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Surgut may be listed in the shareholder register of Hungary’s MOL
April 6, 2010, 10:30 am
Russia’s state-owned Surgutneftegaz may be listed on shareholder register of Hungarian fuels group MOL, Bloomberg reported, citing a Russian investment company.
Surgutneftegaz has disclosed the information necessary to be listed on the shareholder register of MOL to the Hungarian Energy Ministry, Bloomberg said.
Surgut was banned from participating in MOL’s AGM in 2009 as it was not acknowledged as a shareholder in MOL’s register. The move requires approval by the Hungarian Energy Office, but due to the size of the package Surgut acquired from OMV, the authority put questions to the Russian company which it did not receive responses for.
Local press reported last week that Surgut later satisfied the HEO’s inquiry, implying that this way it will be able to attend MOL’s 29 April AGM.
Lajos Mészáros, analyst at KBC Securities, said he sees two direct implications for MOL if Surgut is in fact listed in MOL’s shareholder register.
* Surgutneftegaz will be able to place representatives on the Management Board of MOL and utilize its voting rights. (The voting cap still limits this at 10%, the analyst reminded.);
* the two companies can start discussions on strategic issues like potential crude deliveries for MOL refineries from Surgut.
"We rather suggest not reading too much into the news as MOL has proved already that she has many tools to defend herself against any kind of unfriendly takeover attempt. At the current stage we envisage neutral trading impact," Mészáros concluded.
al da probam objasniti ovima što misle da benzin curi iz pipe u skračenom obliku
da bi se došlo do nafte treba napraviti slijedeće korake
1. scauting
2. uzimanje koncesije u najam ako je interesantna
3. pred istražana faza
4. snimanje seizmike i obrada iste
5. analiza dobivenih podataka i traženje perspektivnih ležišta
6. lociranje bušotoina i bušenje istih
7. razrada ležišta ukoliko su pozitivna, ukoliko nisu papala maca lovu
8. proizvodnja
9. distribucija
i tek onda benzin na pumpi i to još da je džabe
e neće ići ekipa [rolleyes]
a da sve one stavke nešto koštaju
Isto tako se može u tih 9 ili više točaka opisati i proizvodnja pedala za bicikle, grincajga, suncobrana….
problem je nešto drugačiji, a čine ga i neodgovorni djelatnici…..
Imao sam priliku pregledati inbox (outbox) više uposlenika INE, 99% su vicevi i slični sadržaji…
Od današnjih vijesti, izdvaja se članak objavljen u jednom poslovnom listu o tome da je Ina (ZSE:INA-R-A) ponudila naftnoj kompaniji NIS istražne blokove u Egiptu i Namibiji, jer joj za nastavak istraživanja nedostaje novac. Već ranije Ina je NIS-u ponudila i istražni blok Aphamya u Siriji.
"Otprije nam je poznato da Ini nedostaje novca, no ova vijest govori nam da njezini problemi s likvidnošću eskaliraju", ocjenjuje Vorkapić.
joj dječice moja ajte žgance papat ako će mo ozbiljno razgovarat možemo a ako će mo lupat gluposti toga imam dosta oko sebe
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evo tu vam je link pa čitajte kako se dolazi do nafte i kroz koje se faze prolazi i di su problemi
kupit i preprodat na burzi zna svaki papak
a ako je kod janeza jeftinje brate sjedni u auto do brežica pa puni
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evo kako će te jaca spasiti [lol]
nema ona za staklenku pekmeza a kamoli argumente za pregovaranje
Proizvodnja raste, cijena dionice pada….Tako treba – da se ne urekne ZSE!
Eni starts production on the Italian section of the ”Annamaria” field, off the Marche coast
The "Annamaria" field extends between Italy and Croatia and it is the first cross-border field to be put into production in the Adriatic.
R ome , 06 April 2010 – Eni has announced the start-up of production on its offshore gas platform “Annamaria B‘ in the A.C11.AG concession (eni operator 90%, Ligestra 10%).
Production today is approximately 800,000 cubic metres per day, but will reach about 1.2 million cubic metres a day (equivalent to 7500 barrels of oil) when it is running regularly. The gas is transported via an underwater pipeline to the Fano treatment plant, roughly 70 kilometres away, to be fed into the national distribution network.
The confirmed reserves of gas produced at the field, plus estimated reserves, total approximately 10 billion cubic metres (equivalent to about 64 million barrels of oil).
The “Annamaria‘ field extends between Italy and Croatia, 60 kilometres from the coast and at a depth of about 60 metres. It is the first cross-border field to be put into production in the Adriatic, and the unitization and joint development agreement was approved by the Croatian and Italian governments in July 2009.
The twin “Annamaria A" platform in the field, located in Croatian waters, is already operational and run by InAgip (a joint venture between INA and eni), producing roughly 800,000 cubic metres per day.
Annamaria, the most important gas field to be put into production since 1998, was fully developed by Italian and Croatian companies with orders for a total of approximately €420 million.
The platforms were built by a consortium consisting of Rosetti Marino, Saipem Energy Services and Intermare Sarda in the Italian yards; Marina di Ravenna and Arbatax, and the Rijeka yard in Croatia.
In Italy, Eni produces a total of approximately 242,000 barrels of oil equivalent per day
Proizvodnja raste, cijena dionice pada….Tako treba – da se ne urekne ZSE!
The “Annamaria‘ field extends between Italy and Croatia, 60 kilometres from the coast and at a depth of about 60 metres. It is the first cross-border field to be put into production in the Adriatic, and the unitization and joint development agreement was approved by the Croatian and Italian governments in July 2009.
Ovaj "Ugovor zajedničkoj realizaciji" nigsje ne mogu pronaći kao da se radi o državnoj tajni.
Navodno, budući da su Annamaria A i B isto plinsko ležište proizvodnje se zbrajaju i onda dijele popola! To bi onda značilo da se Ini povećala proizvodnja za 400.000m3 dnevno.
Da li znaš koliki je udio etana u smjesi i tko ga izvlači van i gdje?
Proizvodnja raste, cijena dionice pada….Tako treba – da se ne urekne ZSE!
The “Annamaria‘ field extends between Italy and Croatia, 60 kilometres from the coast and at a depth of about 60 metres. It is the first cross-border field to be put into production in the Adriatic, and the unitization and joint development agreement was approved by the Croatian and Italian governments in July 2009.
Ovaj "Ugovor zajedničkoj realizaciji" nigsje ne mogu pronaći kao da se radi o državnoj tajni.
Navodno, budući da su Annamaria A i B isto plinsko ležište proizvodnje se zbrajaju i onda dijele popola! To bi onda značilo da se Ini povećala proizvodnja za 400.000m3 dnevno.
Plan i program njegove razrade, sklopljen između Ine i ENI -ja, predviđa da 51,5 posto
proizvodnje na polju Annamaria pripadne INAgipu, a 48,5 posto ENI -ju.
Dakle nije 400 nego dodatnih oko 200.000m3 plina dnevno. Ako nešto nije mjenjano u Ugovoru.