastitog novca, dovoljno je koristiti kredit banke.
Pa onda svoje nofčeke možeš koristiti za vlakove na drugim dionicama koji u tom slučaju neće proći neće proći.
Kad se već netko boji da će nešto proći kraj njega zbog nedostatka love koju bi utukao u Inu.
Meni se čini da će u vrijeme IPO-a INE pored nas proći samo korekcija.[smiley2][smiley2][smiley2]
Za invalide na mozgu da ponovim.
Inu možeš upisati i bez vlastitog novca, dovoljno je koristiti kredit banke.
Pa onda svoje nofčeke možeš koristiti za vlakove na drugim dionicama koji u tom slučaju neće proći neće proći.
Kad se već netko boji da će nešto proći kraj njega zbog nedostatka love koju bi utukao u Inu.
Alo grilzi, jel ti to mene nazivas invalidom na mozgu (bez obzira sto to znacilo, ne zvuci mi ugodno)?! A kad smo kod kredita banke koja to banka vec sada nudi namjenski kredit za kupovinu INE?
Što znači da je agent u prodaji Ine RBA?
Da li to znači da su oni jedini broker koji će raditi transakcije?
Ako je tako, ne vidim da se ostale brokerske kuće bune.
A kad smo kod kredita banke koja to banka vec sada nudi namjenski kredit za kupovinu INE? Pozdrav
imate gotovinski kredit ili margin kolega
Cijela ova priča oko INA-e je postala uistinu sramotna. Htjeli bi da prvo platiš dionice, a naknadno će ti oni reći po kojoj si ih cijeni kupio. I što je najgore u ovoj tragikomičnoj priči onda još Šuker ide za TV izjavljivati kako će sve biti napravljeno transparentno i onako kako se i ubuduće treba raditi…[smiley13][smiley13]
nathan47: ” A kad smo kod kredita banke koja to banka vec sada nudi namjenski kredit za kupovinu INE? Pozdrav ” imate gotovinski kredit ili margin kolega
A vi ne kuzite poantu kolega, teorija kolege grizlija je da uz kredit za Inu ne moras propustiti druge vlakove, ali ako vec uzimas gotovinski kredit ili margin svejedno ga mozes ukucati u te vlakove koji ce mozda biti bolji od Ine…. zato dok banke ne ponude kredite uz 5 posto kamata namijenjene kupovini Ine i otplati na 5 godina do tada na citavu situaciju mozemo promatrati iz perspektive ili/ili
Moj savjet Vam je da sami odlučite što ćete da ne bi poslije lupali glavom u zid……pa sada kredit,cash ili preskočiti INU odlučite sami.Ako budu tražili pare pa će tada odlučiti cijenu,mene će preskočiti
Evo kako bi mogao biti proveden IPO INAe (citiram papa štrumfa sa forum.hr)
The Dutch auction
As a result of this chicanery, several companies that have IPO’ed in the recent past have elected to sell by Dutch auction, including Overstock.com (Nasdaq: OSTK), RedEnvelope (Nasdaq: REDE), and now Google. Overstock’s CEO, Patrick Byrne, notes with some satisfaction that Google’s decision to go the Dutch route “could be the thing that breaks a sleazy Wall Street system.” Our 2002 coverage of the Overstock IPO — a company that went on very quickly to become a TMF Select and then Hidden Gems recommendation, offers a good view into some of the more recent Dutch auction IPOs.
A Dutch auction curtails or removes the ability of the investment bank to influence the opening price of the shares and its ability to allocate IPO shares at all. It’s share democracy at its finest. If you’re willing to name an insane price for shares in a Dutch auction IPO, you’re going to get ’em. (It should be noted here, though, that Google reserves the right to have “speculative bids” nulled, but the company doesn’t define what that means. What’s in question is the price you’ll pay — which isn’t necessarily the one you commit to paying.)
What you (and everyone who gets shares) will end up paying is the price that the last person past the post has bid. Generically, if there are 1 million shares available, it will work like this:
Investor Bid Amount/share # of Shares Shares Remaining
A $10,000 1000 999,000
B $100 250,000 749,000
C $30.42 100,000 649,000
D $29 550,000 99,000
E $25 100,000 -1000
F $24.99 50,000 0
And so on.
It’s important to note that no one who has bid can see anyone else’s bid. So once the auction has closed, the shares are all allocated. As you can see, the lowest bidder for whom shares were remaining was Investor E, who offered to buy 100,000 shares at $25 apiece. Every investor who bid higher than Investor E is thus guaranteed shares, but they get them not at the price they bid, but at the one that Investor E bid, $25. So even though Investor A, clearly a delusional soul, offered to spend $10 million for 1000 shares, she will only have to pay $25,000 — Investor E’s price times 1,000 shares. In exchange for this phenomenal cosmic power, Investor E runs the risk of not receiving as many shares as he bid. In this case, though Investor E bid on 100,000 shares, there were only 99,000 left once all of the higher bidders’ orders had been filled, so he only gets 99,000.
And what of Investor F, whose bid came in only a penny per share below Investor E’s? You guessed it — neither she nor anyone else with lower bids gets any shares at all in the IPO, and will have to buy them on the open market once they start trading. The total capital raise for the company, gross of fees, is $25 million.
There’s one more catch to Google’s IPO. At management’s discretion, once the bidding is done, it has the right to adjust down the price that successful bidders are required to pay. Let’s just say that management thinks that $25 per share is just kooky. It can say “OK, bidders, your price is actually $17.” This only goes for the successful bidders though — Investor F, even though her bid is now $7.99 higher than the price paid, is still out of luck. To pay you must first win.
ovo mi se čini fer način jer ovako nebi moglo biti nekih navlačenja ukoliko se zbilja nemogu vidjeti ostali bidovi (što je i poanta cijele priče).